- Dating
- Giving Information about Potential Mate
- Dating only People You May Marry
- Checking Jewish Lineage
- Checking on Whether the Couple May Marry
- Pre-Wedding
- Not Seeing Each Other
- Bride and Groom Fast
- Bride to the Mikva
- Groom to the Mikva
- Offspring at Parent's Re-Marriage
- Wedding: Ketuba
- Who May Write the Ketuba
- Ketuba Process
- Meaning of the Ketuba
- Financial Responsibility of Husband
- Safekeeping a Ketuba
- Wedding Customs (These are NOT halachot!)
- Wedding Customs: Couple Separates for Seven Days
- Wedding Customs: The Aufruf
- Wedding Customs: What the Bride Buys
- Wedding Customs: What the Groom Buys
- Wedding Customs: Prenuptial Agreement
- Wedding Customs: Groom to Mikva
- Wedding Customs: Wedding Shomer
- Wedding Customs: Tanayim
- Wedding Customs: Accompanying the Bride and Groom
- Wedding Customs: Chuppa
- Wedding Customs: Bride Circles Groom
- Wedding Customs: Baruch HaBa
- Wedding Customs: Drinking the Wine
- Wedding Customs: Wedding Ring
- Wedding Customs: Reading of the Ketuba
- Wedding Customs: Second Cup of Wine