Please click on a letter to find all blessings beginning with that letter:


AdamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
AdamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Adonai malach (ah-doh-nai mah-lahch) — lit., God will reign; Psalm 97, said to inaugurate Shabbat at Kabbalat Shabbat prayers
Adonai sefasaiSee Adonai sifatai
Adonai sefataiSee Adonai sifatai
Adonai sifasaiSee Adonai sifatai
Adonai sifatai (ah-doh-nai sih-fah-tai) — lit., God my lips [ open]….; verse before the start of the amida prayer; derived from Book of Psalms
Ahava raba (ah-hah-vah rah-bah ) — Prayer preceding the Shema
Ahavah RabahSee Ahava raba
Al achilas marorSee Al achilat maror
Al achilas matsaSee Al achilat matza
Al achilas matsahSee Al achilat matza
Al achilas matzaSee Al achilat matza
Al achilas matzahSee Al achilat matza
Al achilat maror (ahl ah-chee-laht mah-ror ) — On the eating of the bitter herbs; blessing made at seder over eating bitter herbs
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl ah-chee-laht mah-ror.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on eating the bitter herbs.
Al achilat matsaSee Al achilat matza
Al achilat matsahSee Al achilat matza
Al achilat matza (ahl ah-chee-laht mah-tzah) — lit., On the eating of matza; one of two blessings said over eating matza at the Passover seder
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl ah-chee-laht mah-tzah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on eating matza.
Al achilat matzahSee Al achilat matza
Al bi'ur chametsSee Al bi'ur chametz
Al bi'ur chametz (ahl bee-oor chah-maytz ) — lit., On the burning of the chametz; blessing said before searching for chametz.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl bee-oor chah-maytz.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
On the burning of the chametz.
Al biur chametsSee Al bi'ur chametz
Al biur chametzSee Al bi'ur chametz
Al chaytSee Al cheit
Al cheit (ahl chayt ) — lit., For the sin…; congregational confessional repeated throughout Yom Kippur; see Yom Kippur machzor
al ha'arets ve'al pri gafnaSee Al ha'gefen
al ha'arets vi'al pri gafnaSee Al ha'gefen
al ha'aretz ve'al pri gafnaSee Al ha'gefen
al ha'aretz vi'al pri gafnaSee Al ha'gefen
Al ha'eitsSee Al ha'eitz
Al ha'eitz (ahl hah-aytz; Ashkenazit: ahl haw-aytz ) — lit., For the tree…; blessing after having eaten perennial fruit
*Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ahl hah-ehtz vih-ahl pree hah-ehtz
vih-ahl tih-noo-vaht hah-sah-deh
vih-ahl eh-rehtz chehm-dah toh-vah oo-reh-chah-vah
sheh-rah-tzee-tah vih-heen-chahl-tah lah-ah-voh-tay-noo
leh-eh-chohl mee-peer-yah vih-lees-boh-ah mee-too-vah
Rah-chaym nah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo
ahl yees-rah-ehl ah-meh-chah
vih-ahl yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem ee-reh-chah
vih-ahl tzee-yohn meesh-kahn kih-voh-deh-chah
vih-ahl meez-bih-cheh-chah
vih-ahl hay-chah-leh-chah. 
Oo-vih-nay yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem
eer hah-koh-dehsh
beem-hay-rah vih-yah-may-noo,
vih-hah-ah-lay-noo leh-toh-chah,
vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-veen-yah-nah,
vih-noh-chahl mee-peer-yah,
vih-nees-bah mee-too-vah,
oo-nih-vah-reh-chih-chah ah-leh-hah
beek-doo-shah oo-vih-tah-hah-rah… 
Shabbat:  Oo-rih-tzay vih-hah-chah-lee-tzay-noo bih-yohm hah-shah-baht hah-zeh
Rosh Chodesh: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom rohsh hah-choh-dehsh hah-zeh
Pesach: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-mah-tzoht hah-zeh
Shavuot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-shah-voo-oht hah-zeh
Sukkot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-soo-koht hah-zeh
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm hahsh-mee-nee chahg hah-ah-tzehr-eht hah-zeh
Rosh Hashana: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom hah-zee-kah-rohn hah-zeh
Kee ah-tah ah-doh-nai tohv oo-may-teev lah-kohl
Vih-noh-deh lih-chah ahl hah-ah-retz vih-ahl hah-pay-roht. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai, ahl hah-ah-rehtz vih-ahl hah-pay-roht (if fruit is from Israel, substitute pay-roh-teh-hah).
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
For the tree and for the fruit of the tree, and for the produce of the field, and for a desirable, good, and broad land, that You willed and gave as an inheritance to our forefathers, to eat from her fruits and to be satisfied from her goodness. 
Have mercy, HaShem our God, on Israel Your people, and on Yerushalayim Your city, and on Zion the resting place of Your Glory, and on Your altar and on Your Temple
And build the Holy City of Yerushalayim speedily in our days, and bring us up to her, and gladden us with her building, and may we eat of her fruits, and be satisfied from her goodness, and we will bless You for her in holiness…
Sabbath: And be pleased with us and strengthen us on this Shabbat day
Rosh Chodesh: And remember us for good on this Rosh Chodesh day
Pesach: And gladden us on this holiday of Matzot
Shavuot: And gladden us on this holiday of Shavuot
Sukkot: And gladden us on this holiday of Sukkot
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: And gladden us on this day of Shmini Atzeret
Rosh Hashana: And remember us for good on this Day of Remembrance
…Because You HaShem are good and do good to all.  And we will thank You for the land and for the (her) fruits. 
Blessed are You, HaShem, for the land and for the (her) fruits.
Al ha'etsSee Al ha'eitz
Al ha'etzSee Al ha'eitz
Al ha'gefen (ahl hah-geh-fen ) — lit., For the (grape)vine; blessing after drinking liquid made from grapes (ex., wine, grape juice)
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
For the grapevine and for the fruit of the grapevine, and for the produce of the field, and for a desirable, good, and broad land, that You willed and gave as an inheritance to our forefathers, to eat from her fruits and to be satisfied from her goodness. 
Have mercy, HaShem our God, on Israel Your people, and on Yerushalayim Your city, and on Zion the resting place of Your Glory, and on Your altar and on Your Temple
And build the Holy City of Yerushalayim speedily in our days, and bring us up to her, and gladden us with her building, and may we eat of her fruits, and be satisfied from her goodness, and we will bless You for her in holiness…
Sabbath: And be pleased with us and strengthen us on this Shabbat day
Rosh Chodesh: And remember us for good on this Rosh Chodesh day
Pesach: And gladden us on this holiday of Matzot
Shavuot: And gladden us on this holiday of Shavuot
Sukkot: And gladden us on this holiday of Sukkot
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: And gladden us on this day of Shmini Atzeret
Rosh Hashana: And remember us for good on this Day of Remembrance
…Because You HaShem are good and do good to all.  And we will thank You for the land and for the (her) grapevine. 
Blessed are You, HaShem, for the land and for the (her) fruits of the grapevine.
End of Al ha’gefen blessing in English    
*Al ha’michya (ahl hah-meech-yah)—lit., For the (baked or roasted) grain….; blessing said after eating baked or roasted food made of the Five Grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt)::al hamichyah, al hamichya. Link to transliterated Al ha’michya blessing   Link to Al ha’michya in English
transliterated Al ha’michya blessing
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ahl hah-meech-yah vih-ahl hah-kahl-kah-lah
vih-ahl tih-noo-vaht hah-sah-deh
vih-ahl eh-rehtz chehm-dah toh-vah oo-reh-chah-vah
sheh-rah-tzee-tah vih-heen-chahl-tah lah-ah-voh-tay-noo
leh-eh-chohl mee-peer-yah vih-lees-boh-ah mee-too-vah
Rah-chaym nah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo
al yees-rah-ehl ah-meh-chah
vih-ahl yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem ee-reh-chah
vih-ahl tzee-yohn meesh-kahn kih-voh-deh-chah
vih-ahl meez-bih-cheh-chah
vih-ahl hay-chah-leh-chah. 
Oo-vih-nay yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem
eer hah-koh-dehsh
beem-hay-rah vih-yah-may-noo
vih-hah-ah-lay-noo leh-toh-chah
vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-veen-yah-nah
vih-noh-chahl mee-peer-yah
vih-nees-bah mee-too-vah
oo-nih-vah-reh-chih-chah ah-leh-hah
beek-doo-shah oo-vih-tah-hah-rah… 
Shabbat:  Oo-rih-tzay vih-hah-chah-lee-tzay-noo bih-yohm hah-shah-baht hah-zeh
Rosh Chodesh: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom rohsh hah-choh-dehsh hah-zeh
Pesach: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-mah-tzoht hah-zeh
Shavuot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-shah-voo-oht hah-zeh
Sukkot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-soo-koht hah-zeh
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm hahsh-mee-nee chahg hah-ah-tzeh-reht hah-zeh
Rosh Hashana: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom hah-zee-kah-rohn hah-zeh
Kee ah-tah ah-doh-nai tohv oo-may-teev lah-kohl.
Vih-noh-deh lih-chah ahl hah-ah-retz vih-ahl hah-meech-yah
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai, ahl hah-ah-rehtz vih-ahl hah-meech-yah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
For the grains and for sustenance, and for the produce of the field, and for a desirable, good, and broad land, that You willed and gave as an inheritance to our forefathers, to eat from her fruits and to be satisfied from her goodness. 
Have mercy, HaShem our God, on Israel Your people, and on Yerushalayim Your city, and on Zion the resting place of Your Glory, and on Your altar and on Your Temple
And build the Holy City of Yerushalayim speedily in our days, and bring us up to her, and gladden us with her building, and may we eat of her fruits, and be satisfied from her goodness, and we will bless You for her in holiness…
Sabbath: And be pleased with us and strengthen us on this Shabbat day
Rosh Chodesh: And remember us for good on this Rosh Chodesh day
Pesach: And gladden us on this holiday of Matzot
Shavuot: And gladden us on this holiday of Shavuot
Sukkot: And gladden us on this holiday of Sukkot
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: And gladden us on this day of Shmini Atzeret
Rosh Hashana: And remember us for good on this Day of Remembrance
…Because You HaShem are good and do good to all.  And we will thank You for the land and for the grains. 
Blessed are You, HaShem, for the land and for the grains.
Al ha'michya (ahl hah-meech-yah ) — lit., For the (baked or roasted) grain….; blessing said after eating baked or roasted food made of the Five Grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt)
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,   Ahl hah-meech-yah vih-ahl hah-kahl-kah-lah vih-ahl tih-noo-vaht hah-sah-deh vih-ahl eh-rehtz chehm-dah toh-vah oo-reh-chah-vah sheh-rah-tzee-tah vih-heen-chahl-tah lah-ah-voh-tay-noo leh-eh-chohl mee-peer-yah vih-lees-boh-ah mee-too-vah.   

