Our observance of Shabbat thus testifies that God created the world. In the Shabbat kiddush, we mention the Exodus from Egypt, too, to testify to the world that God is continuously involved in our lives.
By ceasing our normal efforts to dominate the physical world, we can appreciate the spiritual aspects of our existence.
On Shabbat, all observant (shomer Shabbat) Jews receive an extra “soul.”
Zachor and Shamor
Remember (Zachor) the Sabbath day to make it holy—Exodus/Shmot 20:8Observe (Shamor) the Sabbath day to make it holy—Deuteronomy/Devarim 5:12
Shabbat has two dimensions:
- Zachor “Remember,” encompassing positive (“to do”) commandments, and
- Shamor “Observe,” encompassing negative (“refrain from”) commandments.
Zachor: Positive Shabbat Commandments
What Are Positive Shabbat Commandments
Positive Shabbat commandments include:
- Lighting candles,
- Making kiddush evening and morning,
- Making havdala,
- Honoring Shabbat (Kivod Shabbat), and
- Enjoying Shabbat (Oneg Shabbat), including eating three meals on Shabbat.
Honoring Shabbat includes eating tasty food and wearing nice clothes.
Shamor: Negative Shabbat Commandments
Shabbat Laws from the Torah (Shabbat D'Oraita)
What Are Melachot
On the Jewish day of rest, we refrain from 39 creative activities (melachot) that had been used to build the Tabernacle in the wilderness. These 39 melachot, prohibited by the Torah, are listed in the mishna of Shabbat and in later halacha books.
The word melacha is frequently mistranslated as “work,” but work has nothing to do with the Jewish concept of melacha. Some melachot are physically strenuous (plowing, grinding wheat, skinning an animal) and some are easy to do (drawing, baking). The defining point is whether the activity is one of the 39 creative, value-adding labors. Emptying your pockets before leaving an eruv (so you are not “carrying”) may seem confusing to someone who thinks that resting on Shabbat means refraining only from hard physical labor!
What Are Toldot
Toldot are variations of the 39 melachot. These types of melacha are also prohibited by the Torah.
Intention and Other Considerations
Most Torah (d'oraita) prohibitions of melacha on Shabbat are for cases in which you:
1) Intend a permanent change.
Often, actions that may be forbidden when they cause permanent change, will
be permissible by Torah law if the result is only temporary. Or
2) Intend or act for a specific purpose.
Random or unintended actions are generally not prohibited by Torah law.
(However, actions that are not prohibited by the Torah, may be prohibited
by Chazal.)
Whether you may benefit from a melacha done on Shabbat depends on intention:
- A Jew who intentionally does a melacha on Shabbat may never benefit from that melacha.
- A Jew who does melacha on Shabbat by mistake (shogeg) may benefit from that melacha immediately after Shabbat ends.
- K'darko--The action must be done in a normal way.
- Tzorech tikun—The action must be done for a constructive purpose.
- Tzricha l'gufa--You must need the normal result of that action.
- Asiya b'yachid—The action must be done by one individual (if commonly done by just one person).
- Mit'aseik--You must realize that you are doing a melacha.
Shabbat Laws from Chazal (Shabbat D'Rabanan)
Chazal instituted additional restrictions, such as:
- Activities that might lead directly to violating a Torah prohibition.
- Use of items not designated for Shabbat use (muktza). For a good explanation of muktza from the TorahTots website, please click here.
- Activities that might lead one to think that a prohibited activity is permissible (mar'it ayin--the appearance of the eye).
- Activities that are not appropriate for Shabbat, even though they are technically permissible according to the Torah (“uvda d'chol”).
- Tircha--Exerting a physical effort to accomplish a result that is not required for Shabbat.
Enjoying Shabbat/Oneg Shabbat
Chazal instituted laws to engender a positive Shabbat atmosphere and experience. Beyond the actual halachot of shamor and zachor, we have a concept of enjoying Shabbat (oneg Shabbat)—of enhancing our experience of Shabbat by doing whatever each person finds to be enjoyable and relaxing--as long as it is neither destructive nor violates the laws of Shabbat. The criteria are subjective. To fulfill the idea of honoring Shabbat, do things you would not do just for yourself if it were not Shabbat. Take essential life activities such as eating and sleeping and do them more and better and make them especially enjoyable.
Meals as Oneg
On Shabbat, we eat better foods and more types of food than we would normally do on weekdays.
The main idea behind meals for Shabbat is enjoyment (oneg; by contrast, the main idea for Jewish festivals is joy--simcha), so on Shabbat you should eat bread and either fish, poultry, or meat (but only if you enjoy them).
In order to have a special appetite for our Shabbat evening meal, we don't eat a full meal with bread on Friday afternoon.
Special Shabbat Songs (Zmirot)
Special songs (zmirot) are sung at the various Shabbat meals. Some zmirot have an aspect of prayer to them.
Studying Torah
Studying Torah on Shabbat is another way of increasing our spiritual experience. It honors the Shabbat and should bring about enjoyment of Shabbat.
Shabbat and Muktza
For information on Shabbat and muktza, see section below, Shabbat: Muktza.
Weekday Talk
Don't talk about subjects that are forbidden to do on Shabbat (weekday subjects); for example, don't talk about what you will do after Shabbat is over. There is no prohibition about discussing actions from the past as long as no planning is discussed.
- 90 degrees east of Jerusalem;
- 180 degrees east of Jerusalem; and
- Eastern extent of land at Jerusalem latitude (in China, near Shanghai).
In a region of doubt, such as Tasmania, keep normal Shabbat (Shabbat d'rabanan) on local Saturday and keep Shabbat d'oraita on:
- West of mainland USA, but
- East of the IDL, and
- Not attached to the mainland.
Hawaii, French Polynesia (Tahiti, Bora-Bora, etc.), and most of the other
islands in Polynesia.
- West of the IDL, but
- East of Shanghai, and
- Not attached to the mainland.
Caledonia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomons,
Tasmania, Tonga, Truk, Vanuatu, Yap. Also parts of Taiwan, the
Philippines, and Indonesia.
You are in a place near the International Dateline (IDL) in which you are not sure which day of the week it is halachically: Shabbat or, if you are east or west of the IDL, Friday or Sunday.
What To Do
On the Friday or Sunday in question, there is no shvut (d'rabanan prohibitions, including muktza), so you may do all melacha d'rabanan WITHOUT a shinui. You may:
- Ask or tell a non-Jew to do anything, including a melacha d'rabanan or d'oraita.
