var definitions = {"1":"lit., Until he doesn't know; the commandment to get somewhat drunk on Purim until one doesn't know the difference between \"Cursed is Haman\" and \"Blessed is Mordechai\" means that one's essence should be on a high enough spiritual level that, even when one's mind is impaired by alcohol, one can see God's hand in the actions of both the evil Haman and the good Mordechai","5":"First man; Adam","8":"lit., My master; name for God","9":"lit., Dessert; piece of matza that represents the Passover lamb offering, eaten to conclude the seder","10":"lit., Going up to 1) the bima during the reading of the Torah or 2) live in Israel","12":"lit., Rising up of the dawn; daybreak, when light is first seen on the eastern horizon","14":"lit., Cubit; measure, representing the length of an adult's forearm, of 21 1\/2 to 24 inches (depending on the application), equal to 6 tefachim","18":"Nation descended from Esau\/Esav who seek to annihilate the Jewish people","20":"lit., Confirmed, so be it; word signifying agreement to someone else's blessing","23":"lit., Standing; main series of prayers in each prayer service; said standing","26":"lit., Poor person; person who does not have enough money to exist","27":"lit., Men of the Great Assembly, aka Sanhedrin, headed initially by Ezra the Scribe. Operating during the Second Temple period, this group of sages decided legal matters, wrote the amida prayer, and created extra rules (fences) to protect mitzva observance","32":"lit., willows; part of lulav","33":"lit., Box, closet; housing for the Torah scrolls in a synagogue; also, a coffin","35":"lit., Make for yourself a rabbi; find a rabbi who you can learn from","36":"lit., Of Ashkenaz (Germany); pertaining to Jewish communities originating in northern Europe or to their customs","37":"lit., Forbidden to be enjoyed; something from which Jews may not derive any benefit or use","39":"a groom's aliya to the Torah the Shabbat before his wedding","40":"1) Fifth Jewish month","41":"lit., Head form of creative activity; category heading for each of the 39 types of creative activity (melacha) that are forbidden on Shabbat","43":"Mourning","46":"Mourner","51":"lit., Limb from the living animal; the Torah prohibition for Jews and non-Jews to take and eat a limb from an animal while it is still alive","53":"Our forefather Abraham","54":"lit., Service read on Yom Kippur recalling the Yom Kippur service done by the High Priest.","55":"idol worship","56":"lit., Evil eye; means wishing evil on someone","61":"see Kabbalist","62":"lit., Master or owner of reading; person who reads the Torah at a prayer service: Ba'al koreh","63":"lit., Master or owner of prayer; person who leads a prayer service, see Chazan","67":"lit., Master or owner of returning\/repentance; someone not brought up religiously observant who now follows Jewish law","71":"lit., Don't destroy; it is forbidden to waste anything that has a use but we may use anything for a purpose","75":"lit., In the desert; fourth book of Jewish Bible","76":"lit., Son of commandment; boy who has turned 13 years old and is now obligated to observe Jewish commandments","78":"lit., Bless; 13th step of Passover seder","79":"lit., Base; an object that has become muktza by being under another muktza item","81":"lit., Daughter of commandment; girl who has turned 12 years old and is now obligated to observe Jewish commandments","83":"lit., Nullified by the majority; smaller amount of non-kosher food nullified by being in a larger amount of kosher food","86":"lit., Nullified in 60; a problematic food's being nullified by constituting less than 1\/60th of the total volume and, functionally, means that no taste remains from the original substance","89":"lit., House; a name for the box of the head or arm tefilin","90":"lit., After the fact or action; something halachically questionable that may receive a lenient ruling since it has already happened and was without initial intent","98":"lit., First-born male; a Jewish first-born son or Jewish-owned first-born male sheep, goat, cow, or donkey, who\/which must be redeemed","103":"lit., checking; Often refers to any internal examination of vaginal area to determine if menstruation has stopped.","104":"lit., Search for chametz; special candle-light search for chametz in the home the night before Passover","107":"lit., Man's clothes; prohibition of women's wearing men's clothing","108":"lit., Animal or domestic animal; kosher ruminant animals, e.g., cows, sheep, goats, etc.","116":"lit., Between man and his friend; civil laws or rules governing interpersonal behavior","118":"lit., Between the suns; dusk--from sunset until the stars are visible, when it is not clear whether it is day or night","122":"lit., (size of an) Egg","126":"lit., In the beginning; first book in Jewish Bible","127":"lit. With appetite; Hearty appetite!","130":"lit., spices","131":"lit., House of judgment (or House of Jewish law); group of (usually) three rabbis who judge Jewish legal cases (effectively, a Jewish law court) or preside over someone's conversion to Judaism","132":"lit., House of study; building for Torah study","134":"lit., Visiting the sick","135":"lit, First; first fruits","136":"Platform in synagogue from which the Torah is read publicly and from which the prayer leader leads the prayer service","138":"lit., Blessings of; see bracha","139":"Blessings said over doing a commandment","140":"Blessings said over enjoyment of something","141":"lit., Blessings of dawn; early segment of Shacharit","143":"lit., Rabbis' birkat ha'mazon; Requirement to say birkat ha'mazon after eating 1.3 fl. oz. of food, even if you are not satiated","145":"lit., Cooking of idol-worshippers; \"prestigious\" food that has been cooked only by non-Jews","146":"lit., annul","147":"lit., burning","148":"sheet of metal","149":"lit., Building; a melacha forbidden on Shabbat","150":"lit., Selecting; selecting desired food from associated non-food or undesired food, or selecting non-food or undesired food from desired food","151":"Jewish town famous for Jewish sages at time of the Romans","152":"lit., Blessing; usually, a short prayer thanking God or acknowledging His beneficence throughout everyday life as well as to mark holy, special, or sublime events; said before or after doing an activity or experiencing something","155":"lit., Last blessing; after-blessing made after eating food","156":"lit., Blessing made in vain","160":"lit., First blessing; fore-blessing made over food","161":"lit., Covenant of circumcision; circumcision","164":"whole creature","166":"Land of Israel before the Jews took possession; borders were not identical to Eretz Yisrael","167":"Domain that is unbounded and not intended as a public thoroughfare (people are not expected to transit through it), e.g., an unfenced lawn, a parking lot, the ocean, a desert","168":"lit., New; grain planted after one Passover that has not yet passed the first day of chol hamo'ed of the following Passover","169":"Festival, or \"major,\" holiday; these include the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Pesach\/Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot\/Simchat Torah) and the High Holidays (Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur) and have activity restrictions similar to Shabbat. For non-chag holidays, see Rabbinic holidays","174":"A kosher type of grasshopper","175":"lit., Offering in the Temple