Search results for: ""Otzar bet din""

Shmita: Fruit: Otzar Bet Din
SituationYou may not sell shmita fruit in the normal manner.

What To Do An otzar bet din can be set up to distribute fruit and pay the farmer for his work on distributing. The otzar bet din then distributes the fruit to the public and gets reimbursed for the expenses.
Buying and Using Shmita Wine
You may not buy wine from grapes grown in Eretz Yisrael during a shmita year unless you buy it from an otzar bet din. Even if you do buy from an otzar bet din, it is not recommended to buy shmita wine since you:
  • May not waste even one drop,
  • Must use it only in the normal way, and
  • May not dispose of the residue in the bottle until it has become unpotable.


Shmita: Canned Fruit from Eretz Yisrael
You may not buy canned fruit or other produce from Eretz Yisrael (even in later years) if the produce grew during a shmita year (except through an otzar bet din). This may be a problem with exports from Israel.