- Ride in a cab or car driven by a non-Jew.
- Use electricity--except for heat or light—including turning on a fan or air conditioner (heat and light are forbidden by the Torah).
- Use the telephone. (Using a cellphone may be permissible--ask a rabbi).
- Carry from a private domain (reshut ha'yachid) to another private domain, even through a public domain (reshut ha'rabim); but you may not stop walking in the public domain and you may not put the object down in the public domain unless you use a shinui.
- There is no practical way to light candles, even using a shinui, but a non-Jew may light them for you and and you may say the blessing on the candles.
- Swim, surf, scuba dive, climb, and play all games that do not use melacha. You may not wring out clothes and if you are swimming or scuba diving, your swimsuit or wetsuit must be clean.
- Walk any distance (there is no techum Shabbat d'oraita).
- Kinyan. You may acquire items.
Fly, including check in and getting on plane if:
- The pilot is non-Jewish, and
- You don't do any melacha d'oraita (including any writing) without a shinui.
- Use a computer if it automatically goes to sleep after less than 24 hours of not being used.
Shower. However:
- You may not use an “instant on” hot water system in which the water is heated as you use it; you may only use the hot water if it has a holding tank.
- You may use only liquid soap; hard soap is forbidden.
- Ingest medicine (but you may not smear it on skin).
- Use some make up, such as rouge, mascara, eye shadow. You may not use lipstick.
- Open a refrigerator with light (and all other psik reisha d'la neicha lei).
You may buy necessities on Friday or Sunday as long as:
- The store owner is not Jewish (or if he/she is Jewish, does not write or print a receipt),
- You do not write, and
- There is no reshut ha'rabim.
- You use a shinui (non-normal way of doing that action--this is forbidden d'rabanan on Shabbat but is allowed on the Friday or Sunday in question), OR
- Two or more people do the melacha together.
D'oraita, you may not:
- Cook food.
- Turn on lights (but you may turn them off).
- Carry from domains.
- Boneh – building any permanent structure.
- Write two or more letters of the alphabet.
- Drive--there is no practical way to drive using a shinui.
- Shave--there is no practical way to shave using a shinui.
- Use toothpaste (but you may use tooth-cleaning powder).
- Use skin cream--you may dab it on without smearing it.
- Cook food. You must put food in the cooking utensil first, then turn on the heat with shinui. You may turn off the heat even without a shinui.
- Turn on lights (such as with your elbow).
- Stop along the way when carrying from a private domain (reshut ha'yachid) to another private domain, even through a public domain (reshut ha'rabim). As a shinui, you may carry the object in your mouth (as long as it is not food), etc.
- Tear paper (such as putting toilet paper across knees and moving the knees apart).
- Write (such as with the opposite hand).
- Do not do any melacha d'oraita from the time you are east of Australia's east coast.
- Do not even do any melacha d'rabanan once you have crossed the international dateline (IDL).
To prepare, we make or buy the food we will need for Shabbat, clean the house, and put it in order. The custom is to shower or bath especially for Shabbat.
Before sunset on Friday, we turn on whatever lights we will need during Shabbat so that our homes are well lit. We leave the lights on until Shabbat is over (or we set timers to regulate when the lights go on and off since we cannot be involved with controlling them).
Special Shabbat foods include two loaves of bread for each of the first two meals and, preferably, for the third meal, too.
The loaves must be:
- Whole, without significant parts missing.
- Made out of one or more of the Five Grains.
Note Since these showbreads were not changed on Rosh Hashana and Jewish festivals, we may use round challot for those holidays (unless they fall on Shabbat or the holiday is Passover!).
After you knead more than 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) of flour at one time:
- Hold part of the dough (at least 1 fl. oz.) while it is still part of the main mass of dough;
- Say the blessing lehafrish challa min ha'isa;
- Separate a small amount (1 fl. oz. is sufficient) of the dough as challa; and
- Say harei zu challa.
SITUATION You prepare dough, in a single batch, from more than 2.5 lbs. (1 kg), but less than 5 lbs. (2.3 kg), of flour.
WHAT TO DO Separate a small amount (1 fl. oz. is sufficient) of the dough as “challa.” Don't say the blessing; just say harei zu challa.
NOTE If you mix at least 2.5 lbs. (1 kg) of dough, you must separate challa (without a blessing) even if you will not be baking some of the dough until another time.
Separating Challa from less than 2.5 lbs. of Dough
Don't separate challa if the dough was prepared from less than 2.5 lbs. (1 kg) of flour.
Situation You forgot to separate challa from dough made of at least 2.5 lbs. (1 kg) of flour, it is now Shabbat or a Jewish festival. You want to eat the bread.
- If you are outside Eretz Yisrael: You may leave part of the challa until after Shabbat or Jewish festivals. After havdala, separate the challa from the part that you had set aside.
- If you are in Eretz Yisrael: You may not use bread from which challa was not separated. Once Shabbat or the Jewish festival ends, you may separate challa and then eat the bread.
The tablecloth should cover the table during Shabbat meals, but you may remove and switch tablecloths. Even if you have a beautiful and valuable table, you should still cover it for Shabbat (and Jewish festival) meals.
Note If you have a fancy or beautiful cover for your challa that is not white underneath, you may put a white cloth or paper towel between the cover and the challa in order to have a white cover above the challa.
Note You may eat other food after halachic midday on Friday.
- City/Enclosed Area If you start Shabbat in a city or enclosed area of any type, you may walk up to 0.7 mile (1 km) beyond the border (last house) of that city or enclosed area.
- Uninhabited Area If you start Shabbat in an uninhabited place, such as a forest, you may walk only within a 0.7 mile (1 km) radius of where you started Shabbat.
Even if a non-Jew brings you misdirected luggage sent on a flight that did not land until after sunset on Friday, you may not use the items inside until after Shabbat has ended, even if you need the items for Shabbat. Consult a rabbi for exceptions.
For men, whichever is first:
- At sunset, or
- When they light candles intending to begin Shabbat then, or
- When they say Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat.
For women, whichever is first:
- When they light candles intending to begin Shabbat then (most people light 18 minutes before sunset but local customs can vary; e.g., Jerusalem), or
- In case of urgent need, just before sunset if they have not lit candles.
Note Even if a husband has finished ma'ariv for Shabbat, his wife is not required to start Shabbat when he does, and she may still light her candles at the normal candle lighting time. The husband does not need to wait outside until she has lit. However, the ideal situation is for the home to be ready (including table set) by the time the husband has finished ma'ariv and has returned home from synagogue.