in Jerusalem on the Jewish festivals; in present times, represented by egg on the seder plate","177":"lit., Common milk; milk sold in conventional stores and without a hechsher","178":"Milk supervised by Jews","179":"lit., Portion of dough given to Jewish priests (cohanim); bread for use on Shabbat and holidays","181":"lit., Drink of the country; any social beverage that cannot be refused on the grounds that you are not thirsty; drink that is locally considered suitable to serve for social purposes","183":"lit., Fermented; leavened food, fermented grains, or their derivatives","186":" lit., Fermented in its entirety; food that is entirely leavened, such as bread, beer, or alcohol made from fermented wheat or barley","189":"lit., Dedication; 8-day minor holiday celebrating Jews' victory over Greeks","191":"Menora\/candle holder for Chanuka","192":"Regret","193":"lit., Hot-spicy; hot-spicy food or other substance","194":"Ground fruit and nut mixture used on Passover.","195":"lit., Dynasty of the Maccabees - Jewish priest-warriors in the Chanuka story","196":"Something that is important","197":"food with which you could honor a guest","198":"lit., [May you have a] Good sealing; greeting for Jewish New Year","202":"lit., Yard\/courtyard; domain","205":"lit., Midnight or midday","208":"Something you like","209":"lit., Established claim or probability; something established as true or reliable because it was observed or happened three times in a row. There are many types of chazaka:","210":"lit., Our Sages, May Their Memory Be for a Blessing (abbrev.); Sages. See also: Rabbis, Posek, Congregational Rabbi, Anshei Knesset HaGedola, Sanhedrin, Sofrim, Takanat Chachamim","211":"Cantor or leader of a public prayer service","213":"Bitter herb optionally used on seder plate","214":"Rabbi Avrohom Yeshaya Karelitz, leader of Hareidi Jewry in Israel until his death in 1953","215":"type of fat","216":"lit., Righteousness; an act of kindness","217":"lit., Holy Society; organization that prepares dead Jewish bodies for burial","219":"lit., Defaming of the Name","220":"lit., Calculated the end; phrase from Passover hagada","221":"lit., Secular days of the Jewish festival; intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot","226":"lit., Sick throughout his body; systemic illness","227":"lit., Sick in one of his limbs; localized illness","228":"Stew kept warm from before Shabbat starts and eaten on Shabbat day","229":"lit., plowing; first category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","230":"lit., Five part; Five Books of Moses","231":"Wedding canopy","232":"lit., Priest; Jewish man of priestly lineage as descended from Aaron the Priest","236":"lit., Great priest; high priest of first the Tabernacle and then the Jerusalem Temple","237":"lit., Emphasis; dot in some letters to indicate emphasis in pronunciation","238":"lit., 4 amot; distance symbolic of one's personal space","240":"lit., Ways of peace; Jews' behaving in ways that lead to good relations between themselves and other Jews and also with non-Jews.","241":"lit., threshing; 5th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","242":"Item that is bought by the piece","243":"something that is not permitted now but will become permissible in the future","244":"lit., Enough for us; song in seder","245":"lit., Way of eating; normal way of eating a kind of food","247":"lit., Way of the land; doing things in a normal or respectful way","248":"Fifth book of Jewish Bible","251":"lit., Words of the Scribes; ancient rabbinical laws","252":"lit., From the Torah","255":"lit., From the Rabbis; laws instituted by the Rabbis","263":"Rabbi Yehuda's abbreviations of the first letter of each of the Ten Plagues","264":"lit., There is no cooking after cooking for something dry; you may heat up a dry cooked food on Shabbat without incurring the prohibition of cooking since the dry cooked food is already halachically \"cooked\"","265":"More than one day old; a utensil that has not been used for at least the past 24 hours and therefore whose absorbed food does not influence its gender or kosher status","266":"Song sung before Friday night kiddush; excerpt from Proverbs 31","267":"Elijah the Prophet","268":"Sixth Jewish month","269":"lit., Land of Israel; the Land of Israel according to Jewish law (not identical in borders nor in Jewish law to the modern State of Israel)","270":"lit., Evening of or before; Jewish calendar day starts at sunset","271":"lit., Mixture; boundary of physical structures, natural topographic features, and a series of presumptive doorways that enclose an area in order to allow the carrying of items within that domain on Shabbat","274":"lit., Mixture of cooked things; setting aside a baked and a cooked food to be eaten on a Shabbat immediately following a Jewish festival, which permits cooking on that festival for that Shabbat","275":"lit., Boiling pouring; the hot-water pour method of kashering","276":"Esau; brother of Jacob","277":"heroine of Purim story","278":"Citron; large citrus fruit held and waved with lulav on Sukkot","280":"Someone who has less than a person so poor he or she does not have enough money to exist","281":"lit., Meat (Yiddish)","282":"and etrog; waved on Sukkot","284":"lit., Great one of the generation; greatest rabbi\/sage of the generation","287":"lit., Stuffed fish; balls or servings mostly of ground fish whose bones have been removed and thus do not have to be removed (removing the bones on Shabbat would violate the prohibition of boreir\/selecting)","288":"lit., Completion; commentaries that discuss, summarize, and explain Jewish learning based on the Mishna (or Oral Law)","292":"Numerical system based on the Hebrew letters","294":"lit., Determination of thought","295":"lit., Decrees; Jewish laws decreed by a rabbi but based on Torah laws","299":"Hell","300":"sciatic nerve and associated structures that Jews are not allowed to eat in meat","302":"lit., Age of education; age at which a child can understand the meaning of doing certain commandments and not just the actions required to perform those commandments","303":"Prohibited relationships listed in Torah","305":"lit., Smooth; glatt meat comes from a kosher, 4-legged animal with no raised lung lesions. Applied to mean a high level of kosher (even when absurd, as in glatt chicken, fish, or lettuce!)","306":"lit., Rolling; the act of rolling up the Torah scroll after reading from it in synagogue","308":"lit., [May you have a] Good ending!","309":"lit., [May] The end of your sealing be good!","311":"lit., Stealing thought; giving a false impression","312":"lit., Cause; indirect action","316":"lit., Bringing in the bride; charity given to poor bride so she can have at least a minimal wedding and set up her household","321":"lit., Bringing in guests; the commandment of hospitality","324":"Myrtle branches (used in lulav)","325":"lit., Separating challa; the commandment to separate a portion of dough","326":"Portion of the Prophets section of the Torah, read after the Torah portion on Shabbat","328":"lit., Telling; book used to guide participants through the Passover seder","332":"lit., Scalding; to kasher by boiling","336":"lit., Lifting up; lifting up the Torah scroll after the Torah reading in synagogue to give honor to the Torah","338":"lit., Acknowledging the good","342":"lit., Walkings; a Jewish law; the body of Jewish law; pertaining to those laws","344":"adjective