Rah-chaym nah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo al yees-rah-ehl ah-meh-chah vih-ahl yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem ee-reh-chah vih-ahl tzee-yohn meesh-kahn kih-voh-deh-chah vih-ahl meez-bih-cheh-chah vih-ahl hay-chah-leh-chah.    Oo-vih-nay yih-roo-shah-lah-yeem eer hah-koh-dehsh beem-hay-rah vih-yah-may-noo vih-hah-ah-lay-noo leh-toh-chah vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-veen-yah-nah vih-noh-chahl mee-peer-yah vih-nees-bah mee-too-vah oo-nih-vah-reh-chih-chah ah-leh-hah beek-doo-shah oo-vih-tah-hah-rah…   

Shabbat:  Oo-rih-tzay vih-hah-chah-lee-tzay-noo bih-yohm hah-shah-baht hah-zeh

Rosh Chodesh: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom rohsh hah-choh-dehsh hah-zeh

Pesach: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-mah-tzoht hah-zeh

Shavuot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-shah-voo-oht hah-zeh

Sukkot: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm chahg hah-soo-koht hah-zeh

Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: Vih-sahm-chay-noo bih-yohm hahsh-mee-nee chahg hah-ah-tzeh-reht hah-zeh

Rosh Hashana: Vih-zahch-ray-noo lih-toh-vah bih-yom hah-zee-kah-rohn hah-zeh

Kee ah-tah ah-doh-nai tohv oo-may-teev lah-kohl. Vih-noh-deh lih-chah ahl hah-ah-retz vih-ahl hah-meech-yah

Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai, ahl hah-ah-rehtz vih-ahl hah-meech-yah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe, For the grains and for sustenance, and for the produce of the field, and for a desirable, good, and broad land, that You willed and gave as an inheritance to our forefathers, to eat from her fruits and to be satisfied from her goodness. 

Have mercy, HaShem our God, on Israel Your people, and on Yerushalayim Your city, and on Zion the resting place of Your Glory, and on Your altar and on Your Temple.  And build the Holy City of Yerushalayim speedily in our days, and bring us up to her, and gladden us with her building, and may we eat of her fruits, and be satisfied from her goodness, and we will bless You for her in holiness

Sabbath: And be pleased with us and strengthen us on this Shabbat day

Rosh Chodesh: And remember us for good on this Rosh Chodesh day

Pesach: And gladden us on this holiday of Matzot

Shavuot: And gladden us on this holiday of Shavuot

Sukkot: And gladden us on this holiday of Sukkot

Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah: And gladden us on this day of Shmini Atzeret

Rosh Hashana: And remember us for good on this Day of Remembrance   

Because You HaShem are good and do good to all.  And we will thank You for the land and for the grains.   

Blessed are You, HaShem, for the land and for the grains.  
al ha'michyahSee Al ha'michya
Al ha'nisim (ahl hah-nee-seem ) —  lit., For the miracles…; prayer added to the amida and birkat ha’mazon on Chanuka and Purim to thank God for His miracles in saving the Jews. 
(vhi)-ahl hah-nee-seem
vih-ahl hah-poor-kahn
vih-ahl hahg-voo-roht
vih-ahl haht-shoo-oht
vih-ahl hah-meel-chah-moht
sheh-ah-see-tah lah-ah-voh-tay-noo
bah-yah-meem hah-haym bahz-mahn hah-zeh.
Bee-may mah-tit-yah-hoo behn yoh-chah-nahn
Coh-hen gah-dohl chahsh-moh-nai oo-vah-nahv
Kih-sheh-ahm-dah mahl-choot yah-vahn hah-rih-shah-ah
Ahl ah-mih-chah yees-rah-ehl
Lih-hahsh-kee-chahm toh-rah-teh-chah
oo-lih-hah-ah-vee-rahm may-choo-kay rih-tzoh-neh-chah.
Vih-ah-tah bih-rah-chah-meh-chah hah-rah-beem
Ah-mahd-tah lah-hehm bih-eht tzah-rah-tahm
Rahv-tah eht ree-vahm,
Dahn-tah eht dee-nahm
Nah-kahm-tah eht neek-mah-tahm.
Mah-sahr-tah gee-boh-reem bih-yahd chah-lah-sheem
Vih-rah-beem bih-yahd mih-ah-teem
oo-tih-may-eem bih-yahd tih-hoh-reem
oo-rih-shah-eem bih-yahd tzah-dee-keem
vih-zay-deem bih-yahd oh-sih-kay toh-rah-teh-chah.
Oo-leh-chah ah-see-tah shaym gah-dohl vih-kah-dohsh
oo-lih-ah-mih-chah yees-rah-ehl ah-see-tah
tih-shoo-ah gih-doh-lah oo-foor-kahn kih-hah-yohm hah-zeh.
Vih-ah-chahr kayn bah-oo vah-neh-chah
leed-veer bay-teh-chah
oo-fee-noo eht hay-chah-lehch-ah
vih-tee-hah-roo eht meek-dah-sheh-chah
vih-heed-lee-koo nay-roht bih-chahtz-roht kahd-sheh-chah
vih-kah-vih-oo shih-moh-naht yih-may chah-noo-cah ay-loo
lih-hoh-doht oo-lih-hah-lehl lih-sheem-chah hah-gah-dohl.

Bee-may mor-dih-chai vih-ehs-tehr bih-shoo-shahn hah-bee-rah
Kih-sheh-ah-mahd ah-lay-hehm hah-mahn hah-rah-shah,
Bee-kaysh lih-hahsh-meed lah-hah-rohg oo-lih-ah-bayd
Eht kohl ha-yih-hoo-deem mee-nah-ahr vih-ahd zah-kayn
Tahf vih-nah-sheem bih-yohm eh-chahd
Beesh-loh-shah ah-sahr leh-choh-dehsh shnaym ah-sahr
hoo choh-dehsh ah-dahr
oo-shlah-lahm lah-vohz.
Vih-ah-tah bih-rah-chah-meh-chah hah-rah-beem
heh-far-tah eht ah-tzah-toh
Vih-keel-kahl-tah eht mah-chah-shahv-toh
Vah-hah-shay-voh-tah loh gih-moo-loh bih-roh-shoh
Vih-tah-loo oh-toh vih-eht bah-nahv ahl hah-ehtz.
On the miracles
And on the redemptions
And on the might
And on the salvations
And on the battles
That You did for our forefathers
In those days at this time.
In the days of Mattityahu, son of Yochanan
Chashmonai High Priest and his sons
When the evil Greek kingdom ruled
Over Your people Israel
To make them forget Your Torah
And to remove them from the laws that You desired
And You in Your abundant mercy
Stood up for them at the time of their distress
Argued their arguments
Judged their cause
Took revenge for them
Gave over strong men into the hands of weak
And many into the hands of the few
And impure into the hands of the pure
And scoundrels into the hands of the righteous
And spurners into the hands of those who are occupied with Your Torah.
And You made Yourself a great and holy name
In Your world
And to Your people Israel You did
A great salvation and redemption like today.
And afterward, Your sons built
The sanctuary of Your “home”
And emptied out Your Heichal*
And purified Your Temple
And lit the lights in Your holy courtyard
And appointed these 8 days of Chanuka
To thank and to praise Your great name.

