Shabbat: Zachor
- When Shabbat Starts
Shabbat Candles
- Shabbat: Candles: When To Light
- Shabbat: Candles: Earliest Time To Light
- Shabbat: Candles: Normal Lighting Times
- Shabbat: Candles: Lighting with Delay until Sunset
- Shabbat: Candles: Latest Time To Light
- Shabbat: Candles: Who Lights
- Shabbat: Candles: One Person per Home Lights
- Shabbat: Candles: Have Others in Mind When Lighting
- Shabbat Candles: How Many To Light
- Shabbat: Candles: Wives: Light Two (or More)
- Shabbat: Candles: How Many To Light when Eating Elsewhere
- Adding a Candle
- Shabbat: Evening Prayers
Shabbat: Meals
Shabbat: Kiddush
- Shabbat: Kiddush: How Much To Pour
- Pour Revi'it for Shabbat Kiddush
- How High To Fill Shabbat Kiddush Cup
- If Not Enough Wine
- Shabbat: Kiddush: Cup & Wine Bottles
- Shabbat: Your Own Kiddush Cup
- Shabbat: Kos Pagum
- Shabbat: Uncovered Wine Bottles/Cups
- Shabbat: Washing Wine Glass
- Shabbat: Pouring Back Wine
Shabbat: Two Loaves (Lechem Mishneh)
- Shabbat: Two Loaves (Lechem Mishneh): What To Use
- HaMotzi: Bagels
- HaMotzi: Crackers
- HaMotzi: Other Foods
- Shabbat: Two Loaves (Lechem Mishneh): How To Wash For
- How To Wash for HaMotzi
- Shabbat: Two Loaves: What HaMotzi Covers
- Shabbat: Lunch
Shabbat: Kiddush
Shabbat: Conclusion
- Saturday Evening before Havdala
- Havdala: Beverage
- Which Havdala Beverage
- How To Fill the Havdala Cup
- How To Hold the Havdala Cup (and Spices)
- How Much Havdala Beverage To Drink
- Havdala: Who Drinks the Beverage
- Havdala Beverage: Standing or Sitting
- Drops of Havdala Wine above Eyes or in Pockets
- Havdala: Spices (Besamim)
- Havdala Spices Only on Saturday Night
- What To Use for Havdala
- How Many Spices To Use for Havdala
- How To Hold the Spices
Shabbat: Shamor
- Shabbat: Animals
- Shabbat: Brushing Teeth
- Shabbat: Toothpaste
- Shabbat: Water, Tooth Powder, Toothwashing Liquid
- Shabbat: Rinsing Toothbrush
- Shabbat: Flossing
Shabbat: Carrying (Hotza'a)
- Shabbat: Carrying (Hotza'a) and Domains
- Transferring Object from Domain to Domain
- Moving Items in Legal Public Area (Reshut HaRabim)
- Carrying in Mouth on Shabbat
- Carrying Children on Shabbat outside Eruv
- Using Cane, Crutches, Wheelchair outside Eruv
- Carrying Ticket within Eruv
- Wearing Watch with No Eruv
- Wearing Collar Stays with No Eruv
- If You Do Not Use the Eruv
- Shabbat: Coloring (Tzovei'a)
- Introduction to Shabbat: Coloring (Tzovei'a)
- Shabbat: Coloring (Tzovei'a): Food
- Shabbat: Coloring (Tzovei'a): Cloth
- Shabbat: Cut Flowers
- Shabbat: Putting Cut Flowers in Water
- Shabbat: Adding Water to Cut Flowers
- Shabbat: Moving Cut Flowers
- Shabbat: Elevators/Escalators
- Shabbat: Riding Elevators
- Shabbat: Riding Escalators
- Shabbat: Asking Non-Jew To Help with Electric Door/Elevator
- Shabbat: Exercise
- Shabbat: Strengthening Exercise
- Shabbat: Roller Blading
- Shabbat: Trapeze
- Shabbat and Swimming
- Shabbat and Weight-Lifting
- Shabbat: Stretching
Shabbat: Food Preparation
Shabbat: Cooking
- Shabbat: Food Ready by Sunset
- Blech and Food Fully or Incompletely Cooked by Sunset
- Replacing Lid and Food Incompletely Cooked by Sunset
- Shabbat: Mixing Hot and Raw Foods
- Shabbat: Hot Liquids on Raw Foods
- Shabbat: Hot Soup and Cheese
- Shabbat: Mixing Hot and Pickled Foods
- Shabbat: Grinding (Tochein)
- Grinding on Shabbat: How Finely You May Grind
- Grinding on Shabbat: Avocadoes
- Grinding on Shabbat: Eggs
- Shabbat: Muktza in the Kitchen
- Shabbat: Muktza: Moving a Hotplate
- Shabbat: Muktza: Moving an Empty Pot
Shabbat: Cooking
Shabbat: Heating and Cooling
- Shabbat: Adjusting Controls and Vents
- Shabbat: Adjusting Temperature Controls
- Shabbat: Adjusting Air Conditioning Vents
- Shabbat: Mail and Periodicals
- Shabbat: Bringing Mail inside House
- Shabbat: Bringing Newspaper inside House
- Shabbat: Medicines
- Shabbat: Non-Jews (Shabbat Goy)
- Asking Non-Jew To Do Melacha D'Oraita
- Asking Non-Jew To Do Melacha D'Rabanan
- Hinting to a Non-Jew To Do a Melacha
- Non-Jews: Melacha Bein HaShmashot
- Shabbat: Refrigerators
- Shabbat: Opening Refrigerator when Compressor not On
- Shabbat: Opening Refrigerator with Light or LED
- Shabbat: Room Sensors
- Shabbat: Preventing Motion Detector from Lighting Up
- Shabbat: Walking into Room with Motion Detector
Shabbat: Zachor