Community-Wide Considerations
If an entire community begins Shabbat at any time earlier than sunset on Friday, EVERYONE must begin Shabbat at that time.
- If there are at least two minyans in any community, no one is required to start Shabbat with the earliest one (but if you associate yourself with one of those minyans, you must follow their custom).
SITUATION Mincha minyan begins at plag ha'mincha. You cannot light candles at home and still get to mincha minyan on time.
WHAT TO DO You must say mincha on your own (anytime from half an hour after mid-day until sunset). You will light candles after plag ha'mincha but before sunset and not join the mincha minyan.
NoteWomen should not routinely start Shabbat at sunset since the proper time for women to begin Shabbat is at candle lighting (typically 18 minutes before sunset).
ReasonAn opinion exists that Shabbat actually begins at 18 minutes before sunset; that is the origin of this time for women to begin Shabbat.
However, it is customary for any married woman to light candles wherever she will eat. Unmarried women do not need to light their own candles (as long as the host/hostess has them in mind when lighting), but they are not prohibited from doing so.
- Light the candles,
- Put your hands in front of your eyes (this a universal custom), and
- Say the blessing lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.
- Say the blessing, and then
- Light candles.
- Women may not correct themselves, but
- Men may say the correct blessing and light the candles.
- Extinguish the candles,
- Say the correct blessing, and then
- Light again (assuming he has not yet started Shabbat and that it is not yet sunset).
What To Do Reply to kedusha.
What To Do Do not say ya'aleh v'yavo in ma'ariv (along with the normal Shabbat prayers).
- Jewish festivals,
- Chol ha'moed, and
- Right after the last day of a Jewish festival.
- Face your normal direction for the first stanzas;
- For bo'i v'shalom, ideally, face the entrance to the synagogue (but the common practice is to face away from the aron kodesh).
Reason The idea is that we are attesting (with other people, as in a court) to God's having created the world.
We are required to eat three Shabbat meals, as a rabbinic (d'rabanan) enactment to enjoy Shabbat (oneg Shabbat). The first Shabbat meal must be at night and the remaining two must be during the day (the third meal must be eaten after halachic midday). Friday night dinner and the first meal on Saturday are preceded by kiddush. For the first two Shabbat meals, say ha'motzi over two complete loaves of bread, each of which is at least 1.3 fl. oz. in volume. For the third meal, the ideal is to use two complete loaves of bread, but the requirement of eating the third meal can also be fulfilled by eating any food other than salt or water.
Source of Saying Shabbat Kiddush
- Saying kiddush on Shabbat night is a commandment from the Torah (d'oraita).
- Saying kiddush on Saturday morning is a rabbinical (d'rabanan) enactment.
Source of Kiddush Location
Saying kiddush at the place where you will eat your meal is a rabbinical (d'rabanan) enactment.
Shabbat Kiddush-Meal Quantities: Evening
- For evening kiddush, a minimum of 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine must be blessed on and at least half must be drunk.
- For the evening meal, as on Shabbat lunch and all required Jewish festival meals, a minimum of 1.9 fl. oz. of bread must be eaten within four minutes.
Shabbat Kiddush-Meal Quantities: First Meal on Saturday
Shabbat day first meal has two separate eating requirements. They may be combined (say/hear kiddush and start the main meal right away) but are often done separately (say/hear kiddush and then eat some mezonot; the main meal is eaten later in the day).
Note Since eating and drinking requirements on all morning kiddushes (both Shabbat and Jewish festivals) are d'rabanan, the required beverage amount for morning kiddush is only 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) instead of the d'oraita 4 fl. oz. (119 ml), which is required for kiddushes for Shabbat evening.
1) Morning kiddush requires a halachically legal “meal” with these elements:
a) Blessing on a minimum of 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) of wine (or other beverage),
b) Someone's drinking at least 2 fl. oz. of the beverage, followed by
c) Eating at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of some type of mezonot (or bread) within four minutes.
Note If you drink at least 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) of wine within 30 seconds, you do not need to eat mezonot.
Note You do not need to drink the wine or other kiddush beverage to fulfill “establishing a meal.” You may hear kiddush and then simply eat the required amount of bread or mezonot. This applies to Shabbat or Jewish festivals, evening or morning.
The kiddush “meal” does not have to satiate.
Note If you have not fulfilled the requirements for kiddush, you may not eat other foods, such as fruit or fish at a kiddush.
2) The real meal (kovei'a se'uda) of Shabbat lunch requires eating at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread (or matza during Passover!) within four minutes. It should include enough food to satiate.
Note You can simultaneously fulfill the requirement to “establish a meal” and to “eat a meal” by eating one (the same) piece of bread.
For details on fulfilling the first two meals' requirements, see Shabbat: Kiddush.
Shabbat: Eating a Meal Requirement: Third Meal
For details on fulfilling the third meal's requirements, see Shabbat: Third Meal (Se'uda Shlishit).
- Say, or hear, the Shabbat kiddush blessings/segments, and
- “Establish a meal” (kovei'a se'uda).
NoteThere is never any requirement on an indvidual to drink kiddush wine (except at the Passover seder), but the kiddush wine must be drunk by one or more persons.
Note Women are obligated to say (or have said for them) Shabbat morning kiddush.
Reason Wine is considered to be a prestigious beverage.
- 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) for d'oraita cases such as Shabbat (or first-day Jewish festival) evening kiddush, and
- 3.3 fl. oz. (99 ml) for d'rabanan cases such as kiddush for Shabbat lunch.
- Set aside the first cup for havdala; then, if there is one more cup,
- Use it for the morning kiddush.
- See How To Do Shabbat Daytime Kiddush and How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush .
- “Physically damaged or broken drinking utensil": (You may not use such a cup for kiddush l'chatchila), OR
- Cup of wine, grape juice, or any beverage that has been drunk from.
If there is less wine in the bottle than in your glass, you must pour at least one drop of wine from the bottle into your wine glass or cup before you pour it back into the bottle.
- 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) within 30 seconds of beginning to drink for d'oraita cases such as Shabbat evening kiddush (as well as first-night Jewish festival kiddush and all havdalas), and
- 1.7 fl. oz. (50 ml) within 30 seconds of beginning to drink for d'rabanan cases such as Shabbat lunch kiddush (as well as first-day Jewish festival lunch kiddush and all second-day Jewish festival kiddushes).