In the days of Mordechai and Esther in the capital Shushan
When the evil Haman prevailed upon them
Who sought to destroy, to kill, and to wipe out
All the Jews, young and old
Babies and women in one day
On the 13th of the 12th month—
That is, the month of Adar
And to utterly destroy them.
And You, in Your great mercy,
Upturned his plan
Ruined his thought
And paid him back in his head,
And they hung him and his sons on the tree.
Al ha'shchita (ahl hash-chee-tah ) — lit., For the ritual slaughtering…; blessing said by ritual slaughterer
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl ha’shchita.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
On ritual slaughter.
Al ha'shchitahSee Al ha'shchita
Al hafrashas challa (Ashkenazit)See Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
al hafrashas challah (Ashkenazit)See Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
Al hafrashat challaSee Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
Al hafrashat challahSee Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
al hamichyaSee Al ha'michya
al hamichyahSee Al ha'michya
Al hashchitaSee Al ha'shchita
Al hashchitahSee Al ha'shchita
Al kisoy dam b'afarSee Al kisuy dam b'afar
Al kisuy dam b'afar (ahl kee-soy dahm b'ah-fahr ) — lit., On the covering of blood with dirt: blessing said when covering with dirt the blood of a slaughtered bird or wild animal .
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl kisuy dam bih-ah-fahr.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
With covering blood with dirt.
Al mitzvas tefilinSee Al mitzvat tefilin
Al mitzvas tsitsitSee Al mitzvat tzitzit
Al mitzvas tzitzitSee Al mitzvat tzitzit
Al mitzvat tefilin (ahl meetz-vaht tih-fee-leen ) — lit., on the mitzva of tefilin; second blessing when putting on tefilin. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl meetz-vaht tih-fee-leen
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on the mitzva of tefilin.
Al mitzvat tsitsitSee Al mitzvat tzitzit
Al mitzvat tzitzit (ahl meetz-vaht tzee-tzeet) — lit., on the mitzva of tzitzit; blessing when first putting on garment with tzitzit. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl meetz-vaht tzee-tzeet.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on the mitzva of tzitzit.
Al netilas lulavSee Al netilat lulav
Al netilas yadayimSee Al netilat yadayim
Al netilat lulav (ahl neh-tee-laht loo-lahv ) — lit., taking up lulav; blessing said before shaking the lulav together with the etrog.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl neh-tee-laht loo-lahv.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
About taking up (shaking) the lulav.
Al netilat yadayim (ahl neh-tee-laht yah-dah-yeem ) — lit., placing/lifting up hands; blessing said after cup-washing hands before eating bread.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl neh-tee-laht yah-dah-yeem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
About washing (purifying) the hands.
Al pidyon ha'ben (ahl peed-yohn hah-behn ) — lit., On redeeming the son; blessing said when redeeming a first-born son through a monetary transaction with a cohen.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl peed-yohn hah-behn.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
On the redeeming of a son.
Al pidyon habenSee Al pidyon ha'ben
Al pri gafna (ahl pree gahf-nah ) — lit., On her fruits; alternate wording to end Al Ha’gefen blessing when the grapes are from Eretz Yisrael
al pri gafnaSee Al ha'gefen
Al pri gafnahSee Al pri gafna
Al sefiras ha'omerSee Al sefirat ha'omer
Al sefiras haomerSee Al sefirat ha'omer
Al sefirat ha'omer (ahl sih-fee-raht hah-oh-mayr ) — lit., On the counting of the omer; blessing used in counting the 49 days of the omer
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl sih-fee-raht hah-oh-mayr.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To count the omer.
Al sefirat haomerSee Al sefirat ha'omer
Al sefirat omerSee Al sefirat ha'omer
Al sefirats omerSee Al sefirat ha'omer
Al tevilas kaylimSee Al tevilat keilim
Al tevilas keilimSee Al tevilat keilim
al tevilas yadayimSee Al tevilat yadayim
Al tevilat kaylimSee Al tevilat keilim
Al tevilat keilim (ahl t’vee-laht kay-leem ) — lit., On dipping the utensils; blessing said when toveling kitchenware 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl t’vee-laht kay-leem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on dipping utensils.
Al tevilat yadayim (ahl t’vee-laht yah-dah-yeem ) — lit., For dipping hands….; blessing said when purifying the hands by dipping in a mikva-like body of water
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
ahl t’vee-laht yah-dah-yeem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
on dipping the hands.
alaynuSee Alenu
aleinuSee Alenu
Aleinu ve'al kol yisraelSee Alenu ve'al kol yisrael
Aleinu ve'al kol yisroelSee Alenu ve'al kol yisrael
Alenu (ah-lay-noo; Ashkenazit: aw-lay-noo) — lit., [It is incumbent] on us…; prayer following the amida acknowledging God’s kingship
Alenu ve'al kol yisrael (ah-lay-noo vih-ahl kohl yees-rah-ehl ) — lit., On us and on all Yisrael; line at end of amida and of kaddish
Alenu ve'al kol yisroelSee Alenu ve'al kol yisrael
aleynuSee Alenu
ameinSee Amen
Amen (ah-mayn; Ashkenazit: aw-mayn ) — lit., Confirmed, so be it; word signifying agreement to someone else’s blessing
Amida (ah-mee-dah; Ashkenazit: (ah-mee-da) ) — lit., Standing; main series of prayers in each prayer service; said standing
amidaSee Shemoneh esrei
amidahSee Amida
Ana Adonai (ah-nah ah-doh-nai ) — lit., Please, God; line from Hallel prayer
Ana HaShemSee Ana Adonai
Anachnu kor'im (ah-nahch-noo kohr-eem ) — lit., We bend the knees; line in alenu prayer
anachnu korimSee Anachnu kor'im
Anah AdonaiSee Ana Adonai
anah HaShemSee Ana Adonai
anaynuSee Aneinu
Aneinu (ah-nay-noo ) — lit, Answer us; addition to fast-day mincha amida
Ashamnu ( ah-shahm-noo ) — lit., We are guilty; prayer confessing types of sins of the Jewish people, said from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur
Asher bachar banu mi'kol am (ah-shehr bah-chahr bah-noo mee-kohl ahm ) — lit., Who chose us from all the nations; beginning of kiddush blessing for Jewish festivals. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr bah-chahr bah-noo mee-kohl hah-ahm
vih-roh-mih-mah-noo mee-kohl lah-shohn
vih-kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv.
Vah-tee-tayn lah-noo, Ah-doh-nahy eh-loh-hay-noo,
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
Shah-bah-toht leem-noo-chah, oo)
Moh-ah-deem lih-seem-chah
Chah-geem ooz-mah-neem lih-sah-sohn
Eht yohm
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
hah-shah-baht hah-zeh vih-eht yohm)
(for Passover:
chahg hah-mah-tzoht hah-zeh, zmahn chay-roo-tay-noo)
(for Shavuot:
chahg hah-shah-voo-oht hah-zeh, zmahn mah-tahn toh-rah-tay-noo)
(for Sukkot:
chahg hah-soo-koht hah-zeh, zmahn seem-chah-tay-noo)
(for Shimini Atzeret/Simchat Torah:
hah-shih-mee-nee chahg hah-ah-tzeh-reht hah-zeh, zman seem-chah-tay-noo)
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
mik-rah koh-dehsh
zay-chayr lee-tzee-aht meetz-rah-yeem.
Kee vah-noo vah-chahr-tah
Vih-oh-tah-noo kee-dahsh-tah mee-kohl hah-ah-meem
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
oo-moh-ah-day kohd-sheh-chah
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
bih-ah-hah-vah oov-rah-tzohn)
bih-seem-chah oov-sah-sohn heen-chahl-tah-noo.
Bah-rooch ah-tah Ah-doh-nahy
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
hah-Shah-baht vih)
Yees-rah-ayl vih-hah-zih-mah-neem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who chose us from all the nations
And elevated us above every language
And made us holy with His commandments.
And You gave us, Hashem our God, with love
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
Shabbats of rest and)
Appointed seasons for happiness
And times for rejoicing
The day of
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
this Shabbat and the day of)
(for Passover:
this Festival of Matzot, time of our freedom)
(for Shavuot:
this Festival of Shavuot, time of giving of our Torah)
(for Sukkot:
this Festival of Sukkot, time of our rejoicing)
(for Shimini Atzeret/Simchat Torah:
this Assembly of the Eighth, time of our rejoicing)
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
with love)
a holy calling together,
a remembrance of the exodus from Egypt.
Because you chose us
And we, you made holy above all the nations
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
and Shabbat)
and your holy seasons
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
with love and desire)
with happiness and with rejoicing
you gave us as an inheritance.
Blessed are you Hashem, Who sanctifies
(add when Shabbat coincides with the Jewish festival:
the Shabbat and)
Israel and the times.
Asher bachar banu mi'kol ha'amim (ah-shehr bah-chahr bah-noo mee-kohl hah-ah-meem ) — lit., Who chose us from all the nations; blessing over reading the Torah.  
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr bah-chahr bah-noo mee-kohl hah-ah-meem
vih nah-tahn lah-noo eht Toh-rah-toh.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai, noh-tein hah-Toh-rah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who chose us from all the nations
And gave us His Torah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, Giver of the Torah.
Asher bachar banu mi'kol haamimSee Asher bachar banu mi'kol ha'amim
Asher bachar banu mikol amSee Asher bachar banu mi'kol am
Asher bachar banu mikol ha'amimSee Asher bachar banu mi'kol ha'amim
Asher bachar banu mikol haamimSee Asher bachar banu mi'kol ha'amim
asher kidishanu bmitzvotav vitsivanuSee Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
asher kidishanu bmitzvotav vitzivanuSee Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
asher kidshanu b'mitzvosav vitsivanu (Ashkenazit)See Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
asher kidshanu b'mitzvosav vitzivanu (Ashkenazit)See Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tsivanuSee Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu (ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo; Ashkenazi: ah-shayr keed-shaw-noo bih-meetz-voh-suv vih-tzee-vaw-noo) — lit., Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us…; segment of some prayers highlighting our intention to do the following action as a fulfillment of God’s commandment and will
asher kidshanu bmitzvosav vitsivanuSee Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
Asher yatsarSee Asher yatzar
Asher yatzar (ah-shehr yah-tzahr ) — lit., Who created…; prayer said after having used the toilet, acknowledging God’s wondrous workings of our bodies. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr yah-tzahr eht hah-ah-dahm
oo-vah-rah voh
nih-kah-veem nih-kah-veem
chah-loo-leem chah-loo-leem.
Gah-luy vih-yah-doo-ah
leef-nay chee-say chih-voh-dehch-chah
sheh-eem yee-pah-tay-ahch eh-chahd may-hem
oh yee-sah-taym eh-chahd may-hem
ee ehf-shar lih-heet-kay-yaym vih-lah-amohd lih-fah-neh-chah
ah-fee-loo shah-ah eh-chaht.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai
Roh-feh chohl bah-sahr
oo-mahf-lee lah-ah-soht.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who formed humans with wisdom
And created in him tubes and hollow spaces.
It’s revealed and known
Before Your Holy Seat
That if one of them should be opened
Or one of them should become blocked
It would be impossible to get up and
Stand before You for even one hour.
Blessed are You, HaShem,
Healer of all flesh
And Who does wondrously.
ashraySee Ashrei
Ashrei (ahsh-ray; Ashkenazit: ahsh-ray ) — lit., Happy…; prayer of God’s praise, mostly made up of Psalm 145
Ata chonantanu (ah-tah choh-nahn-tah-noo; Ashkenazit: ah-taw choh-nan-taw-nu) — lit., You had granted us…; opening line of fourth paragraph of the motza’ei Shabbat amida; saying this paragraph ends Shabbat
Atah chonantanuSee Ata chonantanu
Avenu MalkaynuSee Avinu Malkeinu
Avenu MalkeinuSee Avinu Malkeinu
Avenu MalkenuSee Avinu Malkeinu
Avinu MalkaynuSee Avinu Malkeinu
Avinu Malkeinu (ah-vee-noo mahl-kay-noo ) — lit., Our Father, Our King; prayer said on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, intervening days, and, in the Ashkenazi formulation, other fast days
Avinu MalkenuSee Avinu Malkeinu
ayeh moadei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tikSee Eileh mo'adei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tik
ayleh mo'adei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tikSee Eileh mo'adei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tik
To Top