and adverb of halacha","345":"lit., Praise; Set of psalms of praise for God that is normally read the morning of Jewish festivals, Chanuka, and Rosh Chodesh; 14th step of Passover seder when most of Hallel is said","346":"Loan","350":"lit., One who lifts; one who lifts the Torah scroll before or after the public reading in synagogue","352":"Antagonist, Purim story (Persian who wanted to kill all the Jews)","353":"lit, Haman's pockets (or bags); triangular filled pastries eaten on Purim","357":"lit., Enjoyment; as applied, appreciation","361":"lit., returning a lost article","363":"lit., The Name; generic word designating God. Each of God's many Hebrew names has a different application, meaning, and use ","364":"lit., God is One; last two words of opening line of shema prayer","365":" lit., Supervision; normally applies to kosher food supervision\r\n or to Hashem's supervision of our (humans') needs","369":"Outlook; Jewish religious point of view","370":"Drawing small amount of blood for circumcision of unusual circumstances","371":"lit., Release from vows","373":"Keeping food warm by insulating it","375":"lit., Separation; ceremony ending Shabbat and Jewish festivals","376":"lit., They would bow; line in the Yom Kippur service","377":"lit., Validation, ritual permit; approval of the fitness of kosher food supervision","378":"lit., Abandoned; ownerless","380":"specific internal examination whose purpose is to determine whether menstrual bleeding has stopped","381":"Antechamber in the Temple in Jerusalem","382":"lit., Cessation of thought; a discontinuity in an action, which may require a new reciting of a blessing","386":"lit., Leniency, allowance; a permission that allows a more lenient practice than would be required by a strict application of the relevant law","389":"Legal loophole changing a loan into an investment, which will permit taking a profit","394":"lit., beautifying a mitzva","395":"lit., The Great Save us;7th day of Sukkot.","396":"Circling the synagogue bima with lulav on Sukkot and reciting prayers for God's salvation","397":"lit., Save your people; 10-word segment in Psalms 28 sometimes used to count 10 Jews. Full phrase:","398":"lit., Brought out; transferring a physical item from one domain to another, normally from a private domain to a public domain but also private to private","399":"Day after a Jewish festival (Passover, Shavu'ot, Sukkot) has ended","400":"Unit of volume equalling the volume of 24 eggs; one kab = 4 login","401":"lit., Something received; traditional interpretation of Torah or other holy texts; system of Jewish mystical thought","405":"Adjective for kabbala","407":"lit., rounded (end) and pointed (end); characteristics of a kosher egg","408":"lit., Sanctify; first of 15 steps in the Passover seder","412":"Holy, separated, sanctified","414":"lit., Ancient; last word in last segment of the amida","415":"lit., Atonements; custom among some Jews to symbolically transfer their sins to an object (chicken, then slaughtered and used to feed the poor; coins, given to the poor; etc.). This may be done anytime between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur","420":"lit., Cut off; very severe punishment of being \"cut off\" from the Jewish people either physically (early death) or spiritually (offender's spiritual existence is limited)","423":"Greens such as celery and parsley; third step in Passover seder","424":"To make something (usually food) fitting","427":"System of laws as to what is kosher","429":"lit., Small; a boy not yet 13 years old","430":"lit., Intention, directedness; concentration during prayers or intention toward performing a commandment","434":"lit., Honor of the created (people); human dignity","437":"lit., Like (the volume of) an egg; 1.9 fl. oz., or 53 ml, or 1\/4 cup","442":"time it takes for someone to eat 5.7 to 7.6 fl. oz. of bread, depending on the opinion and application","443":"smallest thickness that it is possible to slice or peel a food","444":"1 layer of food away from the knife or other implement that cut it","445":"lit., Holy; set apart","446":"Holiness; also the name of the responsive prayer in amida prayers","448":"lit., Crown; first word of the k'dusha section of the Sefardi amida for musaf","451":"lit., A good inscribing and sealing","456":"lit., Written document; marriage document","460":"lit., Writings; last 11 books of the Jewish Bible","462":"lit., Honoring father and mother","467":"lit., Sanctification of God's Name; i.e., performing an honorable or noble public act that makes people view Jews and Judaism in a positive way","468":"lit., Sanctifications; wedding ceremony","469":"Prohibition of mixing plants, inter-breeding animals or plants, grafting trees of two disparate types, or wearing clothing made of a mixture of linen and wool","470":"lit., Mixed plantings including grapevines; a type of kilayim","472":"lit., Acquisition","476":"lit., Bringing close; helping Jews learn about Judaism and to become religiously observant","477":"lit., Pocket inside a pocket; double covering","478":"Elija's chair; ornamental chair set up at brit mila","479":"lit., Seat of Honor; God's Throne","480":"lit., Covering the head; head covering","481":"lit., Legumes; beans and other foods rabbinically forbidden on Passover for Ashkenazi Jews","483":"plain white robe worn by adult males in marriages and burials, by married men on Yom Kippur, and by some men at the Passover seder","484":"lit., Shortened Shulchan Aruch; concise 19th century compilation of Jewish laws by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried","485":"Utensil(s) or any item created with the intention of being used as a tool or utensil to make an activity easier.","487":"lit., First vessel; the pot, pan or other utensil used directly on the stove or in the oven","488":"lit., Second vessel; utensil into which the contents of the kli rishon is placed or poured","489":"lit., Third vessel; utensil into which the contents of the kli sheini is placed or poured","490":"lit., Woman's voice; prohibition for men to hear a solitary woman's voice singing","491":"Any small amount","492":"lit., Sacrifice: section of morning prayers that substitutes for the actual offering of sacrifices in Temple","493":"lit., Bind up, sandwich; 10th step in Passover seder","494":"lit., Blemished cup:","495":"lit., Cup of Blessing; a cup of wine or grape juice used for kiddush on Shabbat or a Jewish festival or on certain other occasions of Jewish celebration","497":"lit., Fitting, suitable; the status of being fit to eat according to Jewish law","498":"lit., Harvesting; 3rd category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","499":"lit., Establish a halachic meal","501":"lit., Tearing; ripping clothing as a sign of mourning, usually done at funeral of close relative or when seeing the place of the Temple in Jerusalem for the first time in 30 days","504":"lit., Round; baked starchy food served especially on Shabbat and Yom Tov","505":"Setting time for Torah study","506":"lit., Like (the volume of) an olive; actually, 1\/2 the volume of an average hen's egg (approximately 1 fl. oz., depending on the application)","511":"lit., 33rd day of the omer; minor holiday celebrating cessation of plague among Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students","514":"lit., Kneading; one of the 39 melachot forbidden on Shabbat","515":"lit., Evil tongue\/speech; bad mouthing-saying