- Speak, even without having drunk anything yourself.
- Drink.
- Eat.
- Heard kiddush, then
- Spoke, and
- Now want to drink some wine, even from the cup over which kiddush was made.
- Wash your hands,
- Say ha'motzi,
- Cut off a piece that is less than 1/48th of the loaf, and
- Eat it.
NOTE If you have pieces of bread or other mezonot, you may:
- Cut off less than 1/48th of the loaf,
- Eat the additional pieces of bread to make a total of at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56ml), and then
- Re-use the same loaf for Shabbat morning.
Reason #2 Salting the bread makes it like a sacrifice (which had salt added to it).
Note You may sprinkle salt on the bread, but kabbala recommends dipping.
Say, or hear, the Shabbat evening kiddush blessings/segments:
Borei pri ha'gafen (on wine or grape juice only), OR
Ha'motzi (on two challot if you have no wine or grape juice, as chamar medina is not permitted for Shabbat evening kiddush. See Challot for Evening Kiddush) AND - Mekadeish HaShabbat.
Borei pri ha'gafen (on wine or grape juice only), OR
Establish a halachic “meal” (kovei'a se'uda) by either:
- Drinking 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine (or grape juice) within 30 seconds, OR
- Eating at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread or mezonot of any type (within 4 minutes) shortly after saying or hearing kiddush.
- Wash hands and say blessing al netilat yadayim.
- Say kiddush but substitute ha'motzi for borei pri ha'gafen.
- As soon as you finish saying kiddush, eat the bread as normal.
- Drinking at least 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine/grape juice, or
- Eating at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of mezonot or bread.
- If you will not finish shacharit before halachic midday, you should eat or drink earlier in the day, even before you begin shacharit—water can be sufficient for this purpose.
- If you will finish shacharit but not musaf by halachic midday:
- Finish shacharit,
- Make kiddush,
- Eat some mezonot, and then
- Return to say musaf.
1. Say or Hear Kiddush Segments/Blessings
You must say, or hear, the Shabbat daytime kiddush segments/blessings and someone
must drink at least 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) of the kiddush beverage:
Say or Hear Kiddush Segments/Blessings
- Torah segment(s): V'shamru bnei Yisrael (even beginning from al kein).
Blessing over at least 3.3 fl. oz. (99ml) of drink:
- Borei pri ha'gafen (if on wine or grape juice), OR
- She'hakol nihiyeh bi'dvaro (if on other beverage/chamar medina).
any beverage (chamar medina) commonly drunk for social purposes (not
just for thirst) in the country in which you are saying kiddush. The ideal is to
use wine or grape juice.
- Drink at Least 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) of the Kiddush Drink
2. Establish Halachic Meal (Kovei'a Se'uda)
You must establish a halachic meal (kovei'a se'uda) shortly after saying or hearing
Shabbat morning kiddush by either:
- Drinking Wine--at least 4 fl. oz (119 ml) of wine (or grape juice) within 30 seconds, OR
- Eating Bread/Mezonot--at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of bread or mezonot within four minutes.
Note If you make, or hear, Shabbat morning kiddush on any beverage except wine or grape juice, you must also eat at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of bread or mezonot within four minutes to establish the kiddush meal. If you do not want to eat bread or mezonot, only drinking at least 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine (or grape juice) within 30 seconds will fulfill all the kiddush requirements.
Note If you have not fulfilled the kiddush requirements, you may not eat other foods, such as fruit or fish at a kiddush.
Note Once you have heard kiddush and either eaten the required bread or mezonot or drunk the required 4 fl. oz. of wine or grape juice, you do not need to say or listen to kiddush again if you eat your actual meal later (except if you need to say kiddush for other people who have not yet heard or said kiddush).
- Washing hands,
- Saying the ha'motzi blessing over two challot, and
- Eating at least the minimum amount (1.9 fl. oz., or 56 ml) of bread.
If you washed and ate bread, you may continue your meal even after dark.
Reason The bridegroom, bride, and leader may drink the wine--and one of them must drink the wine!--as part of the seven blessings, even though they were recited after sunset.
What To Do Say birkat ha'mazon additions for Shabbat (shir ha'ma'alot, retzei, migdol yeshuot) AND any others for the next day (such as ya'aleh v'yavo for Rosh Chodesh).
Note If you did not eat at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of bread after dark, only say the birkat ha'mazon additions for Shabbat.
When Is Dark
Shabbat (and Jewish festivals) ends at “dark”: when three medium-sized stars are visible overhead.
Note But it does not allow you to eat or drink, once you have finished se'uda shlishit, until you hear or say havdala.
Situation You washed your hands, said ha'motzi, were eating your meal (this could be se'uda shlishit or even a fourth meal) and it is now dark. You want to do melacha.
What To Do If you have not yet finished se'uda shlishit, saying Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol after dark on Saturday night does not affect the Shabbat additions you will then say in birkat ha'mazon. So, you may say Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol and do melacha, and then continue to eat your meal or say birkat ha'mazon INCLUDING the two Shabbat additions of retzei and ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom she'kulo Shabbat u'menucha l'chayei ha'olamim.
Shabbat havdala consists of:
Beverage: Wine, Grape Juice, or Chamar Medina
Wine is always the preferred beverage for all havdalas because it is prestigious. -
The extra soul we are given on Shabbat leaves after Shabbat is over, so we sniff a pleasant odor to cover for that loss. -
The Shabbat havdala flame commemorates that Adam HaRishon (the first man) created fire after the first Shabbat.
- Hear the blessing on wine;
- Smell the spices; and
- See the flame.
- Say shacharit Sunday morning;
- Repeat the amida for tashlumin; then
- Make havdala.
Note There is a difference of opinion as to whether women are required to say the blessing on fire, but the common practice is for women to say it. If a woman says havdala for a man, he must still say borei me'orei ha'eish for himself.
Reason Doing so is a symbol of blessing (siman bracha) that we are so rich that the wine or other drink that we spill is not important. Don't overfill your cup if you are using wine from a shmita year!
If you drink only 2 fl. oz. (59 ml), you will fulfill the commandment of havdala but you will not be able to say any after-blessing.
For women: This custom does NOT apply to women. Women who say havdala for themselves may give their havdala beverage to someone else to drink.
Note For besamim, you may scratch a lemon or orange or other aromatic fruit and sniff the fruit itself (but not your hand). However, say the normal havdala blessing, borei minei v'samim, instead of the normal blessing for smelling fruits (ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot).