Ba'alas ha'bayis ha'zeSee Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
Ba'alas ha'bayis ha'zehSee Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeSee Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh (bah-ah-laht hah-bah-yeet hah-zeh; Ashkenazit: bah-lahs hah-bah-yis hah-zeh ) — lit., Woman of this house…; phrase from birkat hamazon requesting blessing for the wife
baalas habayis hazeh (Ashkenazit)See Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
Baalat habayit hazehSee Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
balas habayis hazeh (Ashkenazit)See Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
balat habayit hazehSee Ba'alat ha'bayit ha'zeh
Bar'chu (bah-rih-choo; Ashkenazit: bor-choo ) — lit, Bless (pl.); beginning of line, “Bar'chu et Adonai ham’vorach,” which signifies part of the prayer service that ideally has at least a minyan (quorum of 10 men 13 years old or more)
baraych alaynuSee Bareich aleinu
barchuSee Bar'chu
barech aleinuSee Bareich aleinu
Barech alenuSee Bareich aleinu
BarechuSee Bar'chu
bareich alaynuSee Bareich aleinu
Bareich aleinu (bah-raych ah-lay-noo ) — lit., Bless over us…; ninth paragraph of weekday amida
bareich aleinuSee Bareich aleinu
bareich alenuSee Bareich aleinu
Baruch Adonai ha'mvorach l'olam va'ed (bah-rooch ah-doh-nai hahm-voh-rahch lih-oh-lahm vah-ehd ) — lit., Blessed is the Blessed God forever and ever; reply to “barchu”
Baruch Adonai ha'mvorach liolam vaedSee Baruch Adonai ha'mvorach l'olam va'ed
Baruch Adonai hamvorach l'olam va'edSee Baruch shem kevod malchuto l'olam va'ed
Baruch Adonai l'olamSee Baruch Adonai ha'mvorach l'olam va'ed
Baruch Adonai l'olam amein v'ameinSee Baruch Adonai ha'mvorach l'olam va'ed
Baruch Adonai l'olam amen v'amen (bah-rooch ah-doh-nai lih-oh-lahm ah-mayn vih-ah-mehn ) — lit., Bless God forever amein and amein; paragraph preceding the ma’ariv amida
Baruch Dayan EmesSee Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Baruch Dayan EmetSee Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Baruch Dayan Ha'EmetSee Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Baruch Dayan HaEmesSee Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Baruch Dayan HaEmet (bah-rooch dah-yahn hah-eh-meht ) — lit., Blessed is the True Judge; phrase said on hearing of someone’s death
Baruch ha'ba; f., brucha ha'ba'a (bah-rooch hah-bah ) — lit., Blessed is the one who comes; song sung at the chuppa welcoming bride and groom
Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol (bah-rooch hah-mahv-deel bein koh-dehsh l’chohl; Ashkenazit: baw-rooch hah-mahv-deel bein koh-desh l'chol) — lit., Blessed is the Differentiator between holy and secular…; phrase said to honor the Shabbat at her departure
Baruch ha'mavdil ben kodesh l'cholSee Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol
Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh l'cholSee Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol
Baruch hamavdil ben kodesh l'cholSee Baruch ha'mavdil bein kodesh l'chol
Baruch hu u'varuch sh'mo (bah-rooch hoo oo-vah-rooch sh’moh; baw-rooch hoo oo-vaw-rooch sh'moh ) — lit., Blessed is He and blessed is His name; said in response to hearing God’s name
Baruch hu u'varuch shmoSee Baruch hu u'varuch sh'mo
Baruch hu uvaruch shmoSee Baruch hu u'varuch sh'mo
Baruch she'amar (bah-rooch sheh-ah-mahr; Ashkenazit: baw-rooch sheh-aw-mahr ) — lit., Blessed is He Who said…; prayer said as early part of shacharit
baruch sheamarSee Baruch she'amar
Baruch sheim k'vod malchuto l'olam va'edSee Baruch shem kevod malchuto l'olam va'ed
Baruch shem kevod malchuto l'olam va'ed (bah-rooch shaym kih-vohd mahl-choo-toh lih-oh-lahm vah-ehd; Ashkenazit: baw-rooch shaym k'vohd mah) — lit., Blessed is the Name of His honored kingdom forever; said after first line of the shema
Bein or l'choshech (bayn ohr lih-choh-shech ) —   lit., Between light and dark; phrase in the havdala service ending Shabbat
Ben or l'choshechSee Bein or l'choshech
BenchingSee Birkat HaMazon
Birchos HaToraSee Birchot HaTorah
Birchos HaTorahSee Birchot HaTorah
Birchot HaToraSee Birchot HaTorah
Birchot HaTorah (beer-choht hah-toh-rah ) — lit., Blessings over the Torah; set of blessings beginning with the blessing “la’asok b’divrei Torah.”
birkas ha'chamaSee Birkat HaChama
Birkas HaBanimSee Birkat HaBanim
Birkas HaChamaSee Birkat HaChama
birkas hachammahSee Birkat HaChama
birkas hachodesh (Ashkenazit)See Birkat HaChodesh
Birkas HaCohanimSee Birkat Cohanim
Birkas hamazon (Ashkenazit)See Birkat HaMazon
Birkas KohanimSee Birkat Cohanim
Birkat Cohanim (beer-kaht hah-coh-hah-neem ) — lit., Blessing of the Priests; blessing by Jewish priests (cohens) over Jewish nation or Jewish parents (or their representatives) over their children.  From: Numbers 6:24-26
Yih-vah-reh-chih-chah ah-doh-nai vih-yihsh-mih-reh-chah
Yah-ayr ah-doh-nai pah-nahv ay-leh-chah vee-choo-neh-kah
Yee-sah ah-doh-nai pah-nahv ay-leh-chah vih-yah-saym lih-chah shah-lohm
May God bless you and guard you
May God light up His face to you and be gracious to you
May God lift up His face to you and give you peace.
birkat ha'chamaSee Birkat HaChama
Birkat ha'mazonSee Birkat HaMazon
Birkat HaBanim (beer-kaht hah-bah-neem ) —   lit. Blessing of the Children; blessing to children given by parents or their substitutes on the evenings of Shabbat and Jewish festivals.  Consists of the following text for boys or girls, plus the Priestly Blessing:
For boys: “Yesimcha Elohim k’Efraim v’ch’Menashe”  (May HaShem make you like Ephraim and Menashe)
For girls: “Yesimeich Elohim k’Sara, Rivka, Rachel, v’Leah” (May Hashem make you like Sara, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah)::Birkat ha’banim, birkat banim
Birkat HaChama (beer-kaht hah-chah-mah ) — lit, Blessing of the Sun: blessing said a little before Passover every 28 years
Birkat HaChamahSee Birkat HaChama
birkat hachammahSee Birkat HaChama
Birkat HaChodesh (beer-kaht hah-choh-dehsh; Ashkenazit: beer-kahs hah-choh-desh) — lit., Blessing of the new month
Birkat HaCohanimSee Birkat Cohanim
birkat halevanaSee Kiddush levana
Birkat HaMazon (beer-kaht ha-mah-zohn ) — lit., Blessing of the food; blessing after a meal at which bread (or in some cases, other grain-based foods) have been eaten
Bo'I challa (boh-ee chah-lah ) — lit., Come Bride; last line in Lecha Dodi prayer
Bo'I challahSee Bo'I challa
Bo'i v'shalom (boh-ee vih-shah-lohm ) — lit., Come in peace; line in Lecha Dodi prayer
Bo'i vishalomSee Bo'i v'shalom
boee v'shalomSee Bo'i v'shalom
boee vishalomSee Bo'i v'shalom
Boey challahSee Bo'I challa
boray atsei b'samimSee Borei atzei vesamim
boray atsei besamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
boray atsei bsamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
boray atsei v'samimSee Borei atzei vesamim
Boray atsei vsamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
Boray atzei vesamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
boray isvei b'samimSee Borei isvei vesamim
boray isvei besamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
boray isvei bsamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Boray isvei vesamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
boray isvei vesamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Boray isvei vsamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Boray me'orei ha'aishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Boray minay mezonosSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minay mezonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minay mizonosSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minay mizonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minei b'samimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Boray minei besamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Boray minei besamim/vesamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Boray minei bsamim/vsamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Boray minei mezonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minei mizonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Boray minei vesamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Boray nefashosSee Borei nefashot
Boray nefashotSee Borei nefashot
Boray nifashosSee Borei nefashot
Boray nifashotSee Borei nefashot
boray pree haadamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
boray pree haadamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
boray pree haetsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pree haetzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pree hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
Boray pri ha'adamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
Boray pri ha'adamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Boray pri ha'eitzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Boray pri ha'eitzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pri ha'etsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pri ha'etzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Boray pri ha'gafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
Boray pri haadamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
Boray pri haadamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Boray pri haeitsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Boray pri haeitzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pri haetsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
boray pri haetzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Boray pri hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
boray pri hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
borchuSee Bar'chu
Borchu (Ashkenazit)See Bar'chu
borei atsei b'samimSee Borei atzei vesamim
borei atsei besamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
borei atsei bsamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
borei atsei v'samimSee Borei atzei vesamim
Borei atsei vsamimSee Borei atzei vesamim
Borei atzei vesamim (boh-ray ah-tzay vih-sah-meem ) — lit., Creator of fragrant trees; blessing said before smelling fragrant parts of perennial bushes or trees
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray ah-tzay vih-sah-meem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates fragrant trees.
borei isvei b'samimSee Borei isvei vesamim
borei isvei besamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
borei isvei bsamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Borei isvei vesamim (boh-ray ees-vay vih-sah-meem ) — lit., Creator of fragrant herbs; blessing said before smelling fragrant herbs
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray ees-vay vih-sah-meem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates fragrant grasses.
borei isvei vesamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Borei isvei vsamimSee Borei isvei vesamim
Borei me'orei ha'aishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Borei me'orei ha'eish (boh-ray mih-oh-ray hah-aysh ) — lit., Creator of the lights of fire; havdala blessing said over multi-wick candle
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray mih-oh-ray hah-aysh.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates various types of fire.
Borei minei b'samimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Borei minei besamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Borei minei besamim/vesamim (boh-ray mee-nay bih-sah-meem/vih-sah-meem ) — lit., Creator of various kinds of spices; havdala blessing said before smelling various kinds of spices
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray mee-nay bih-sah-meem/vih-sah-meem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates various kinds of spices.
Borei minei bsamim/vsamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
borei minei mezonos (Ashkenazit)See Borei minei mezonot
Borei minei mezonot (boh-ray mee-nay mih-zoh-noht ) — lit., Creator of various kinds of grain; blessing said before eating baked foods made of the Five Grains
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray mee-nay mih-zoh-noht.