bad things about people, even if true","518":"pancake; usually, potato pancake eaten on Chanuka","520":"Laban; Jacob's wicked uncle","521":"Within 3 tefachim; two structures within 10.5 inches of each other and considered contiguous","522":"lit., From the beginning; optimal practice or method","528":"lit., May you be written and sealed for a good year; Jewish new year's greeting","530":"lit., to inspect","531":"lit., Face bread; 12 loaves of showbread on showbread table in Temple","533":"lit., Double bread; the two loaves of bread used for Shabbat and Jewish festival meals","534":"lit., Bread of the Poor; matza","535":"upright portion of an eruv","537":"Night of Guardings; Passover seder night, on which God guards us as he did during the first Passover night","538":"lit., in order that you should remember; commandment for telling the Passover story at the seder","539":"lit., Escort; funeral","541":"Jewish man descended from the tribe of Levi","542":"lit., Of the tribe of Levi; assistants to the cohanim\/priests in the Temple in Jerusalem","544":"Heating something with a high heat","545":"Heating something to \"red hot\" in order to kasher it","546":"Heating something hot enough to burn paper in order to kasher it","547":"lit., Holy studies; Jewish religious studies","548":"lit., For its own sake","549":"lit., In order that you should remember","551":"Do not bear a grudge","552":"Volume of 6 eggs","553":"lit., Palm branch; one unopened date palm leaf bundled with some myrtle and willow branches, waved on Sukkot. Implies inclusion of etrog held together with the rest of the lulav.","554":"lit., Bringing on the evening; evening prayer service","556":"lit., Taking a tenth; 1\/10th of a Jew's produce or income, originally donated to the priests in Jerusalem. Also, the minimum amount of after-tax income that should be given to charity by every Jew","559":"lit., Tithe for the poor; ma'aser given to the poor on the 3rd and 6th years of the shmita cycle","560":"Giving a tenth of your money to charity\/tzedaka","561":"lit., Second tithe; ma'aser on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th years of the shmita cycle and eaten in Jerusalem (unless you redeem it).","562":"lit., Someone who makes things stringent; someone who takes a stringent approach to Jewish law","563":"Nickname for the Hashmonaim (family of the Chanuka wars and later leaders of the Jewish state)","564":"lit., Cycle; prayer book for High Holidays","565":"the person who reads the maftir portion of the weekly Torah reading","566":"lit., Telling; fifth step in Passover seder","567":"lit. Smiting of the First-Born; 10th of the Ten Plagues in Egypt","569":"lit., set place; in prayer, your own established place for prayer","570":"offspring of forbidden union;;Mamzer, mamzerim","571":"Song sung when lighting Chanuka candles","572":"lit., Appearance to the eye; doing a permissible action that seems to an observer to be forbidden","575":"lit., Bitter herbs; ninth step in the Passover seder","576":"one of 63 volumes of the Talmud","577":"lit., Supervisor; usually applied to one who supervises kosher food production","578":"lit., Move a boundary; Stealing property or business from someone else. This includes taking over someone else's business territory.","579":"lit., That which is transmitted; tradition; something that we know was used by previous generations; frequently refers to which fowl are permitted to be eaten","582":", son of Yochanan-Jewish High Priest who, along with his five sons, fought the Hellenizers and Greeks about 132-135BCE; their victory of the weak over the strong is celebrated with the holiday of Chanuka","583":"Unleavened bread; also, eighth step in Passover seder","586":"dish of fried matza pieces and egg","587":"lit., Guarded matza; matza (handmade or machine made) from grain supervised from harvest time to ensure it has no contact with water and therefore no danger of containing chametz","591":"lit., Last water; water for washing hands after a meal","592":"lit., Selling","593":"lit., Separation; typically in a synagogue","595":"lit., Roll, scroll; rolled parchment scroll inscribed with one of the 24 holy books of the Jewish Bible (most commonly refers to Megilat Esther)","599":"Enhanced level of kosher; observing non-required stringencies","600":"lit., Someone who makes things easy; someone who takes a lenient approach to Jewish law","603":"Someone well-versed in the spiritual world","604":"Any of 39 creative activities forbidden on Shabbat and Jewish festivals","607":"lit., Melacha of the Torah; any of the 39 creative activities that are forbidden by the Torah (without rabbinic additions) on Shabbat and Jewish festivals, performed the same way and for the same purpose as for building or servicing the Tabernacle in the wilderness","610":"lit., Accompanying the Queen; food accompanied occasionally by singing and\/or dancing and\/or stories after Shabbat ends to honor the Shabbat as she leaves","612":"lit., Filling and pouring; a method of kashering glass by submerging the glass in cold water for three 24-hour periods, changing the water each time","614":"Candelabra with 8 candles and one \"shamash\" for Chanuka","616":"lit., Sifting; 9th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","617":"lit., Arranger of the wedding; (usually) rabbi in charge of the wedding","618":"lit., Sucking, especially sucking out some blood by mouth during a brit","620":"lit., One who blesses","622":"lit., Cooked; also refers to wine heated to allow its handling by non-Jews when observant Jews will be drinking it","623":"Prayer leader for birkat ha'mazon","625":"lit., Grain-based food; non-bread food made of one or more of the Five Grains, plus, sometimes, rice","627":"lit., Invited; quorum of at least three adult males who join to say the birkat hamazon (blessing after a meal) together","630":"lit., Doorpost; parchment written with two paragraphs from the Torah and attached to the doorpost","635":"lit., Gathering (of produce); 4th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","636":"Saintly behavior","637":"lit., derivation; traditional insights that develop Torah themes, but which do not necessarily have halachic authority","638":"lit., Gathering, as of water; can be a natural or artificial body of water used for ritual purification","640":"0.7 miles","641":"see brit mila","642":"lit., Milk (Yiddish)","643":"lit., Flour offering; afternoon prayer service","645":"lit., Big mincha: 1\/2 local hour after midday until sunset: earliest time when you may say mincha","647":"lit., Little mincha: 2 1\/2 local hours before sunset until sunset: preferred time period for saying mincha","649":"lit., Custom; a Jewish community's custom that has a force similar to law","650":"lit., Good custom","651":"lit., Counting; quorum of at least 10 adult males who pray together","653":"lit., From the time he (you) can recognize a person with whom you are somewhat familiar from 7 feet away; the earliest time for putting on talit and tefilin in the morning while saying the blessings on them","655":"lit., Dwelling place [of God's Presence (Shechina)]; the Tabernacle","656":"sending gifts of food to friends on Purim","657":"6 orders of oral law written down following the destruction of the Second Temple; redaction begun by Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi","658":"lit., Clear Mishna; the Chofetz Chaim's 6-volume update of laws and commentaries