- Two single-wick candles.
- Two matches.
- One match and one candle.
- Giving a siddur or chumash to use on that Shabbat.
- Giving permissible medicine for use on that Shabbat.
Exception It may be permissible to feed dogs on Shabbat even if they do not belong to you. Consult a rabbi.
- Putting slips of paper in the book (but only if the slips were torn before Shabbat began).
- Bending the page corners, whether the books are secular or Jewish holy books.
- Private Domain (reshut ha'yachid),
- Public Domain (reshut ha'rabim), and
- Carmelit.
Situation You are walking on Shabbat in a public domain (reshut ha'rabim) that does not have an eruv and find something in your pocket.
What To Do
- If you were walking and are still walking, go back to the most recent private domain and leave the item there. (If you cannot reasonably get back to where that was, continue to your destination and drop the item inside the first private domain you reach.)
- If you have already stopped walking, drop the item where you are.
- If you had stopped walking and then resumed walking, drop the item where you are.
- Outside a private domain or an eruv, you may not carry food in your mouth that you were eating when you left your house.
- You may not chew gum in a public area without an eruv.
Situation An eruv breaks or is down on Shabbat.
What To Do Do not tell someone who is carrying a child, pushing a stroller, or in a similar situation that the eruv is down.
NOTE If a person is not carrying a child, pushing a stroller, etc., tell him or her that the eruv is down.
- There is an eruv around the building, or
- You have made an eruv chatzeirot with all the other owners.
Note If you do not normally rely on municipal eruvs, you should not carry outside your apartment (such as in the building's halls--even if your building is within a municipal eruv), unless the building has an eruv chatzeirot.
- The building owner has property in each apartment, and
- The building owner or manager has the ability and the right to enter your apartment and the other apartments.
- Real physical structures—whether natural (such as tree trunks, bushes) or man-made (buildings, fences, cars);
- Natural topographic features (such as slopes); and/or
- Presumptive doorways (often made of poles and wires or strong string).
Two structures (regardless of how thick or wide they are) within 10.5 inches of each other are considered to be halachically solid and constitute a single structure; this is called lavud.
NoteA halachically solid wall may have gaps of more than 3 tefachim (10.5 in.) high or wide (i.e., in either dimension) as long as the other dimension is less than 3 tefachim wide.
A halachically solid wall can be made of a:
Wide mesh of ropes or strings; the cross strings are very far apart, as long as the vertical strings are within 10.5 inches of each other.
Picket fence; each vertical slat must be within 10.5 inches of the adjacent slat OR each horizontal piece that connects the vertical slats must be within 10.5 inches of the adjacent horizontal piece.
Chain-link fence.
All vertical eruv components must be at least 40 inches high. There is no maximum height for the eruv if it is a halachic doorway (tzurat ha'petach--two uprights and a horizontal bar above and connecting the two).
A solid component (for example, a board, wall, house, etc.) must be at least 12 inches from side to side.
Non-solid components (for example, a series of narrow bushes, a series of trees with trunks less than 12 inches across, various types of fences, etc.) must be within 10.5 inches of each other and of the ground, both horizontally and vertically, for the entire distance between adjacent trees/bushes. They must be at least 40 inches high or wide.
Vertical components, such as poles, that are connected above or below in the following ways are also halachic walls, regardless of how far apart they are:
- Connected above, such as with a board or string that rests across the tops of vertical poles, and which are at least 40 inches above the ground at all points along its course, or
- Connected below within 10.5 inches of the ground, such as bushes or small trees with branches that come within 10.5 inches of the ground at all points (even at the attachment point to the trunk). Components must reach up to at least 40 inches above the ground.

Note In order to count as part of a border for a private domain, any doorway, gateway, archway, etc., must be intended to be a doorway, gateway, archway, etc.--and not there merely for decoration or function (as in supporting something above).
- So dense that a cat can't walk through them, and
- More than 40” (10 tefachim) high.
- The bottom of the car is within 10.5 inches of the ground, and
- One side of the car is in line with other parts of the eruv, such as with an actual wall, lechi + mashkof, or steep slope.

Eruv Border: Tree Trunk
- Slopes down into the water 40 inches or more, and
- Is more than 25 degrees from horizontal.
Note Since these are not intended to be a doorway, no mezuza is required on them.
Note If there is not a crease from before you fold the garment, you may not make one.
- You may brush off non-embedded dirt or hair from the surface of clothing, on Shabbat.
- You may not remove dust, burrs, or anything that penetrates the surface of the garment, on Shabbat.
- Door onto its hinges, or
- Sliding door onto its track.
- You don't intend to make furrows, and
- Doing so will not inevitably (psik reisha) make a furrow.
- The elevator stops at all floors, or
- A non-Jew pushes the button in order to ride the elevator himself.
- Run constantly, and
- Are not controlled by a foot treadle or an electric eye.
You may ask a non-Jew to open an electric door or to push the button to summon an elevator for you on Shabbat--even if he does not need to get to the floor you want--if you need to get to your room for any mitzva or Shabbat purpose, such as for a nap, to eat, or use the toilet.
Reason Even if a light comes on, it is d'rabanan (you do not need the light) and, therefore, you are permitted to ask the non-Jew to push the button.
- No melacha is involved, and
- It does not appear to be for healing (refu'a) or health purposes.
You may check produce for bugs on Shabbat or Jewish festivals but:
On Shabbat, you may not remove any bugs.
On a Jewish festival, you may remove the bug but not by hand.
NoteYou may not kill bugs on Shabbat or Jewish festivals. To do something that is certain to kill the bug is forbidden; if might not kill the bug, it is OK.
Note You may remove the bug along with part of the produce even on Shabbat.
Cooking includes:
- You may not make a soft food hard (such as cooking an egg).
- You may not make a hard food soft (such as cooking meat).
- You may not, in any manner, heat (to 120° F or above ) liquids that you will drink or foods with liquids—such as sauces and gravies--whether fully cooked or not.
ReasonNo action is being taken and the cooking will be completed by itself.
Once you pour water from a kli rishon into a glass, the glass is a kli sheni. Some foods, such as an egg or tea, get cooked in a kli sheni (kalei bishul--easily cooked). These foods are forbidden by Torah law to be put into a hot kli sheni on Shabbat.
NoteIf the water is less than 120° F, nothing gets halachically cooked in any kli, even in a kli rishon.
- You must have taken it off with the intention of replacing it, and
- You may not put the utensil down onto a surface; you must continue to hold the food (or the utensil) in your hand.