Audio Chabad/Alevsky
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates various kinds of grains.
Borei minei mizonosSee Borei minei mezonot
Borei minei mizonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Borei minei vesamimSee Borei minei besamim/vesamim
Borei nefashosSee Borei nefashot
Borei nefashot (boh-ray nih-fah-shoht ) — lit., Creator of souls…; blessing after eating foods that do not fall into the categories of bread, wine/grape juice drinks, baked Five Grains, tree fruit, or annual fruits/vegetables
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray nih-fah-shoht rah-boht v’chehs-roh-nahn
ahl kohl mah sheh-bah-rah-tah l’hah-cha-yoht bah-hehm
neh-fehsh kol chai.
Bah-rooch chey hah-oh-lah-meem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates many living things and their needs
for everything that You created to keep alive every living soul.
Blessed is the Life-Giver of the worlds.
Borei nefashotSee Borei nefashot
Borei nifashosSee Borei nefashot
Borei nifashotSee Borei nefashot
borei pree haadamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
borei pree haadamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
borei pree haetsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
borei pree haetzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
borei pree hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
Borei pri ha'adama (boh-ray pree hah-ah-dah-mah ) — Creator of fruits of the ground; blessing before eating annual fruits or vegetables.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-nu meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray pree hah-ah-dah-mah.
Blessed are You HaShem, Our God, King of the Universe,
Who creates the fruit of the ground.
Borei pri ha'adamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Borei pri ha'eitsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Borei pri ha'eitz (boh-ray pree hah-aytz ) — lit., Creator of the fruit of the tree; blessing over perennial fruits
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Boh-ray pree hah-aytz.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe, 
Who creates fruit of the tree.
borei pri ha'etsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
borei pri ha'etzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Borei pri ha'gafen (boh-ray pree hah-gah-fehn ) — lit., Creator of the fruit of the (grape)vine; blessing over wine- or grape juice-based drinks
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
boh-ray pree hah-gah-fehn.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who creates the fruit of the grapevine.
Borei pri haadamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
Borei pri haeitsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Borei pri haeitzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
borei pri haetsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
borei pri haetzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Borei pri hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
borei pri hagafenSee Borei pri ha'gafen
Bracha achrona (brah-cha ach-roh-nah ) — lit., Last blessing; one of five after-blessings on food: birkat hamazon, mei’ein shalosh (al ha’eitz, al ha’gafen, al ha’michya), or borei nefashot
Bracha meruba ba'bayit ha'zeSee Bracha meruba ba'bayit ha'zeh
Bracha meruba ba'bayit ha'zeh (brah-cha meh-roo-bah bah-bah-yeet hah-zeh ) — lit., Great blessing on this house; request in birkat hamazon
Bracha rishona (brah-cha ree-shoh-nah ) — lit., First blessing; one of five fore-blessings on food: hamotzi, borei minei mezonot, borei pri ha’eitz, borei pri ha’adama, or shehakol
brachah achronahSee Bracha achrona
Brachah merubah babayit hazehSee Bracha meruba ba'bayit ha'zeh
Brachah rishonahSee Bracha rishona
brachos achronos (Ashkenazit)See Bracha achrona
brachot achronotSee Bracha achrona
bruchah habaaSee Baruch ha'ba; f., brucha ha'ba'a
bruchah habaahSee Baruch ha'ba; f., brucha ha'ba'a
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Chatanu ( chah-tah-noo ) — lit., We have sinned by mistake; word in fifth paragraph of weekday amida, beginning with the phrase “slach lanu"
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d'amiran b'alma v'imru amenSee Da'amiran be'alma
Da'amiran be'alma (dah-ah-mee-ran bih-ahl-mah ) — lit., That is said in the world; end of one line in Kaddish
da'amiran be'alma v'imru amenSee Da'amiran be'alma
da'amiran be'almahSee Da'amiran be'alma
Daamiran bealmaSee Da'amiran be'alma
Daamiran bealmahSee Da'amiran be'alma
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Eileh mo'adei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tik —   These are the festivals of God, a calling out of the holy, which you shall call out in their festival times; Leviticus/Vayikra 23:4
Eileh moadei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tikSee Eileh mo'adei Adonai mikra'ei kodesh asher tik
El Melech ( ayl meh-lehch ) —   lit., God, King; beginning of paragraph in selichot prayers leading up to God’s 13 Attributes
El melech ne'eman (ayl meh-lehch neh-eh-mahn ) — lit., God, faithful King; said before the shema when saying the shema individually
El melech neemanSee El melech ne'eman
Elo-ah ( eh-loh-ah ) — Correct pronunciation of one of HaShem’s names
Elohai n'tsurSee Elohai netzur
Elohai n'tzurSee Elohai netzur
Elohai netsurSee Elohai netzur
Elohai netzur (eh-loh-hai neh-tzoor ) — lit., My God, guard….; paragraph said by the individual after end of amida
elohei avraham (Ashkenazit)See Eloheinu velohei avoteinu, elohei Avraham
Eloheinu velohay avoseinu (Ashkenazit)See Eloheinu velohei avoteinu, elohei Avraham
Eloheinu velohei avoteinu, elohei Avraham (eh-loh-hei-noo vay-loh-hay ah-voh-tay-noo ) — lit., Our God and the God of our ancestors; beginning of first blessing of amida
eloheinu, veilohay avoteinuSee Eloheinu velohei avoteinu, elohei Avraham
Elohim (eh-loh-keem ) — Name of God signifying His aspect of justice
elokai netsurSee Elohai netzur
elokai netzurSee Elohai netzur
emes (Ashkenazit)See Emet, v'yatziv
Emet, v'yatsivSee Emet, v'yatziv
Emet, v'yatziv (eh-meht vih-yah-tzeev ) — lit., Truth, stable; beginning of 15-word string of words after morning shema
Es amo ba'shalomSee Et amo ba'shalom
Es amo bashalomSee Et amo ba'shalom
Et amo ba'shalom (eht ah-moh bah-shah-lohm ) — lit., [God blesses] His people with the peace; ending three words of the amida
Et amo bashalomSee Et amo ba'shalom
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Fashanu (fah-shah-noo ) — lit., We have willfully sinned; word in slach lanu (5th paragraph of weekday amida)
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Ga'al Yisrael (gah-ahl yees-rah-ehl ) —   lit., Redeemer of Israel; last blessing said before saying the amida
Ga'al YisroelSee Ga'al Yisrael
Gemalanu ( gih-mah-lah-noo ) — lit., [Who has] saved us; said for a group instead of the individual “gemalani” [Who has saved me] in the HaGomel prayer
gomelSee Ha'gomel
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Ha'adamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
Ha'adamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Ha'eitsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Ha'eitzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Ha'el ha'kadosh (hah-ehl hah-kah-dohsh ) — lit., the Holy God; third blessing in the amida
Ha'etsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Ha'etzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
Ha'gomel (hah-goh-mehl ) — lit., The Benefactor….; blessing thanking God for saving one from danger
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Hah-goh-mehl  leh-chah-yah-veem toh-voht
sheh-gih-mah-lah-nee kohl tohv.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,

Who does favors for people who are guilty,
And Who granted  me all good things.
Ha'Makom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveileiSee HaMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei
Ha'mapil (hah-mah-peel ) —   lit., The One Who causes [layers of sleep] to fall [on my eyes]; prayer said on going to sleep
Ha'melameid Tora l'amo YisraelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'melameid Tora l'amo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael (hah-meh-lah-meid Toh-rah lih-ah-moh Yees-rah-ehl ) — lit., Who teaches Torah to His people Israel; one of morning prayers on learning Torah.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,

hah-meh-lah-meid Toh-rah lih-ah-moh Yees-rah-ehl
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,