on the first book of the Shulchan Aruch","660":"lit., Commandment; generically, can mean a good deed","664":"Commandments of actions that you should do; positive commandments. See Mitzvot Lo Ta'Aseh","665":"Commandments of actions that you should refrain from doing; negative commandments","666":"lit., Full cheek; 2 fl. oz.","668":"lit., We praise; section of amida prayer at which we bow","669":"Jewish expert at performing circumcisions","670":"First appearance of the new crescent moon as seen over Jerusalem each month","671":"Protagonist, Purim story; Jew who masterminded the rise to power of his niece, Esther, and who worked to save the Jews throughout the Persian empire from Haman's destructive plans","672":"Moses; Moses Our Rabbi\/Teacher","673":"lit., Exiting of Shabbat; after Shabbat, defined as once the sky is dark on Saturday night","679":"lit., Bringing out; seventh step of Passover seder","681":"lit., Out of bounds; objects that cannot be used or moved on Shabbat or Jewish festivals","683":"lit., What; miraculous white layer of food that God sent every day to feed the Israelites in the desert for nearly 40 years","686":"lit., Additional; additional morning prayer service on Shabbat and Jewish festivals","688":"Initials of Neviim-Ketuvim: section of Jewish Bible starting with the Book of Joshua until the end","689":"lit., Voluntary; free-will offering","691":"Promise","692":"lit., Contact; pertaining to refraining from intimate physical contact between men and women","699":"lit., Enjoyment; refers to blessings over things we enjoy such as pleasant scents","701":"Revenge","702":"lit., fourth planting; fruit of a tree in its fourth year, which must be redeemed before being eaten","703":"Dead animal that has not been slaughtered in accordance with Jewish law","704":"lit., Prophets; Middle third of the Jewish Bible","706":"lit., Comforting of mourners; consoling mourners at synagogue on Friday night when they enter after mizmor shir","707":"lit., Rejected as unsuitable for even dog food; items so repulsive, inedible, or removed from their original state that they are not considered food forbidden to be eaten by Jews","712":"lit., Desired; 15th step of Passover seder","713":"First Jewish month (in spring)","715":"lit., Formulation; traditional tunes used in the public prayer service or, alternatively, format of prayer used by various subgroups of Jews, based largely on their ancestors' country of origin","716":"lit., bakes; 11th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","717":"Accepting the yoke of Heaven","718":"lit., World to Come","720":"lit., One who goes up; person at prayer service honored by being called up to the platform (bima) to say a blessing over the Torah when it is read","721":"lit., Measure of grain; also, period of 49 days between second day of Passover and Shavuot","722":"Washing hands with a cup pouring once (and sometimes a second time) on each hand","723":"enjoyment","724":"enjoyment of Shabbat","725":"Person whose close relative has died and has not yet been buried; an onen may not do mitzvot until after the burial","727":"State of being an onen","731":"Fruit forbidden for the first three years of a tree's growth","733":"An organization set up to handle shmita produce","734":"Neutral food, neither dairy nor meat","736":"4 mil, or 2.8 miles","738":"Weekly Torah portion","742":"Festival holiday celebrating 1) freedom of the Jews from Egyptian slavery and 2) the spring season","744":"Phrase or sentence from the Torah","745":"Invalid for its intended purpose","747":"Bread baked by non-Jews","748":"Bread baked by Jews::Pas Yisroel","751":"(Yiddish) Compliant with Passover laws","753":"lit., First-born of the womb; first-born boy of Jewish mother or the first-born male offspring of a Jewish-owned sheep, goat, cow, or, sometimes, donkey","755":"Redemption","756":"Redemption of first-born son","759":"Saving a life","760":"Publicizing the miracle; usually said of Chanuka candles","761":"Short stalk on the flowering end of an etrog","762":"Poems aluding to the connection of Hashem and the Jewish people","763":"lit., Divider of mincha; 1 1\/4 local hours before sunset: latest time to say mincha if you want to say maariv before sunset; also the earliest time you may say ma'ariv, as long as you have said mincha before plag ha'mincha","765":"Learned rabbi qualified to rule on halachic questions","767":"Deviation from norms of attire for observant Jews","769":"lit., Be fruitful and multiply","770":"Determination of a religious law ","772":"lit., Cut off its head and it does not die?; immediate and inevitable consequence of an action; unintended action that will cause a violation of a halacha but from which you receive no benefit","773":"worthless matter","775":"lit., Lines or phrases of song; part of the morning prayer service praising God","779":"Lines or phrases from the Torah or other holy Jewish texts","780":"lit., Lots; minor holiday celebrating the overturning of a decree in ancient Persia that would have resulted in the death of the Jews","781":"lit., Purim feast; one of the five mitzvot of Purim","783":"lit., My teacher(s); today, someone who has studied Jewish law and been ordained (received smicha). Many rabbis with smicha do not lead congregations. In the plural, often refers to past Jewish Sages who commented on holy Jewish texts or instituted various laws","790":"lit., Washing the hands; sixth step in Passover seder","791":"Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides); 12th century Jewish scholar and commentator (Spain, Egypt)","792":"Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Nachmanides); 13th century Jewish scholar and commentator (Spain, Israel)","793":"lit., Fit for eating by a dog; food a dog would eat","795":"Teacher from whom you have gained most of your Torah knowledge","796":"Healing","798":"lit., First; the first, given to cohanim; applies to first-born male Jews, Jewish-owned kosher domestic male mammals, first-born Jewish owned male donkeys, a portion of dough, a portion of wool, and yearly first fruits","799":"Public domain; i.e., unenclosed area","802":"Private domain; i.e., enclosed area","805":"lit., Responses; the body of literature of people's questions to their rabbis, and the rabbis' answers","806":"4 fl. oz.","811":"Interest on a loan","815":"Pursuer with murderous intent","816":"lit., Head of the month; first day of the Jewish month. Can be one or two days. When it is two days, the first day is the 30th day of the previous month","817":"lit., Head of the year; first day of Jewish year, also known as Day of Remembrance; observed as two days long","820":"lit., Majority of a cup; amount you must drink at seder","821":"Normal wind found at any specific location and season","823":"A negative spiritual force","827":"Doubt in some determination of reality as it affects an application of Jewish law","828":"Danger","829":"Godfather who holds baby during the brit mila","831":"Body of 70 Jewish rabbis, plus a leader, who taught and decided Jewish law","832":"Covering for a sukka","833":"lit., Wringing out; a component of one of the 39 melachot forbidden on Shabbat","834":"Liquid measure of approximately 280 fl. oz.","836":"lit., a. Order; a 15-step family Passover meal commemorating God's rescuing the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt and intended to help recreate the experience for Jews every year b. One of