Prayer brings us closer to God. When we ask for things from God, even though God already knows what we want and need, we get merit (zechut) for the prayer.
Particularly in synagogue, a holy place, we must be always cognizant of God’s presence and take special care to show respect to God in His house. This awareness is even more important than memorizing the halachot of prayer: those who speak in synagogue are showing disrespect to God as well as disturbing others and preventing them from praying with concentration (kavana).
The three daily prayer services--shacharit, mincha, and ma’ariv--are related to the three forefathers who instituted them. They partly take the place of—and are modeled after--the Temple sacrifices.
If you find you have made an error in saying a blessing or prayer, you may correct your error without having to repeat any previous parts if you do so within 2.5 seconds.
Particularly in synagogue, a holy place, we must be always cognizant of God’s presence and take special care to show respect to God in His house. This awareness is even more important than memorizing the halachot of prayer: those who speak in synagogue are showing disrespect to God as well as disturbing others and preventing them from praying with concentration (kavana).
The three daily prayer services--shacharit, mincha, and ma’ariv--are related to the three forefathers who instituted them. They partly take the place of—and are modeled after--the Temple sacrifices.
If you find you have made an error in saying a blessing or prayer, you may correct your error without having to repeat any previous parts if you do so within 2.5 seconds.
Note Prayers (tefilot) are said at set times; blessings (brachot) are said whenever the correct situation occurs for them. Even though prayers contain blessings within them, blessings and prayers are in separate sections in this website.
- Pre-Prayer: Attire
- Man's Head Covering for Prayers or Torah Study
- Attire for Amida
- Praying in Bare Feet on Stone Floor
- Praying in a Kittel on Rosh Hashana
With Whom To Pray
With Whom To Pray: Prayer Quorum (Minyan)
- With Whom To Pray: Who May Be Counted in a Quorum (Minyan)
- Non-Shomer Shabbat Jew Counted in Minyan
- Boy less than 13 Years Old
With Whom To Pray: Minyan: Amen
- Minyan: Amen: When To Say
- Wait for Amen until after Completion of Blessing
- Don't Answer Amen within 2.5 Seconds
With Whom To Pray: Prayer Quorum (Minyan)
Where To Pray
- Where To Pray: Avoiding Distraction
- How To Pray
When To Pray
- When to Pray: Traveler's Questions
- When To Pray: Traveler's Questions: Crossing from Day-Night or Night-Day
When To Pray: Morning Prayers/Shacharit
When To Pray: Morning Prayers/Shacharit (Weekday): Order of Prayers
- When To Pray: Shacharit: What Time To Begin
- Introduction: Shacharit: When To Begin
- Shacharit: Earliest Time for Blessings over Tefilin and Tzitzit
- Very Early Shacharit: How To Begin
- When To Pray: Shacharit: Blessings of Daybreak (Birchot HaShachar)
- When To Say Blessings of Daybreak (Birchot HaShachar)
- Where To Say Blessings of Daybreak (Birchot HaShachar)
- When To Pray: Shacharit: L'Olam Yihei Adam
- When To Say Mekadeish et Shimcha BaRabim
- When To Say Baruch She'Amar
- Shacharit: Might Return To Sleep and Miss Latest Time To Say Shema
When To Pray: Morning Prayers/Shacharit (Weekday): Order of Prayers
What To Pray
What To Pray: Set Prayers
What To Pray: Set Prayers: Shema
- Shema: What To Say
- Men and Shema in Shacharit
- Women and Shema in Shacharit
- Amen before Shema
- Baruch Hu before Shema
- Starting Shema before Prayer Leader Says
What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida
- What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida: Pre-Prayer
- Amida: Bathroom Needs
- Amida: Intention/Concentration (Kavana)
- What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida: Location
- What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida: Volume
- How Loud To Say the Amida
- Amida Phrases That Are Never Said Aloud
- What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida: Actions
What To Pray: Set Prayers: Amida: Errors
Amida: Errors: Amida Additions
- Amida Errors: Mashiv HaRuach
- Introduction to Amida Errors: Mashiv HaRuach
- Amida Errors: Mashiv HaRuach
- Amida Errors: Chonein HaDaat/Yismach Moshe/Tikanta Shabbat/Ata Echad/Rashei Chodashim/Ata Vichartanu
- Amida Errors: Chonein HaDaat/Yismach Moshe/Tikanta Shabbat/Ata Echad/Rashei Chodashim/Ata Vichartanu
Amida: Errors: Amida Additions
What To Pray: Set Prayers: Avinu Malkeinu to Psalms
- Torah Reading
- Mourner's Kaddish
- Responding to Mourner's Kaddish
- Late in Joining Mourner's Kaddish
- More on Mourner's Kaddish
What To Pray: Set Prayers: Shema
- Set Prayers: Ma'ariv
- Shir HaMa'alot Hinei Bar'chu
- Bar'chu at End of Ma'ariv
- When To Respond to Bar'chu
- Saying HaMelech BiChvodo with Prayer Leader
- Halachot of Ma'ariv Amida
- When To Say Ma'ariv Psalm 27
What To Pray: Set Prayers