Who teaches Torah to His people Israel.
Ha'melameid Torah l'amo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'melech bi'chvodo tamid yimloch alenu l'ol (hah-meh-lehch beech-voh-doh tah-meed yeem-lohch ah-lay-nu lih-oh-lahm vah-ed vih-ahl kohl mah-ah-sahv) — lit., (May) the King in His Glory always reign over us forever and to eternity, and over all His creations; last blessing before the ma’ariv amida
Ha'melech ha'kadosh (hah-meh-lehch hah-kah-dohsh ) — lit., the Holy King; third blessing in the amida
Ha'mevareich es amo yisrael ba'shalomSee Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom
Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom (hah-meh-vah-rehch eht ah-moh yees-rah-ehl bah-shah-lohm ) — lit., Who blesses His people Israel with peace; last five words of amida
Ha'mevareich et amo yisroel ba'shalomSee Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom
Ha'milameid Tora l'amo YisraelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'milameid Torah l'amo YisraelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'milameid Torah l'amo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Ha'motsiSee Ha'motzi
ha'motsi lechem min ha'aretsSee Ha'motzi
Ha'motzi (hah-moh-tzee ) — lit., The One Who brings forth….; blessing before eating bread (eating the minimum quantity of bread determines a "meal" by Jewish law)
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Hah-moh-tzee leh-chem meen hah-ah-rehtz.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who brings forth bread from the earth.
ha'motzi lechem min ha'aretzSee Ha'motzi
Ha'neirot hallalu (hah-nay-roht hah-lah-loo ) — lit., these candles; Chanuka song/prayer upon lighting the Chanuka candles
Ha'nerot hallaluSee Ha'neirot hallalu
Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot (hah-noh-tayn ray-ahch tov bah-pay-roht ) — lit., Who gives a fragrant scent to fruits; blessing said over fragrant fruits; e.g., lemons, some etrogim (etrogs)
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Hah-tohv vih-hah-may-teev.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who gives a fragrant smell to fruits.
Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirotSee Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot
ha'noten rei'ach tov ba'perotSee Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot
Ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat u'menucha l'chayei ha'olamim (hah-rah-chah-mahn hu yahn-chee-lay-noo yohm sheh-koo-lo Shah-baht oo-mih-noo-chah lih-cha-yay hah-oh-lah-meem) — lit., May the Merciful One cause us to inherit a day that is all-Shabbat and rest forever; phrase added to the Shabbat birkat ha’mazon
Ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat u'menuchah l'chayei ha'olamimSee Ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat u'menucha l'chayei ha'olamim
Ha'rachaman hu yichadeish alenu et ha'shana ha'zot l'tova v'livracha (hah-rah-chah-mahn hoo yih-chah-daysh ah-lay-noo eht hah-shah-nah hah-zoht lih-toh-vah vih-leev-rah-chah) —
lit., May the Merciful One renew for us this year for good and blessing; phrase said in birkat ha’mazon on Rosh Hashana.
Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'h (hah-rah-chah-mahn hu yeesh-lahch lah-noo brah-chah meh-roo-bah bih-hah-lee-chah-tay-noo oo-vih-yeh-shee-va-tay-noo <) — lit., May the Merciful One send us much blessing in our walkings and our sittings forever; phrase said in birkat hamazon when eating at a non-Jew’s house
Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu brachah merubah b'hSee Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'h
Ha'tov shimcha (hah-tohv sheem-chah ) — lit.,Your name is good; phrase that closes the second-to-last blessing of amida
Ha'tov shimchahSee Ha'tov shimcha
Ha'tov v'ha'meitiv (hah-tohv vih-hah-may-teev ) — lit., The Good One and Who Does Good; blessing said when more than one person will benefit from something received or when one drinks a finer wine than the previous wine at the same meal
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Hah-tohv vih-hah-may-teev.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who does good (to me) and makes good (for others).
haadamaSee Borei pri ha'adama
haadamahSee Borei pri ha'adama
Hael hakadoshSee Ha'el ha'kadosh
HaetsSee Borei pri ha'eitz
HaetzSee Borei pri ha'eitz
hagomelSee Ha'gomel
Hallel ( hah-lehl ) — lit., Praises; series of Psalms said on Jewish festivals
haMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch sha'ar aveileiSee HaMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei
HaMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei (hah-mah-kohm yeh-nah-chaym oht-chehm bih-tohch sheh-ahr ahv-ley tzee-yohn vee-ruh-shah-lah-yeem ) — lit., May God comfort you amidst the rest of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem; phrase said when taking leave of mourners during shiv'a and when greeting mourners who have entered shul after Psalm 92
Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch she'ar avlei tzion v'yerushalayim (Ashkenazit)See HaMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei
Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch shear avlei tzion vyerushalayim (Ashkenazit)See HaMakom yenacheim etchem b'toch she'ar aveilei
HamapilSee Ha'mapil
Hamelameid Tora liamo YisraelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Hamelameid Tora liamo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Hamelameid Torah liamo YisraelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
Hamelameid Torah liamo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
hamelech bichvodoSee Ha'melech ha'kadosh
Hamelech hakadoshSee Ha'melech ha'kadosh
Hamevarech es amo bashalom (Ashkenazit)See Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom
Hamevareich et amo yisrael bashalomSee Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom
Hamevareich et amo yisroel bashalomSee Ha'mevareich et amo yisrael ba'shalom
Hamilameid Torah liamo YisroelSee Ha'melameid Torah l'amo Yisrael
hamotsiSee Ha'motzi
hamotziSee Ha'motzi
hamotzi lechem min haaretzSee Ha'motzi
Haneirot hallaluSee Ha'neirot hallalu
Hanerot hallaluSee Ha'neirot hallalu
Hanotein reiach tov bapeirotSee Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot
hanoten reiach tov baperotSee Ha'notein rei'ach tov ba'peirot
Harachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat umenucha lechayei haolamimSee Ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat u'menucha l'chayei ha'olamim
Harachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat umenuchah lechayei haolamimSee Ha'rachaman hu yanchileinu yom shekulo Shabbat u'menucha l'chayei ha'olamim
Harachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'halichaseinu u'veyeshivaseinu ad haolam (Ashkenazi)See Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'h
Harachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba bhalichaseinu uveyeshivaseinu ad haolam (Ashkenazi)See Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'h
Harachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba bhalichateinu uveyeshivateinu ad haolamSee Ha'rachaman hu yishlach lanu bracha meruba b'h
Haray as mekudeshes liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Haray as mekudeshes liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Haray at mekudeshet liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Haray at mekudeshet liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Haray zu challaSee Harei zu challa
Haray zu challahSee Harei zu challa
Harei as mekudeshes liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Harei at mekudeshet li (hah-ray aht mih-koo-deh-shet lee ) — lit., Behold, you are consecrated to me; beginning of phrase effecting a Jewish marriage
Harei at mekudeshet liSee Harei at mekudeshet li
Harei zu challa (hah-ray zoo chah-lah ) — lit., Behold, this is challa
Harei zu challahSee Harei zu challa
HaShem sifasaiSee Adonai sifatai
HaShem sifataiSee Adonai sifatai
Hatov shimchaSee Ha'tov shimcha
Hatov shimchahSee Ha'tov shimcha
hatov vhameitivSee Ha'tov v'ha'meitiv
Havdala (hahv-dah-lah ) — lit., Separation; set of blessings over wine, spices, and a candle and Torah verses (psukim*) that officially ends Shabbat and Jewish festivals
HavdalahSee Havdala
hinay anochi sholeach lifanechaSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
hinay anochi sholei'aSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
hinay anochi sholei'ach lifanechaSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
Hinay el yeshu'asiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinay el yeshu'atiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinay el yeshuasiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinay el yeshuatiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinei anochi sholeach lifanechaSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
hinei anochi sholeach lifanechahSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha (hee-nay ah-noh-chee shoh-lay-ahch leh-fah-neh-chah ) — lit., Behold I send before you...; verse said after tefilat ha’derech
hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanechahSee Hinei anochi sholei'ach lifanecha
Hinei el yeshu'asiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinei el yeshu'ati (hee-nay ayl yih-shoo-ah-tee ) — lit., Behold the God of my salvation; beginning verse of havdala  
Hinei el yeshuasiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Hinei el yeshuatiSee Hinei el yeshu'ati
Ho-DOO (hoh-doo) — “Praise Him”
Hodo (hoh-doe ) — “His glory” 
Hodu l'Adonai (ho-doo lah-doh-nai ) — lit., Praise God; line in hallel prayer
Hodu l'AdonaiSee Hodu l'Adonai
Hodu laHaShemSee Hodu l'Adonai
Hu ya'aseh shalom (hoo yah-ah-seh shah-lohm ) — lit., He shall make peace
Hu yaaseh shalomSee Hu ya'aseh shalom
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kabalat shabbatSee Kabbalat Shabbat
Kabalos Shabbos (Ashkenazit)See Kabbalat Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat (kah-bah-laht shah-baht ) — lit., Reception of Shabbat; series of prayers welcoming Shabbat, said between Friday mincha and ma’ariv
Kabbalos Shabbos (Ashkenazit)See Kabbalat Shabbat
Kabbolos Shabbos (Ashkenazit)See Kabbalat Shabbat
Kabolos Shabbos (Ashkenazit)See Kabbalat Shabbat
Kaddish (kah-deesh ) — lit., Sanctification; mostly Aramaic prayer sanctifying God; said numerous times throughout the prayer service, including a version said by mourners. 
  Ashkenazi pronunciation:   Yees-gah-dahl vih-yees-kah-dahsh sheh-may rah-baw. (Aw-mayn.) Bih-awl-maw dee vraw cheer-oo-say. Vih-yahm-leech mahl-choo-say, Bih-chah-yay-chohn oov-yoh-may-chohn oov-chah-yay d’chohl bays yees-raw-ayl, Bah-ah-gaw-law oo-veez-mahn kaw-reev, Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn.   (Congregation: Aw-mayn.  Yih-hay shmay rah-baw mih-vaw-rach lih-aw-lahm ool-aw-lih-may aw-lih-mah-yaw.)   Yih-hay shmay rah-baw mih-vaw-rach lih-aw-lahm ool-aw-lih-may aw-lih-mah-yaw.   Yees-baw-rahch vih-yeesh-tah-bahch vih-yees-paw-ahr vih-yees-roh-mahm vih-yees-nah-say vih-yees-hah-dawr vih-yees-ah-leh vih-yees-hah-lawl shmay dih-koo-dih-shaw breech hoo. (Congregation: Breech hoo.) Lih-ay-law meen cohl beer-chaw-taw vih-shee-raw-taw toosh-bih-chaw-taw vih-neh-cheh-maw-taw, dah-ah-mee-rahn bih-ah-lih-mah. Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn. (Congregation: Ah-mayn.)     (For Rabbis’ Kaddish, add: Ahl yees-raw-ayl v’ahl rah-baw-nawn, v’ahl tahl-mee-day-hohn v’ahl cohl tahl-mee-day tahl-mee-day-hohn, v’ahl cohl mawn dih-aw-sih-keen bih-oh-ry-taw, dee vih-aht-raw haw-dayn vih-dee vih-chohl ah-tahr vah-ah-tahr.  Yih-hay lih-hohn oo-lih-chohn shlaw-maw rah-baw, chee-naw v’chees-daw vih-rah-chah-meen, vih-chah-yeen ah-ree-cheen, oo-mih-zoh-nay rih-vee-chay, oo-foor-kaw-naw meen koh-dawm ah-voo-hohn dee veesh-mah-yaw (vih-ahr-aw).  Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn. (Congregation: Aw-mayn.)   Yih-hay shlaw-maw rah-baw meen shih-may-yaw, vih-chah-yeem aw-lay-noo vih-ahl cohl yees-raw-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn.   Oh-seh shah-lohm beem-roh-mawv, hoo bih-rah-chah-mawv yah-ah-seh shaw-lohm aw-lay-noo vih-ahl cohl yees-raw-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: a-mayn.     Sefardi pronunciation: Yeet-gah-dahl vih-yeet-kah-dahsh sheh-may rah-bah. (Ah-mayn.) Bih-ahl-mah dee vrah cheer-oo-tay. Vih-yahm-leech mahl-choo-tay, Bih-chah-yay-chohn oov-yoh-may-chohn oov-chah-yay d’chohl bayt yees-rah-ayl, Bah-ah-gah-lah oo-veez-mahn kah-reev, Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn.   Ah-mayn.  Yih-hay shmay rah-bah mih-vah-rach lih-oh-lahm ool-oh-lih-may ah-lih-mah-yah.) Yih-hay sh’may rah-bah mih-voh-rach lih-oh-lahm ool-oh-lih-may ah-lih-mah-yah.   Yeet-bah-rahch vih-yeesh-tah-bahch vih-yeet-pah-ahr vih-yeet-roh-mahm vih-yeet-nah-say vih-yeet-hah-dahr vih-yeet-ah-leh vih-yeet-hah-lahl shih-may dih-koo-dih-shah breech hoo (Breech hoo) lih-ay-lah meen kohl beer-chah-tah vih-shee-rah-tah toosh-bih-chah-tah vih-neh-cheh-mah-tah, dah-ah-mee-rahn bih-ah-lih-mah. Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn.   (For Rabbis’ Kaddish, add: Ahl yees-rah-ayl v’ahl rah-bah-nahn, v’ahl tahl-mee-day-hohn v’ahl cohl tahl-mee-day tahl-mee-day-hohn, v’ahl cohl mahn dih-ah-sih-keen bih-oh-ry-tah, dee vih-aht-rah hah-dayn vih-dee vih-chohl ah-tahr vah-ah-tahr.  Yih-hay lih-hohn oo-lih-chohn shlah-mah rah-bah, chee-nah v’chees-dah vih-rah-chah-meen, vih-chah-yeen ah-ree-cheen, oo-mih-zoh-nay rih-vee-chay, oo-foor-kah-nah meen kah-dahm ah-voo-hohn dee veesh-mah-yah (vih-ahr-ah).  Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn.)   Yih-hay shlah-mah rah-bah meen shih-may-yah, vih-chah-yeem ah-lay-noo vih-ahl cohl yees-rah-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn.   Oh-seh shah-lohm beem-roh-mahv, hoo yah-ah-seh shah-lohm ah-lay-noo Vih-ahl cohl yees-rah-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn.
  Ed. Note from Richard Aiken: “To me, kaddish is one of the most beautiful prayers we say. Here is my own translation to reflect the beauty and poetry in the Aramaic original."--RBA  
His (God's) name is to be made great and holy in the world He created as he wanted and His kingdom should rule during your lifetime and your days and during the life of all the Jewish people soon and in the near future, and say "amen."  
His great name is to be blessed forever and ever.  
His holy name is to be blessed, praised, glorified, elevated, lifted up, made magnificent, raised, and praised, since He is blessed above all blessings and songs, praises and consolations that are said in the world,  and say "amen."  
(For Rabbis’ Kaddish, add: For the Jewish people and for their teachers, for their students and the students of their students, and for everyone who is involved in Torah, whether in this country or in any other place, they should all be granted great peace, grace, kindness and mercy, and long life and plenty of food, and good fortune from their Father in heaven, and say "amen.")  
Please accept the prayers and requests of the entire community of Jews before their Father in heaven, and say "amen."  
May there be great peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all of the Jewish people, and say "amen."  
He who makes peace in the heavens should make peace for us and for all of the Jewish people, and say "amen."
Kaddish (Mourner's) (kah-deesh ) — lit., (Mourner’s) Holy; mostly Aramaic prayer sanctifying God’s name and His Kingship
Yees-gah-dahl vih-yees-kah-dahsh sheh-may rah-baw. (Aw-mayn.)
Bih-awl-maw dee vraw cheer-oo-say.
Vih-yahm-leech mahl-choo-say,
Bih-chah-yay-chohn oov-yoh-may-chohn oov-chah-yay d’chohl bays yees-raw-ayl,
Bah-ah-gaw-law oo-veez-mahn kaw-reev,
Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn.
Aw-mayn.  Yih-hay shmay rah-baw mih-vaw-rach lih-aw-lahm ool-aw-lih-may aw-lih-mah-yaw.)
Yih-hay shmay rah-baw mih-vaw-rach lih-aw-lahm ool-aw-lih-may aw-lih-mah-yaw.
Yees-baw-rahch vih-yeesh-tah-bahch vih-yees-paw-ahr vih-yees-roh-mahm vih-yees-nah-say
vih-yees-hah-dawr vih-yees-ah-leh vih-yees-hah-lawl shmay dih-koo-dih-shaw breech hoo.
(Congregation: Breech hoo.) Lih-ay-law meen cohl beer-chaw-taw vih-shee-raw-taw
toosh-bih-chaw-taw vih-neh-cheh-maw-taw, dah-ah-mee-rahn bih-ah-lih-mah.
Vih-eem-roo: ah-mayn. (Congregation: Ah-mayn.)
(For Rabbis’ Kaddish, add:
Ahl yees-raw-ayl v’ahl rah-baw-nawn, v’ahl tahl-mee-day-hohn v’ahl cohl tahl-mee-day tahl-mee-day-hohn, v’ahl cohl mawn dih-aw-sih-keen bih-oh-ry-taw, dee vih-aht-raw haw-dayn vih-dee vih-chohl ah-tahr vah-ah-tahr.  Yih-hay lih-hohn oo-lih-chohn shlaw-maw rah-baw, chee-naw v’chees-daw vih-rah-chah-meen, vih-chah-yeen ah-ree-cheen, oo-mih-zoh-nay rih-vee-chay, oo-foor-kaw-naw meen koh-dawm ah-voo-hohn dee veesh-mah-yaw (vih-ahr-aw). 
Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn. (Congregation: Aw-mayn.)
Yih-hay shlaw-maw rah-baw meen shih-may-yaw, vih-chah-yeem aw-lay-noo vih-ahl cohl yees-raw-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: aw-mayn.
Oh-seh shah-lohm beem-roh-mawv, hoo bih-rah-chah-mawv yah-ah-seh shaw-lohm aw-lay-noo vih-ahl cohl yees-raw-ayl. Vih-eem-roo: a-mayn.
Ed. Note from Richard Aiken:
“To me, kaddish is one of the most beautiful prayers we say. Here is my own translation to reflect the beauty and poetry in the Aramaic original.”--RBA
His (God's) name is to be made great and holy in the world He created as he wanted and His kingdom should rule during your lifetime and your days and during the life of all the Jewish people soon and in the near future, and say "amen."