the six divisions (pl., sidrot) of the Mishna","837":"lit., Of Spain; a Jew whose family origins are from Spain, northern Africa, Yemen, or the communities that spread out from those places","841":"lit., Of Spain; Hebrew pronunciation used by Israeli Jews","842":"lit., any book of Jewish content that contains God's name in Hebrew; any lines (psukim) of Torah, midrashim, or halacha in any language; or Talmud and its commentaries","843":"lit., Torah book; Torah scroll","845":"lit., Counting of the Omer; 49-day period from second day of Passover to Shavuot","847":"lit., (Good) omen","848":"Prayers said before Rosh Hashana and also between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.","849":"lit., Concluding meal; last meal before Tish'a B'Av and Yom Kippur","853":"lit., Third meal; third meal on Shabbat","858":"A meal that accompanies and celebrates the fulfillment of a commandment","866":"Grasses and vegetables that grow by themselves from seeds","867":"Local hour pl., local hours; halachic hour pl., halachic hours.Time period equal to 1\/12 of local daytime: divide by 12 the total hours and minutes from sunrise to sunset on a specified day at a specified location","874":"lit., Abbreviation for process of fabric-making; mixture of linen and wool forbidden to be worn by a Jew, except for special priestly clothing","879":"lit., Cessation of activity; Sabbath--seventh day of week, beginning at sundown Friday night and continuing until nightfall Saturday night. (There are exceptions due to the international dateline.) On Shabbat we perform acts reminding us of God's creating the universe and saving us from Egyptian slavery (categorized as zachor, or remember), and we refrain from acts of creative activity (categorized as shamor, or keep; these include the 39 melachot of Shabbat). See Shabbat d'oraita and Shabbat d'rabanan","881":"lit., Shabbat of the Torah; Shabbat laws that derive directly from the Torah. These are based on the 39 categories of creative activity used to build and service the Tabernacle in the desert. The activity must be done in a similar way and for the same purpose as was done in the Tabernacle","884":"lit., Shabbat of the Rabbis; Shabbat laws instituted by the Rabbis to prevent violation of the d'oraita laws and also to engender the spirit of a day of rest as the Torah intended","886":"Non-Jew who does activities on Shabbat that benefit Jews but that are forbidden for Jews to do directly","889":"lit., Of dawn; morning prayer service","891":"lit, Peace Be upon You; song sung Friday evening before saying kiddush","892":"lit., Peace of the home","895":"lit., Three legs; three pilgrimage festivals: Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot","896":"lit., Servant; candle from which the other 8 Chanuka candles are lit; also, someone who takes care of synagogue needs; also, one of the tzitzit strings","898":"lit., Keep; one of the two main commandment-categories of Shabbat observance(for the other, see Zachor)","899":"lit., Value of a pruta coin; value of 1\/2 a barley grain's volume in silver. Intended to be the lowest-value coin having any practical use in commerce","903":"lit., Weeks; festival holiday that celebrates 1) receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai and 2) first fruits of the year","905":"exception made for extenuating cirmcumstances","908":"Divine Presence","909":"Kosher slaughtering","910":"borrowing, borrowed item","911":"lit., Covering, as for a mezuza or a woman's wig","913":"lit., Weight; coin","914":"lit., Of the head; refers to head tefilin","916":"lit., Of the arm; refers to arm tefilin","918":"lit., Creeping thing that creeps on the ground; one Torah definition of non-kosher bugs","922":"lit., Seven blessings; set of seven blessings said before the bride and groom during a wedding and for six days afterwards","925":"lit., Praise and thanks","926":"Broken shofar blasts","927":"lit., Sending away of the nest; Torah commandment requiring sending away a mother bird from her nest before taking her eggs or young","930":"lit., Change; deviation in the normal way to perform an action, which changes the action from possibly being a violation of a Torah law to a lesser violation or not a violation at all","933":"lit., Poem of the day; Psalm of that particular day of the week","934":"lit., Quantity or measure; usually refers to the minimum amount of a particular food or beverage that requires a blessing. Can also mean a class or lecture on a Jewish topic","935":"lit., Seven; seven-day mourning period beginning after burial","940":"lit., 30; 30-day mourning period beginning after burial","941":"holiday that follows the last day of Sukkot","944":"lit., Sabbatical; letting the Land of Israel rest from intense agricultural activity every seventh year","948":"lit., Names; second book of the Torah","951":"see Matza shmura","952":"lit., Jewish ritual slaughterer","953":"Hollow horn of the goat, sheep, or antelope families, blown from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Rosh Hashana and again at Neila of Yom Kippur","954":"By mistake","955":"Guard","956":"lit., Commandments-observer; observant Jew","957":"lit., Shabbat observer; observing the Shabbat laws is the standard criterion for a Torah-observant Jew and a reliable witness in a Jewish court","959":"Synagogue","960":"lit., Set Table; Rabbi Yosef Karo's 16th century compilation of Jewish law","961":"lit., Set table; 11th step of Passover seder","962":"Capital of Persian empire at time of Purim story","963":"15th of Adar, celebrated as Purim by various cities such as Jerusalem that had walls around them at the time of Joshua's conquest","964":"Restrictions by the Sages to prevent Shabbat desecration","965":"lit., Order; prayer book","966":"lit., symbol of blessing","967":"lit., Symbols; symbolic foods eaten on Rosh Hashana","968":"joy","969":"lit., Celebration of the Water Drawing; joyous celebration every evening of Sukkot in the Beit HaMikdash","971":"lit., Joyous celebration of Torah; holiday that follows Sukkot and celebrates the annual completion of reading the Torah","975":"lit., Completion; celebration of finishing the study of mishnayot or part of Torah, Talmud, etc.","976":"Transfer of authority from teacher\/rabbi to an accomplished rabbinical student to authorize the student to become a teacher\/rabbi","982":"lit., End of the time [by which to say] the Shema prayer","983":"lit., Scribe; highly trained religious Jewish male who writes text on parchment scrolls for mezuzot, tefilin, and Torah","985":"formerly kosher wine that was not cooked\/mevushal and that has been handled while open by anyone other than a shomer-Shabbat Jew","986":"jelly-filled doughnuts eaten in Israel during Chanuka","988":"lit., Hut, branch or twig covering; booth with a temporary roof for eating and living in during the Sukkot holiday","995":"lit., Huts; festival holiday that celebrates the harvest and commemorates the Jews' having lived in the Wilderness in tents for 40 years while trusting God to keep them alive","997":"lit., Fence; rabbinically enacted extra protections for Torah law","999":"Jewish house of prayer","1001":"flavor","1004":"Wheat-based salad","1005":"lit., Spiritual purity; also, the process of ritually purifying a dead body before burial","1007":"lit., Family purity; laws of Jewish family purity","1011":"lit., New rule instituted by the Sages","1014":"Large rectangular garment with