- The heat source must be covered.
- Instant coffee;
- Powdered, dried tea; or
- Tea that has already been steeped.
- Pour or dispense the hot water into an intermediate utensil, and then
- Put the water and brewed or instant coffee or tea into that utensil.
Reason Replacing the lid helps cook the food (the food's being fully cooked before Shabbat avoids this problem).
When using a crockpot or slow cooker with a glass lid, however, the food does not need to be fully cooked.
Reason You can see how well cooked the food is through the lid.
- Cover any cooking controls (knobs, switches, etc.) so no one adjusts them during Shabbat.
- Cover the heat source with a "blech" (sheet of metal). This will help prevent Torah law violations by serving as a reminder not to adjust the heat. Note Some blechs also block the temperature controls, to help with the previous step. Note To use a hotplate, remove the control knob before Shabbat.
- Turn on the source of heat (hotplate, burner under the blech...).
- Put onto the hotplate or blech at least one utensil containing food or water.
- Start with food that is fully cooked and solid (no liquids may be heated on Shabbat!). Note"Solid" food includes cooked meat with congealed jelly or cooked fish with jelly.
- Place the fully cooked dry food on top of the food- or water-containing utensil that had been placed on the heating appliance before Shabbat began. Remember not to put the fully cooked food directly onto the hotplate, blech, or other heat source after Shabbat begins (even if there is a separation between the heat source and food).
NOteAt some time during Shabbat, someone must eat or drink from the food- or water-containing utensil that had been on the blech since before Shabbat began.
- Keeps the light on or off (according to the way you have set it), regardless of whether the oven door is open or closed,
- Makes a forced delay in the heating elements' turning on after the door is opened so that the heating element never goes on while the door is open, and
- Shuts off the timer and digital display.
- You may not, during Shabbat, place a food container in an item or structure, such as a blanket, that retaines heat. You may do so if the food container was already wrapped before Shabbat.
- You may not add insulation (which will help keep in the heat) even before (and certainly not during) Shabbat to foods that are on a heat source, even to fully cooked foods, whether the foods are wet or dry.
- You may not apply heat to an insulated utensil--or apply any insulation that adds heat--even before Shabbat began and let it remain that way during Shabbat--even if the food was completely cooked before sunset on Friday.
WHAT TO DO You may rewrap it after eating to retain heat for later.
Reason This is cooking/bishul. Even though the milk was probably pasteurized, there are other ingredients (such as rennet) that have not been cooked.
Note Pickled and salted foods are sometimes considered to be cooked regarding some halachot, but not in this case of putting them into hot food (which will actually cook them).
- You may pick up the pot or utensil containing the food from the hotplate, blech, or other covered heat source, but you must not put it down, even to partially rest on a table or other surface;
- You must intend to return the utensil and food to the hotplate, blech, or other covered heat source; and
- You may not remove/serve food from the utensil while it is still on the hotplate, blech, or other covered heat source.
- Oven controls are covered,
- Food is fully cooked, and
- Food is non-liquid.
Note You may not cook the food by having the sun's rays first heat a surface—such as heating a black backing that will absorb heat--and then transfer it to the food.
What To DoEven if the heating element is not on at that moment, once you have opened the door, you must remove any food from the oven. You may not leave food in there to be eaten later.
- Sponge (even if it is on a handle),
- Dish rag, or
- Scrubbing pad (a pad that holds water and, when used, the water gets squeezed out).
The minimum size before violating the melacha of tochein varies by the type of food. The resulting pieces must be somewhat larger than the size you would normally use in order to be permitted.
- Using a shinu'i (such as a spoon, knife, or spatula),
- Without using a specialized tool (such as a grinder, potato masher, or fork),
- If you eat it immediately after preparing it, and
- If you leave some pieces larger than you normally would.
- You may not use a specialized utensil (you may use a fork), and
- You must eat it immediately.
- The resulting mixture will be fluid (you can pour it in a smooth and steady stream), AND
- You put whatever is normally added second into the container first and then add the component that is normally added first to the other substance, AND
- You mix it with your finger, not with a utensil.
Note You may not unplug an operating hotplate. If the hotplate will not go on again, you may unplug it--but only in a non-standard manner.
Reason Since liquid can be poured with the cap still attached, the sealed bottle does not become a “new utensil”—a Shabbat violation.
However, if you will destroy letters that are printed on the cap, you may not open the bottle.
You may tear paper, plastic, foil, or other wrappers around food in order to eat that food on Shabbat.
You may tear plastic and foil (but not paper) around napkins, plasticware, etc., that you need on Shabbat.
But you may not:
Do so if you will inevitably tear through any words or pictures on the package.
Use scissors.
Except for wrappers for food or eating utensils, do not tear paper, foil, toilet paper, parchment paper, plastic wrap, paper towels, etc., on Shabbat.
Note If there is a perforation, that makes the tearing worse.
Note If you do not have any torn toilet paper, tear it is an unusual way:
Tear using the back of your hand.
Spread the toilet paper across your knees and then spread your knees apart.
Salt will materially (not just due to the flavor of the salt) change the flavor of the food, as in salting cut or chopped onions or salting tomatoes.
Note You may dip the tomato or other food into salt using your hand as you are eating it. - Foods have a shell; e.g., corn kernels (on or off of the cob), beans, peas.
- Salt has not been heated previously (e.g., during the processing of the salt) and the food you are salting is hot (over 120° F, or 49° C).
Boreir Principle #1: You may eat anything in the manner in which it is normally eaten.
ExamplePeeling an orange.
Boreir Principle #2: You may not use a specialized tool.
Boreir Principle #3: You may not remove “bad” from “good.”
What To Do Take good (edible or desired food) from the undesired (bad) components.
Note You may do this only when you are ready to eat it or when you are preparing the food to be eaten soon afterward.
Note Boreir is a complicated area of halacha. Because issues of boreir are almost always from the Torah (d'oraita, not d'rabanan), we are stringent in applying restrictions concerning boreir. Consult a rabbi for specific questions.
Selecting Undesired from Desired Food
On Shabbat, you may not usually separate totally undesired from totally desired food in a standard way, even without a specialized tool.
- Peel an orange
- Remove the shell of a hard-boiled egg
- Separate peanuts from their shells.
SITUATION You want remove dirt from a carrot's surface on a Shabbat.
WHAT TO DO You may remove the dirt with an altered method (shinu'i), such as scraping the peel with a knife (which is a tool not specialized for separating food)-- but not by using a peeler.
