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Saying Kaddish in Unison
Ideally, only one mourner should say kaddish, whether mourner's kaddish, rabbis' kaddish, etc. Any kaddish said by more than one mourner should be said in unison.
Birkat HaMazon: Location: Eating in Two Places--Prior Intention
Say birkat ha'mazon at either place if:
  • You eat in one place, intending to continue your meal in another place, AND
  • You ate at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of bread at either place.
Note If you intend to eat only a snack only at the second place, you do not need to say birkat ha'mazon before you go there; you only need to say whichever fore-blessings are required for the foods you will eat there. You must return to the first place to say birkat ha'mazon.
Introduction to After-Blessings (Bracha Achrona): Minimum Measurements
To say any after-blessing/bracha achrona (al ha'michya, al ha'gafen, al ha'eitz, borei nefashot, or birkat ha'mazon), you must:
  • Eat at least the minimum volume (1.3 fl. oz.--39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of solid food within four minutes, or
  • Drink at least 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) of liquid within 30 seconds.
Note With hot foods, especially liquids, you are unlikely to be able to swallow a minimum amount in the required time in order to qualify for the after-blessing (bracha achrona).

If Did Not Eat Minimum

Do not say bracha achrona if you did not eat 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml) within four minutes.

If Did Not Drink Minimum

Do not say bracha achrona if you did not drink 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) of any potable liquid within 30 seconds. Note You may not combine the volume of solid food to liquid food or liquid food to solid food that you ate and drank in order to make the minimum volume for an after-blessing.

If Did Not Eat or Drink Minimum

Size: How To Calculate

Ounces: Weight or Volume

The minimum quantity for saying after-blessings is based on volume, not weight. If you eat a pack of pretzels whose volume is 1.3 fl. oz., even though the label says it only weighs 0.5 oz., you would say an after-blessing of al ha'michya.

Figuring Volume

Figuring Volume: Non-Mezonot Foods

You may not include the volume of fish or meat or other foods eaten together with bread or matza in order to reach a total volume of 1 fl. oz., which is required for saying the after-blessing of birkat ha'mazon. However, you may combine the volumes in order to say borei nefashot.

Figuring Volume: Unswallowed Pits/Seeds

When eating foods with seeds or pits (olives, pomegranates, etc.), do not include unswallowed seeds or pits to reach the 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) minimum volume needed to say an after-blessing. You may include only what you have swallowed.

D'Oraita Cases

For d'oraita cases (halachot from the Torah), such as eating matza at seder or drinking wine for kiddush, we use a more stringent minimum measure:
  • Eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of solid food within four minutes, or
  • Drink at least 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of liquid within 30 seconds.


When To Start Counting

You may start counting the period of four minutes (for eating at least 1.3 fl. oz.) or 30 seconds (for drinking at least 3.3 fl. oz.) any time after the fore-blessing as long as it is continuous from when you first swallow until you have swallowed the minimum amount.
Levels of After-Blessings (Bracha Achrona)
Like fore-blessings, say the highest level of after-blessing (bracha achrona) that applies.
Note Although borei nefashot will cover many foods (at least, after the fact), it does NOT cover bread, wine, or mezonot.
Borei Pri Ha'Eitz: Five Special Fruits: General Rule
Say borei pri ha'eitz on the Five Special Fruits for which the Land of Israel is praised.
Blessings: For Someone Else: Mitzva/Birchot Mitzva
You may say any blessing on a mitzva—such as kiddush, hallel, Torah—for another person, even if you have already fulfilled the mitzva for yourself, as long as that other person is required to do that mitzva.
Example Girls (12 years old and more) and women must fulfill all of the positive commandments of Shabbat including kiddush.  So even after they have already said kiddush for themselves, they may say kiddush for other Jews, including adult men.
Exception You may not say birkat ha'mazon for someone else.
When To Pray: Shacharit: What Time To Finish
You must say the shema no later than the end of the third halachic hour of the day in the morning. If you did not say it in time:
  1. If it is before the fourth halachic hour of the day, say the entire shacharit service, as long as you will complete the amida before the end of the fourth halachic hour.
  2. If it is after the fourth halachic hour of the day but before the end of the sixth halachic hour of the day, say birchot ha'shachar (and you may also say korbanot) and then skip all of shacharit up to the amida, which you should say as soon as possible.
Mincha: Tachanun
If the minyan gets to tachanun after sunset, say tachanun until up to 8 minutes after sunset but do not put down your head for the first section.
Late in Joining Mourner's Kaddish
Situation All mourners should say kaddish in unison. You are a mourner. When you go to minyan, the other mourners are already saying mourner's kaddish
WHAT TO DOYou may join in as long as the other mourners have not yet said Yihei shmei. But you should join the other mourners wherever they are in the kaddish and not start from the beginning on your own.
Women: Kaddish
For women and kaddish, see Kaddish: Who Should Say: Women .
How Many Present at Sheva Brachot
To be able to say the special blessings after a festive sheva brachot meal, there must be present at least:
  • 10 Jewish males at least 13 years old, and
  • One person (male or female) who was not present at the wedding or at

    any meals since then with the bride and groom.

How Much Havdala Beverage To Drink
To be able to say the after-blessing, you must drink at least 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) from the havdala cup within 30 seconds. 
If you drink only 2 fl. oz. (59 ml), you will fulfill the commandment of havdala but you will not be able to say any after-blessing.
Concluding Tehilim with Yehi Ratzon of Refa'einu
If you say Psalms/tehilim for a sick person, you should conclude with the yehi ratzon that is sometimes added in shemoneh esrei in refa'einu.
When Saying Torah Blessing
When called to the Torah, either:
  • Say the blessing while looking to the side of the Torah, or
  • Roll the Torah together before you say the blessing.
Ki Shem by Prayer Leader
The prayer leader should not say ki shem... at all since some people have the custom of not ever saying ki shem... .