tzitzit in each of its four corners, used by adult males during morning prayer service and certain other services","1019":"4-cornered garment with tzitzit in each corner is worn in order to fulfill a Torah commandment for Jewish men and boys","1024":"ritually impure","1027":"lit., Wise students; Jewish sages; a student of a wise (Jewish scholar) person","1028":"lit., the Study; compendium of commentaries on the mishna; originally orally transmitted, now written down (also known as the Gemara)","1029":"The study of Torah is as important as all of them (the rest of the commandments)","1030":"lit., acronym for Torah (Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings); the entire 24 books of the Jewish Bible","1031":"lit., Teachers; commonly used to refer to a group of Jewish Sages of Mishna times","1035":"lit., Terms, conditions; Jewish prenuptial engagement document and signing ceremony","1037":"lit., Translation; usually refers to Targum Onkelos' Aramaic translation of the Chumash","1038":"Order of shofar blasts: Teki'a-Teru'a-Teki'a","1039":"Order of shofar blasts: Teki'a-SHevarim-Teki'a","1040":"lit., You should cause it to cease to exist; directive for getting rid of chametz for Passover","1041":"lit., Completions; saying the amida prayer twice in a row to compensate for having missed the previous prayer service","1043":"Items used in conjunction with holy items; e.g., tefilin cover, bima for the Torah, Torah scroll cover, mezuza cover","1044":"Items used in conjunction with mitzvot items but that don't have any inherent holiness; e.g., lulav and etrog holder","1045":"Order of shofar blasts: Teki'a-SHevaRim-Teru'a-Teki'a","1046":"lit., Blue color; blue dye from a sea creature used on tzitzit threads","1049":"Resurrection of the Dead","1052":"lit., Limit, or border, of Shabbat; a distance of 2000 amot from the domain in which a person has started Shabbat and beyond which he or she may not travel during that Shabbat","1056":"Prayer(s) or prayer service; when used specifically, refers to the amida prayer","1063":"Two leather boxes containing handwritten parchments of paragraphs from the Torah, affixed to men's arms and forehead by leather straps. Tefilin are worn by Jewish males 13 years old and above during the weekday morning prayer service (and during the afternoon service of Tish'a b'Av instead of that morning)","1066":"Tefila (singular of tefilin) placed on the head","1067":"Tefila (singular of tefilin) placed on the arm","1068":"Long shofar blast","1069":"Condition","1070":"Staccatto shofar blasts","1071":"lit., Separation; an amount of a Jew's produce, grown in Eretz Yisrael, that was given to the cohen\/priest. See halachot section for details","1078":"lit., Large separation; 2\\\\% of produce, which was given to a cohen\/priest","1079":"Immersing a person or utensil into a natural body of water or ritual bath to make the person or utensil spiritually pure","1084":"Jew who did not have the opportunity to learn Torah or how to live as a Jew","1086":"lit., Ninth of Av; 25-hour fast commemorating the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Gloomiest day in the Jewish calendar","1090":"rebuking; must be done only if the person will listen to you","1091":"lit., Grinding; 8th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","1092":"lit., Thanks; the thanksgiving offering at the Tabernacle and, later, at the Temple in Jerusalem","1093":"Useful purpose","1094":"lit., Teaching; the Jewish laws and ways of life, as well as the Jewish Bible and Talmud in which they are mentioned","1096":"To immerse in a mikva to spiritually purify","1099":"lit., Torn; generically used to mean any non-kosher food. Originally used to describe a particular type of non-ritually slaughtered (and therefore not kosher) animal","1104":"To remove from a slaughtered mammal certain parts forbidden to eat, especially the sciatic nerve but also certain nerves, sinews, blood vessels, and fats","1107":"Cantillation notes in reading the Torah","1108":"15th of Av","1109":"lit., 15th of Shvat; holiday celebrating the first blossoming of trees in Israel","1110":"Ritual impurity; normally results from any transition from life to death, even on a small level or to a small extent","1112":"Righteous person","1114":"lit., Hidden; 12th step in Passover seder","1115":"Condition of being modest","1117":"lit., Righteousness; as applied, it means charity","1119":"lit., Going out of the stars; when three medium-sized stars are visible; marks when one Jewish day is over; 36 to 72 minutes after sunset, depending on the opinion, purpose, and location","1123":"4 twisted threads, with a series of knots, tied onto a 4-cornered garment in order to fulfill a Torah commandment. Although customs for how to tie and twist the threads vary, there are always 4 threads, doubled, giving 8 threads hanging off of each of the garment's 4 corners","1125":"lit., Hidden; in Jewish law, modesty. Tzniut applies to attire, to general behavior, and even to speech patterns","1129":"lit., Form of an opening; a structure representing a doorway that delineates a public domain and allows carrying or moving objects within that domain on Shabbat","1132":"lit., And fall on their faces; description of how the people in the Temple bowed on Yom Kippur when they heard God's name pronounced","1133":"lit., And wash the hands; second step in Passover seder","1134":"lit., And He called; Book of Leviticus","1135":"lit., I will send them out; first expression of freedom from slavery in Egypt","1136":"lit., I will save them; second expression of freedom from slavery in Egypt","1137":"lit., I will take them; third expression of freedom from slavery in Egypt","1138":"lit., I will redeem them; fourth expression of freedom from slavery in Egypt","1139":"lit., I will bring them; fifth expression of freedom from slavery in Egypt","1140":"lit., Confession","1141":"River bed that goes dry in dry seasons; Hebrew: nachal","1142":"Our forefather Jacob, son of Isaac and Rebecca","1144":"lit., Breaking the middle Seder matza; fourth step in Passover seder","1145":"lit., A hand gets scalded in it; too hot to keep your hand in for more than a moment; 120 degrees F (47 degrees C)","1147":"Anniversary of a death","1148":"candle-Candle lit to remember a dead person and elevate their soul. Lit on the anniversary of the person's death and also on certain holidays. Burns for more than 24 hours","1152":"lit., Old; grain from the previous year that becomes permissible once the omer offering has been given (i.e., first day of chol ha'moed Passover)","1153":"Wine that has been offered to a pagan god or used for idolatrous purposes","1154":"Hebrew name of Jerusalem","1155":"lit., Together; laws that prescribe when men and women may be with each other, if no one else is present; also, after Jewish marriage ceremony, when bride and groom enter a closed room together, symbolizing their new home","1156":"lit., Fear of Heaven; devotion to God","1159":"Our forefather Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara","1160":"lit., He will remember; prayer said at the end of some Jewish festivals in memory of the deceased.","1161":"Day of Atonement","1162":"lit., Day of (Shofar) Blowing; Rosh Hashana","1163":"lit, Good day; Jewish festival","1164":"lit., Remember; one of the two main categories of commandments of Shabbat (for the other, see Shamor)","1165":"Merit","1166":"lit., In memory of the Destruction (of the Temple)","1167":"lit., Time; refers to the correct or suitable times of day for certain prayers or religious activities to be performed","1170":"Songs; usually refers to special songs sung on Shabbat and holidays; zmirot have the status of semi-prayers","1173":"lit., Splendor; Jewish mystical book","1174":"lit., Winnowing; 6th category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","1175":"lit., Sowing; 2nd category of the 39 categories of melacha (creative activities) from which we refrain on Shabbat","1276":"lit., Smooth; see Glatt","1484":"lit., Measures; (usually refined) character traits","1516":"lit., Moved away; refers to a menstruating woman or her status of ritual impurity after her menstruation has begun and until she has immersed herself in a mikva","1518":"Nida by Torah law","1519":"Nida by rabbinic law","1524":"Mourning period from Rosh Chodesh Av through Tish'a b'Av commemorating the siege and destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem","1532":"Halachot and information transmitted from God to Moshe on Mt. Sinai along with the written Bible to expand and explain how we should live","1540":"Sacrificial lamb offered on the eve of Passover by the Jews in Temple times; represented by the shank bone on the seder plate","1544":"Fathers of the Jewish people: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob","1547":"lit., First-born of the womb of a donkey; first-born male offspring of a Jewish-owned donkey","1550":"The three Jewish festivals when Jewish men came to the Temple with offerings: Pesach\/Passover*, Shavuot, Sukkot*\/Shmini Atzeret*","1555":"A segment or whole poem of 150 poems in the Biblical Book of Psalms","1564":"Rabbeinu Avraham ben David; 12th century French Talmudic scholar and commentator","1565":"Sage of Israel during Roman period (2nd century)","1566":"Sage of Israel during Roman period (2nd century)","1567":"adjective for rabbis (Jewish Sages of previous generations)","1568":"Minor, or non-festival, holidays: Chanuka*, Purim*, Tu b\u2019Shvat*, Lag ba\u2019Omer,* and the fast of Tish\u2019a b\u2019Av* along with other minor fasts ","1573":"lit., first shearing; a portion of sheep's wool given to cohanim","1597":"lit., Spain; a version (nusach) of the Jewish prayer service followed by some of the Jews whose families originated in southern Europe and north Africa","1615":"The seven fruits\/grains for which the Land of Israel is praised; consists of two of the Five Grains and all Five Special Fruits, listed in Deuteronomy 8:8: Wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates.","1616":"Fast day inaugurating the Three Weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem","1637":"lit., Send portions; a serving of at least two foods sent to someone on Purim to promote friendship","1649":"lit., Names; written words that must be treated carefully, protected from unclean places, and buried rather than trashed. Sheimot pieces of paper may contain:\r\nGod\u2019s name in Hebrew or, in some cases, even in other languages; 3 words of Torah in Hebrew; Halacha in any language. \r\n","1696":"lit., Mixture of foods with chametz","1698":"Movable prayer tent erected by the Jews of the Exodus as an antecedent to the Temple in Jerusalem; in Hebrew, mishkan","1734":"Measurement of top to bottom of fist; 4 fingers\u2019 width; about 3-4 inches","1738":"Center of Jewish worship and sacrifices in Jerusalem, built originally by King Solomon and ministered by Levites and Cohanim\/Priests","1741":"Ten days of repentance between and including Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur","1744":"Fast day marking the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem, ending in the First Temple's destruction","1761":"Tenth of the Yisrael's donation to the Levi, which the Levi then donates to a Cohen","1762":"1) lit., Return; usually describes the process of becoming religiously observant after having lived a non-observant life 2) lit., Answer; \u201canswer\u201d to a question of Jewish law","1764":"Washing hands with a cup alternating hands three times on each side.","1765":"Mourning period from 17 Tammuz through *Tish\u2019a b\u2019Av, commemorating the final siege and destruction of Jerusalem","1769":"Giving 1\/10th of one's income to charity; see ma'aser","1795":"lit., Fast of Gedalia; third day of Jewish month of Tishrei; commemorates murder of the last Jewish governor of the Jewish remnant in Israel after the exile to Babylon","1813":"2nd Hebrew month","1814":"3rd Hebrew month","1815":"12th (and, in leap year, 13th) Hebrew month","1816":"4th Hebrew month\t","1817":"7th Hebrew month","1818":"8th Hebrew month","1819":"9th Hebrew month","1820":"10th Hebrew month","1821":"11th Hebrew month","3046":"Any food that either contains milk or its significant (according to halacha) traces","3081":"Lashon ha'ra that is false","3082":"interruption, often between the beginning of doing a mitzva (such as saying the blessing) and its completion","3083":"Prayer following the amida, acknowledging G-d\u2019s kingship","3084":"Good Inclination","3085":"Evil inclination","3086":"Addition to fast-day mincha amida","3087":"Beginning of line \u201cBar'chu et Adonai ham\u2019vorach,\u201d which signifies part of the prayer service that ideally has at least a minyan (quorum of 10 men 13 years old or more)","3088":"Name of God referring to His attribute of justice","3089":"Blessing thanking G-d for saving one from danger","3092":"Mostly Aramaic prayer sanctifying G-d; said numerous times throughout the prayer service, including a version said by mourners","3093":"Series of blessings and verses said over a cup of wine to begin Shabbat and Jewish festivals","3094":"Series of blessings and verses sanctifying the moon; said in the first part of each Jewish month, only at night and when the moon is visible","3095":"Piyutim said before Rosh Hashana (for at least 4 days and sometimes more) until Yom Kippur. Also said on certain other days ","3096":"Blessing of thanks for having been allowed to stay alive to experience certain events, holidays, or experiences","3097":"Hear; title word of prayer proclaiming G-d\u2019s unity; consists of the verse \u201cShema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad\u201d plus three paragraphs from the Five Books of Moses ","3098":"The main, 19-blessing (on weekdays) prayer, said three times a day, standing","3100":"Psalm 127, said before birkat ha'mazon on Shabbat and Jewish festivals ","3101":"Set of supplicatory prayers after the amida","3102":"Traveler\u2019s prayer","3103":"Selections from (or entire) Book of Psalms, frequently recited as petitions for health, children, marriage partner, etc.","3104":"Addition to prayers on Jewish festivals","3105":"Blessing before eating bread (eating the minimum quantity of bread determines a \"meal\" by Jewish law)","3230":"lit., melacha of our Rabbis; restrictions imposed by chazal in order to create the spirit of Shabvat. Shvut is melacha d'rabanan and muktza is part (subset) of shvut.","3231":"lit., Major one in house; head of household","3254":"lit, My God, (my) soul...; one of the prayers we say in the morning","3257":"Rabbi Moshe Heinemann","3271":"Wasting the public's time or upsetting them","3285":"Wild animals; alternatively, kosher animals (mammals) that are not domestic, such as deer","3305":"The five books given by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai."};