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Forgetting Afikoman
If you said birkat ha'mazon at the seder but had forgotten to eat the afikoman, you must:
  • Wash your hands,
  • Say ha'motzi,
  • Eat at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of matza,
  • Say birkat ha'mazon again, and then
  • Drink the third cup of wine.
When To Finish Afikoman
You should ideally finish afikoman by midnight at the Passover seder, but you may eat it later than midnight if you have not finished (or even started!) your meal by then. 

Eating or Drinking after Afikoman
After eating the afikoman on Passover, you may not eat again until daybreak, but you will still drink two more cups of wine and you may drink water anytime through the night.
When Shmura Matza Is Necessary
The only time you must use shmura matza is for the four commandments of motzi, matza, koreich, and afikoman.
Note You may use any other kosher for Passover matza, even for the rest of seder. There is no need for using shmura matza for the other days of Passover.
How Much Matza To Eat
Motzi, Matza
For motzi and matza together, you must eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of matza within a 4-minute period from when you begin eating.

For afikoman, you must eat another 1.9 fl. oz of matzab'di'avad, at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) is sufficient. 
Note This amount is about 1/2 of a machine shmura matza, or 1/3 of a hand shmura matza
Note If your mouth is too dry to eat that quickly, you may drink water with the matza.
Leaning to the Left
Every male (13 years old and above) at the seder is required by halacha to lean to the left side while:
  • Drinking each of the four cups of wine.
  • Eating matza for each of these mitzvot: motzi, matza, koreich, afikoman.
Ideally, lean onto something to your left, such as a chair or couch. A pillow is nice but optional.
Note Women and girls are not required to lean at any time during the meal.
Introduction to Three Matzas (Matzot)
The seder table also has a stack of three matzas (matzot), representing, among other meanings:
  • Cohen-Levi-Yisrael:  The three divisions of Jews
  • Abraham-Isaac-Jacob:  The three forefathers
These matzot are used later in the seder for the steps of Motzi and Matza (top and middle matzas); the middle matza becomes the “Afikoman.”
K'zayit is variously defined as being the volume of 1/3, ½, or 1 whole egg; 0.6 - 1.9 fl. oz. (18-56 ml), depending on the application.
Note For d'oraita requirements such as seder, we are stringent (machmir) and use the larger amount of 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml). For d'rabanan rules, we are more lenient and use only 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup).
  • K'zayit for Seder Matza and Afikoman1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of matza.
  • K'zayit for Bracha Achrona and Birkat HaMazon: 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) of solid food.

Beitza, K'Beitza

Beitza, K'Beitza = 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml); an egg size by definition.

Note For an etrog, which must be at least 1 egg volume, today we use a minimum of 2 egg volumes.