Kashrut: Dairy/Meat: Waiting between Eating: Neutral/Pareve D or DE after Meat

If you can definitively ascertain that a food is or is not dairy from the ingredient list, you may rely on it.
However, many food additives or ingredients that are dairy do not contain the word “milk" or “dairy” (for example, dairy-based flavorings or dairy derivatives such as whey or casein/sodium caseinate).
Situation Neutral/pareve food marked “D” or “DE” (“dairy equipment”) has no dairy ingredients (or the dairy ingredients constitute less than 1/60 of the food's volume.)
Note This does not get measured by weight.
What To Do You may eat the food:
  • Immediately after eating meat foods, but
  • Not together with the meat food.
Situation Genuine dairy constitutes more than 1/60th of the volume of the processed food.
What To Do You may not eat the food with, or immediately after, the meat food.