REASON The normal way to eat the carrot is to peel it.
Selecting Desired from Undesired Food
While eating food (and some time before--within the amount of time you would normally need to prepare a meal), you may select desired food from undesired (or inedible) substances by hand or non-specialized tool. You may not use a specialized implement.
EXAMPLE You may remove fish from its skeleton even before eating it, but you may not remove the skeleton from the fish (because you have removed bad from good).
NOTE Once Shabbat has begun:
- You may remove fish bones from fish while you are eating the fish, but not before you are eating the fish.
- You may cut open a melon such as a cantaloupe and shake the seeds out (this is because some of the seeds remain), or take a bite of the melon and spit out the seeds. But you may not remove any remaining seeds using your hand or an implement.
If each unwanted element is easy to identify and remove, there is no issue of boreir. Consult a rabbi regarding what is halachically considered easy to remove.
Shabbat: Removing Cantaloupe Seeds
You may remove cantaloupe seeds only by shaking, not by scooping, them out.
Shabbat: Removing Lemon Seeds
You generally may not remove lemon seeds (pits) from food. However, if you are squeezing a lemon and some pits get partly squeezed out, you may:
- Shake the lemon in order to shake off the pits, or
- Use your hand to remove the pits from the surface of the lemon.
Note If there are only one or two seeds and they are easily differentiated from the food, you may remove them by any means, except by using an instrument that is intended to separate food from non-food or from undesired food, such as a sieve, strainer, or slotted spoon.
You may wash or rinse food on Shabbat and pour off the water afterwards if there is no tangible dirt. (This is not boreir.)
If the food does have tangible or visible dirt, you may not wash or rinse the food.
You may wash and drain olives and other canned fruits and vegetables on Shabbat.
- Throw out the liquid, and leave some liquid together with the food,
- Eat the vegetables soon afterward (at your next meal or snack).
- Off, in order to use the space where it is.
- On, in order to use the space where it is OR if you need the heat elsewhere.
Note If you will be using a large volume of hot water during Shabbat, consult a rabbi since the heating element might inevitably be turned on and that would be forbidden on Shabbat.
- Remove the house key (even on Shabbat), or
- Carry the entire set of keys on the ring with you.

Shabbat belt: Key must be an integral part of the belt
Status You may not disconnect the key from the belt, stick the key in the door, and open the door in a way that the key enters a private domain.
What to Do You must either:
- Turn the key while the key is still on the Shabbat belt, OR
- Remove the key from the Shabbat belt (or take off the belt), open the lock, and then replace the key on the Shabbat belt before you open the door.
Shabbat: Laundry: Clothesline
You may take down laundry on Shabbat only if it was dry before sunset on Friday, and only if you don't:
- Transfer the laundry from one halachic domain to another (hotza'a), or
- Give the impression that the laundry had been washed on Shabbat (mar'it ayin).
Reason On the clothesline, there is no certainty that the laundry will dry during Shabbat (it might rain, it might be cold or cloudy...), so the person cannot have in mind that it will dry during Shabbat.
Shabbat: Laundry: Dryer
Laundry in a dryer (even if it was wet at sunset) that was turned on before sunset on Friday (or Jewish festivals) is not muktza, even if you do not intend to wear it. You may remove the dry laundry from the dryer on Shabbat as long as no light goes on.
- You may not plug in the cord or remove the plug from the wall.
- You may not turn the light on or off.
Note Beware of “Shabbat makeup” that stays on longer than normal makeup but may not be applied on Shabbat.
- From within techum Shabbat, AND
- Within an eruv, AND
- By a non-Jew, AND
- Already open.
- Brought from outside the techum Shabbat, OR
- Printed on Shabbat, OR
- Delivered by a Jew.
Reason If the item is delivered on Shabbat, it is not being done at your request and, if it is reading material, you may read the material as long as the other conditions permit it--see above.
Note If you do not know where the reading material came from, you may not use it Shabbat.
Note Although taking possession of the newspaper, magazine, or other reading material is “acquisition” (kinyan), you may do so since you will use it on Shabbat.
On Shabbat, you may not take medicine used to promote health. Whenever there is any question of a life-threatening disease or condition, you must take medicine.
Entire Body Is Affected
Example Fever.
Status You may take medicines for this category; pills, such as aspirin, are OK to take.
Exception You may not smear substances on skin UNLESS the fever is life-threatening, in which case even smearing is permitted. -
Only Part of the Body Is Affected
Status Some medicines may be used--consult a rabbi.
Status Medicine generally may not be used.
Dabbing is permitted, but only when you are permitted to use medicine for that purpose.
ExampleYou may dab cream on Shabbat for a bee sting.
Reason The pain from the sting will affect the entire body.
ExampleYou may not use cream for a mosquito bite.
Reason It is only a local irritation.
Note You may not smear cream for either condition.
Reason Moisturizing rough or dry skin is a type of healing/refu'a.
Exception If the disease affects your entire body, you may take the medicine anyway.
You may mop up a local spill but only without squeezing out the rag or mop.
Permissibility To Be Moved You may move this item by hand, without using a shinu'i:
- If you need the space where it is resting, or
- For a permissible use.
- Using a hammer to open a coconut.
- Using pliers to crack open nuts.
- Using a portable radiator to prop open a window.
Note You may not move it just to protect the item.
Muktza Machmat Gufo: No Use
Purpose An item that has no use. This item is not normally ever designated for use; for example, a rock or stone. However, an item in this “no use” category is rendered non-muktza and usable on Shabbat as long as you had intended--before Shabbat or the festival began--to use it for a permitted purpose. As long as you intended that, you do not even need to use a shinu'i. If you did not intend, before sunset on Friday, to use this normally unusable item, then you may only move it using a shinu'i.
Permissibility To Be Moved Unless you prepared before Shabbat to use it for some permitted purpose on Shabbat, you may not move it by hand even for a permitted use and not even in order to use the space where it is resting.
Note You might need to use the item regularly for the non-standard purpose because for just a one-time use, it might not be permitted. Consult a rabbi.
Exception Garbage has no use. You may move garbage within your house (example: push the garbage across the room with your foot), but if you want to dump your garbage outside and you have a private domain or an eruv, you may pick it up and carry it outside.
Muktza Machmat Chisaron Kis
Purpose A valuable item that you are concerned may be damaged.
Examples Passport, porcelain china, or other expensive and fragile or difficult-to-replace objects.
