If Bugs Are Common on That Plant Grown in That Area

The presence of insects on fruits, vegetables, grains, etc., depends on season, location, crop type, year, and current conditions in the growing area. If more than one bug is usually found in 10 servings, you must wash or soak (preferably in salt water or soapy water) all of the food and carefully check a quantity equal to three servings. You may check the food or the water in which the food was soaked, if such soaking will remove the bugs.
Note Soapy water may be required to remove all bugs.
If You Do Not Find Any Bugs
If you do not find any bugs by this procedure, you may use all of the other (uninspected) food.
If You Do Find Bugs
If you find even one bug, you must either check each piece of vegetable OR soak (preferably in salt water or soapy water) or rinse the entire batch. Then check three more servings and continue until no bugs have been found after one cycle of washing and inspecting.
Note You may keep washing vegetables multiple times, without limit, until there are no more bugs.