Such an item may not be moved except for its designated purpose and you may not move it once you have finished using it. But once you are already holding it, you may take it to a place where you want to leave it and you do not need to drop it where it is when you finish with it.
Basis L'Davar Ha'Asur
Purpose Muktza item resting on a normally permitted item makes the lower item muktza too.
Example A candlestick will render the table on which it stands muktza (unless there are one or more other items that are more valuable than the muktza item, in which case the table does not become muktza).
Situation There are multiple objects; some are permitted and some are not—for example, in a drawer.
What To Do If the permissible objects are more valuable than the non-permitted objects, you may open the drawer.
Non-Muktza on Top of Muktza
If you want a non-muktza item that was left on top of a muktza item from before Shabbat started, you may use it without restriction.
You discover you have coins in non-patch pockets of your pants that you will wear on Shabbat.What To Do
You may empty coins out of non-patch pockets if you need to use the pants, but not by taking the coins out: you must dump them out of the pockets.Note If you have coins in a patch pocket, the whole garment is muktza, unless you forgot that the coins were there or if you intended to remove the coins before Shabbat began but forgot to remove them (in which case you may shake the coins out of the pocket and the garment is not muktza).
Non-Patch Pockets
Pants with muktza items in the pockets are on your bed and you want to sleep on Shabbat afternoon.What To Do
You may move the pants off your bed using any body part including your hands; no shinu'i needed.Item that Becomes Muktza
If you are holding a permissible item and it becomes muktza, you may put it in safe place; you do not need to immediately drop it or put it down where you are.
Example You are holding a pot from which you dispense all of the food. The empty pot is now muktza, but you may take it to the kitchen to put it down.
For More Information about Muktza
To see the TorahTots article on muktza, click here.
To prevent a large financial loss.
Note A large loss is subjective to the individual's actual wealth and also to that person's perception of what is a large loss. Consult a rabbi.
For Shabbat needs.
Example You may ask a non-Jew to unlock an electric hotel door or trigger an entrance door on Shabbat, since this is for a Shabbat need and the action is not prohibited d'oraita.
Situation A new guest arrives and you need the space on the table occupied by your Shabbat candlesticks.
What To Do You may not move the candlesticks, but you may ask a non-Jew to do so.
Situation You left a non-muktza item that you now need for Shabbat on a tree branch (or a child left one in a tree house!).
What To Do You may not climb the tree to retrieve the item, but you may ask a non-Jew to retrieve it. Example You may ask a non-Jew to turn on air conditioning.
ExampleYou may ask a non-Jew (directly, no need to hint) to turn off a light if it interferes with someone's sleeping.- To allow doing a mitzva.
- For other pressing (and certainly for life-threatening) needs, such as health, even if the person not sick.
- Operate the pump directly.
- Turn the pump on or off.
- Open the door to a refrigerator or freezer.
- Use a water cooler.
Note Sometimes motion detector lights do not always go on, due to a defective detector or because you can walk slowly enough or out of the detector range. If so, then it is not a “psik reisha” and you may walk past the detector, even if it sometimes does turn on the lights. However, you may not use the light that goes on unless there is enough ambient light from other sources that you can see without needing the triggered light.
- If you can avoid triggering the LED by walking slowly, you may enter the room.
- If you can open a door slowly without triggering the LED, and by letting the door swing closed the LED will light up, you may do so and then walk past the detector while the LED is on, but only if the door takes at least 2.5 seconds to close.
Note On Shabbat, you may use oil for pleasure, such as for massage, but not for refu'a/healing purposes, such as to heal chapped skin.
Note If the water comes from a pump-operated well, such as in rural or remote areas, consult a rabbi.
What To Do
You may stay on the airplaine.
Note If you are flying for pleasure, you must get off the plane before sunset (if possible).
If you fly east (such as from Asia to the US, across the Pacific) after Shabbat is over, you will re-enter Shabbat and may not do melacha on the airplane. Say the Shabbat prayers and kiddush at the appropriate local time where you are flying.
- You don't get your clothes wet, and
- You dry off your legs before walking on dry land.
- He or she doesn't do anything especially for you (for instance, the non-Jew is driving somewhere anyway and offers you a ride for free), and
- There is no possibility of mar'it ayin (appearing to do something not allowed, even though the act is technically allowed).
- You must not open a door (which will turn on a light) or do any other melacha while riding with a non-Jewish driver on Shabbat.
- You may continue to ride on a bus or other public vehicle driven by a non-Jew even once the sun sets on Friday if you have already paid (or if it is free) and if the vehicle is not being driven just for you.
- You may not continue to ride in a car or taxi that is being driven for you once the sun sets on Friday even if you have already paid for it or if it is free, unless it will be dangerous for you to get out of the vehicle and walk to a safe place.
- You may not invite for a Shabbat meal Jews who may drive themselves to your home on Shabbat unless there is more than a 50% chance that they will arrive without driving on Shabbat.
Reason The trees are muktza.
On Shabbat, you may dangle your feet or legs into a pool (or other body) of water up to whatever garment you are wearing. However, you may not let the garment get wet.
Candle Lighting
- Check candle lighting time
- Set the candles in their holders (and have matches nearby)
Set the Table
Set the table, including the challa and its cover and the wine cup.
Kitchen Preparation
- Sharpen knives
- Tear paper towels
- Refrigerator: Turn off or unscrew lights; disconnect any LEDs or fans
- Set up blech
- Set up hot water urn
- Turn off stove, oven
Food Preparation
- Thaw frozen meat, fish, and other food that might take hours to defrost before being cooked
- Cook whatever can be cooked ahead of time on Thursday night, Friday morning, or earlier in the week
- Squeeze lemons; do any other boreir-type preparations
- Chill wine
- Open bottles and cans that will be needed on Shabbat
- Prepare tea essence
- Make beds
- Sweep or vacuum
- Dump garbage
- Do laundry
- Empty pockets of muktza (or if there is no eruv, of everything!)
- For men, set out Shabbat talit
Check that nothing you will need is beneath a muktza item
Personal Care
- Cut hair and nails, if needed
- For men, shave or trim beard and mustache, if needed
- Tear dental floss
- Tear toilet paper or put out tissues in bathrooms
- Open any new boxes of tissues
- Set heat or air conditioning
- Turn on or off lights, or set timers for them
- If desired, turn off or disconnect:
- Alarms
- Cellphones and phones
- Computers
- Microwave detectors
- Other electronics
Check that the eruv (if any) is good