His great name is to be blessed forever and ever.

His holy name is to be blessed, praised, glorified, elevated, lifted up, made magnificent, raised, and praised, since He is blessed above all blessings and songs, praises and consolations that are said in the world, and say "amen."
For Rabbis’ Kaddish, add:

(For the Jewish people and for their teachers, for their students and the students of their students, and for everyone who is involved in Torah, whether in this country or in any other place, they should all be granted great peace, grace, kindness and mercy, and long life and plenty of food, and good fortune from their Father in heaven, and say "amen.")
Please accept the prayers and requests of the entire community of Jews before their Father in heaven, and say "amen."
May there be great peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all of the Jewish people, and say "amen."
He who makes peace in the heavens should make peace for us and for all of the Jewish people, and say "amen".
kaddish yetomSee Mourner's Kaddish
kaddoshSee Kadosh
kadishSee Mourner's Kaddish
Kadosh (kah-dohsh ) — lit., Holy, separated, sanctified; word said three times in kedusha section of the amida and in u’va l’tzion
Kara zeh el zeh (kah-rah zeh ehl zeh ) — lit., [The angels] Called each other….; line in kedusha of amida
Karah zeh el zehSee Kara zeh el zeh
KatvaynuSee Katveinu
Katveinu (kaht-vay-noo ) — lit., Write us; line in Avinu Malkeinu
kayames (Ashkenazit)See Kayamet
Kayamet (kah-yah-meht ) — lit., Continues to exist; said in paragraph after the shema
kaylSee Keil
Kedusha (keh-doo-shah ) — lit., Holiness; prayer sanctifying God; inserted after second paragraph of amida during the amida’s repetition
KedushahSee Kedusha
Keil (kayl ) — substitute word for God’s name 
Keil melech ne'emanSee El melech ne'eman
Keil melech neemanSee El melech ne'eman
kelSee Keil
Kel melech ne'emanSee El melech ne'eman
Kel melech neemanSee El melech ne'eman
keser yisnu (Ashkenazit)See Keter yitnu
kesser yisnu (Ashkenazit)See Keter yitnu
Keter yitnu (keh-tehr yeet-noo ) — lit., He will give a crown….; phrase in kedusha prayer
Ketter yitnuSee Keter yitnu
Ki ata shomayaSee Ki ata shomei'a
Ki ata shomayahSee Ki ata shomei'a
Ki ata shomei'a (kee ah-tah shoh-may-ah ) —   lit., Because you hear; phrase in the shema kolenu section of the amida
Ki ata shomei'ahSee Ki ata shomei'a
Ki shaym Adonai ekraSee Ki shem Adonai ekra
ki sheim, ki shem adonaiSee Ki shem Adonai ekra
Ki shem Adonai ekra (kee shaym ah-doh-nai eh-krah ) — lit., When I call on God’s name (… attribute greatness to our God); optional opening to the mincha amida
ki shem adonai ekraSee Ki shem Adonai ekra
Ki shem Adonai ekra, havu godel l'eiloheinuSee Ki shem Adonai ekra
Ki shem Adonai ekrahSee Ki shem Adonai ekra
Kiddush ( kee-doosh ) — lit., Sanctification; series of blessings and verses said over a cup of wine to begin Shabbat and Jewish festivals
kiddush l'vanaSee Kiddush levana
Kiddush levana (kee-doosh leh-vah-nah ) — lit., Sanctification of the moon; series of blessings and verses sanctifying the moon; said in the first part of each Jewish month, only at night and when the moon is visible
kiddush levanahSee Kiddush levana
Kol Chamira (kohl chah-mee-rah ) —   Aramaic declaration of nullification of chametz, said the night before seder night: Kol chamira v’chamiya di’eeka virshuti dila chamitay u’dila vee’artay u’dila yida’na lay libatayl v’lehevay hefker ki’afra di’ar’a.
Kol ChamirahSee Kol Chamira
Kol Nidrei (kohl nee-dray) —
lit., All the nedarim vows…; one of the first prayers at the beginning of Yom Kippur eve
kriyas shema (Ashkenazit)See Kriyat Shema
Kriyat Shema (kree-yaht shih-mah ) — lit., Reading of the shema; saying the shema prayer
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l'fichachSee Lefichach
l'hafrish challa min ha'isaSee Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
L'hit'ateph ba'tzitzitSee Lehit'ateiph ba'tzitzit
L'olam yihay adamSee L'olam yihei adam
L'olam yihei adam (lih-oh-lahm yih-hay ah-dahm ) —   lit., A person should always…; paragraph in shacharit
l'shem yichudSee L'shem yichud brich hu
l'shem yichudSee L'shem yichud brich hu
L'shem yichud brich hu (lih-shaym yih-chood breech hoo) — introductory phrase that some people say before doing certain mitzvot
L'shem yichud brich hu (lih-shaym yih-chood breech hoo) — Introductory phrase that some people say before doing certain mitzvot
L'shuascha kivisiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
L'shuaschah kivisiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
L'shuatcha kiviti (lee-shoo-aht-chah kee-vee-tee ) — lit., For Your salvation I hoped….; phrase said after tefilat ha’derech prayer
L'shuatchah kivitiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
La'ad (lah’ahd ) — lit., Forever; one of two words in paragraph ending the morning shema at which one kisses the tzitzit (the other word is emet)
La'asok b'divrei Torah (lah-ah-sohk b’deev-ray Toh-rah ) — lit., to be occupied with Torah study; blessing said in the morning over learning Torah.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lah-ah-sohk b’deev-ray Toh-rah
Blessed are You, HaShem, Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
to be occupied with Torah study.
laadSee La'ad
Lamdeini chukecha (lahm-day-nee choo-keh-chah ) — lit., Teach me your chukim (laws for which we have not been given any reason); phrase you can end with when you have started a blessing and realized it is not required for the circumstance
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai
Lahm-day-nee choo-keh-chah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, teach me Your laws (i.e., the type of law for which we have not been given any reason).
lamdeini chukechahSee Lamdeini chukecha
Lecha dodi (lih-chah doh-dee ) — lit., Come, my beloved; prayer sung to welcome Shabbat.
Lechah dodiSee Lecha dodi
Lefichach (l’fee-chach ) — lit., Therefore; part of the Magid section of the hagada
Lehadlik ner shel Chanuka (lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl chah-noo-kah) — lit., To light the Chanuka candle; blessing over lighting Chanuka candles.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,

ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl chah-noo-kah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,

Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To light the Chanuka candle.
Lehadlik ner shel ChanukahSee Lehadlik ner shel Chanuka
Lehadlik ner shel ChanukkaSee Lehadlik ner shel Chanuka
Lehadlik ner shel ChanukkahSee Lehadlik ner shel Chanuka
Lehadlik ner shel Shabbat (lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl Shah-baht ) — lit., To light the Shabbat candle; blessing over lighting Shabbat candles.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl Shah-baht.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To light the Shabbat candle.
Lehadlik ner shel Yom HaKipurim (lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl yohm hah-kee-poo-reem) — lit., To light the Yom Kippur candle; blessing over lighting Yom Kippur candles.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl (Shah-baht v'shel) yohm hah-kee-poo-reem.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To light the (Shabbat and) Yom Kippur candle.
Lehadlik ner shel Yom HaZikaron (lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl yohm hah-zee-kah-rohn) — lit., To light the candle of the Day of Rembrance; blessing over lighting Rosh Hashana candles.
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl (Shah-baht v'shel) yohm hah-zee-kah-rohn.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To light the (Shabbat and) Yom HaZikaron candle.
Lehadlik ner shel Yom Tov (lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl yohm tohv) — lit., To light the festival candle; blessing over lighting festival candles (Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah).
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hahd-leek nayr shehl (Shah-baht v'shel) yohm tohv.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To light the (Shabbat and) festival candle.

Lehafrish challa min ha'isa (leh-hahf-reesh chah-lah meen hah-ee-sah ) — lit., On the separating of the challa from the rest of the dough; blessing said when making a dough of more than five pounds of flour
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,

ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
leh-hahf-reesh chah-lah meen hah-ee-sah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,

Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To separate the challa from the dough.
lehafrish challa min ha'isaSee Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
lehafrish challah min ha'isahSee Lehafrish challa min ha'isa
Lehafrish trumot u'ma'asrot (leh-hahf-reesh troo-moht oo-mah-ahs-roht ) — lit., to separate “donations” and “tithes”; blessing said on separating teruma and ma’aser produce grown by Jews in Israel 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
leh-hahf-reesh troo-moht oo-mah-ahs-roht.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
to separate “donations” and “tithes.”
Lehaniach tefilin (lih-hah-nee-ach tih-fee-leen ) — lit., To lay tefilin; prayer said when a Jewish man dons the arm tefilin.  
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-hah-nee-ach tih-fee-leen.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To wrap ourselves in the tzitzit.
Lehit'ateiph ba'tzitzit (lih-heet-ah-tayf bah-tzee-tzeet ) — lit., To wrap in the tzitzit; blessing on putting on the talit
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lih-heet-ah-tayf bah-tzee-tzeet.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To wrap ourselves in the tzitzit.
Lehit'ateph ba'tzitzitSee Lehit'ateiph ba'tzitzit
Leisheiv ba'sukka (lay-shayv bah-soo-kah ) — lit., To sit in the sukka; blessing said when sitting in a sukka on Sukkot and eating bread or food baked from the Five Grains
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
lay-shayv bah-soo-kah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To sit in the sukka.
leisheiv basukkahSee Leisheiv ba'sukka
lifichachSee Lefichach
lihisateph batzitzis (Ashkenazit)See Lehit'ateiph ba'tzitzit
Likbo'a mezuza (leek-boh-ah mih-zoo-zah ) — lit., To permanently affix; blessing said when affixing a mezuza
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Ah-shehr kee-dih-shah-noo bih-meetz-voh-tahv vih-tzee-vah-noo
leek-boh-ah mih-zoo-zah.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who made us holy through His commandments and commanded us
To affix a mezuza.
Likbo'ah mezuzahSee Likbo'a mezuza
Liolam yihei adamSee L'olam yihei adam
lishuascha kivisiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
lishuaschah kivisiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
lishuatcha kivitiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
lishuatchah kivitiSee L'shuatcha kiviti
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m'orei ha'aishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
m'orei ha'eishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Magdil ( mahg-deel ) — lit., Increases; word that is replaced (with “migdol”) in birkat hamazon of Shabbat and Jewish festivals
Magein avrahamSee Magen avraham
Magen avraham (mah-gayn ahv-rah-hahm; Ashkenazit: maw-gayn ahv-raw-hawm ) — lit., Shield of Abraham; closing phrase of the first blessing of the amida
magen avraham (Ashkenazit)See Magen avraham
masher kidshanu bitzvosav vitzivanuSee Asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu
Mashiv ha'ruach (mah-sheev hah-roo-ahch ) — lit., May the wind blow; addition to the amida requesting winter rain
mashiv haruachSee Mashiv ha'ruach
Me'orei ha'aishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Me'orei ha'eishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Mechaye ha'meitimSee Mechayeh ha'meitim
Mechaye hameitimSee Mechayeh ha'meitim
Mechayeh ha'meitim (meh-chah-yay ha-may-teem ) — lit. Who livens the dead; second blessing in amida prayer
Mechayeh hameitimSee Mechayeh ha'meitim
Mei'ayn shaloshSee Mei'ein shalosh
Mei'ein shalosh (may-ayn shah-lohsh ) —   lit., Three faceted; blessing with three variants--al ha’eitz, al ha’gafen, and al ha’michya; said after eating foods from the Five Special Fruits or the Five Grains.  These consist of the Seven Species for which the Land of Israel is praised, plus three more grains from which we can make a mezonot dish or bread
Mekadeish es shimcha ba'rabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish es shimcha barabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish es shimchah ba'rabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish es shimchah barabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim (mih-kah-daysh et sheem-chah bah-rah-beem ) — lit., Makes Your Name holy in public; blessing in shacharit
Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim, mekadeish es shimcha barabim (Ashkenazit)See Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish et shimcha barabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish et shimchah ba'rabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish et shimchah ba'rabim, mekadeish es shimcha barabim (Ashkenazit)See Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
Mekadeish et shimchah barabimSee Mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim
mekadeish ha'shabbasSee Mekadeish haShabbat
mekadeish ha'shabbatSee Mekadeish haShabbat
mekadeish ha'shabbosSee Mekadeish haShabbat
Mekadeish haShabbasSee Mekadeish haShabbat
mekadeish hashabbasSee Mekadeish haShabbat
Mekadeish haShabbat (mih-kah-daysh hah-shah-baht ) — lit., Sanctifies the Sabbath; end of final paragraph of Friday night kiddush
mekadeish hashabbatSee Mekadeish haShabbat
Mekadeish haShabbosSee Mekadeish haShabbat
mekadeish hashabbosSee Mekadeish haShabbat
Mekadeish Yisrael v'hazmanim (mih-kah-daysh yees-rah-ehl vih-hahz-mah-neem ) —   lit., Sanctifies Israel and the (holy) times; end of Jewish festival kiddush
Mekadeish Yisrael vihazmanimSee Mekadeish Yisrael v'hazmanim
Mekadeish Yisroel v'hazmanimSee Mekadeish Yisrael v'hazmanim
Mekadeish Yisroel vihazmanimSee Mekadeish Yisrael v'hazmanim
meorei haaishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
meorei haeishSee Borei me'orei ha'eish
Mesubin kahn ( mih-soo-been kahn ) —   lit., Sitting here; phrase in birkat ha’mazon
mezonos (Ashkenazit)See Borei minei mezonot
MezonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Mi chamocha (mee chah-moh-chah ) — lit., Who is like You; part of prayer said between shema and amida
mi chamochahSee Mi chamocha
Mi kamocha (mee kah-moh-chah ) — lit., Who is like You; part of prayer said between shema and amida (grammatically incorrect but is the correct form to be said here)
Mi kamochahSee Mi kamocha
Migdal (yeshuot)See Migdol (yeshuot)
migdal yeshuos (Ashkenazit)See Migdol (yeshuot)
Migdol (yeshuot) (meeg-dohl (yeh-shoo-oht) ) — lit., Tower (of salvation); one variant (said on Shabbat and Jewish festivals) of a Torah verse in birkat hamazon
migdol yeshuos (Ashkenazit)See Migdol (yeshuot)
Mizmor l'Toda (meez-mohr leh-toh-dah ) — lit., Song of Thanks; Psalm 100
Mizmor l'TodahSee Mizmor l'Toda
mizmor lesoda (Ashkenazit)See Mizmor l'Toda
mizmor lesodah (Ashkenazit)See Mizmor l'Toda
Mizmor letodahSee Mizmor l'Toda
Mizmor liTodaSee Mizmor l'Toda
Mizmor liTodahSee Mizmor l'Toda
mizmor shir (Ashkenazit)See Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat
Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat (meez-mohr sheer leh-yohm hah-shah-baht ) — lit., Song for the Shabbat; Psalm 92, said, among other places, in Kabbalat Shabbat. At that point, mourners enter
Mizmor shir l'yom hashabbatSee Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat
Mizmor shir leyom hashabbas (AshkenazitSee Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat
Mizmor shir leyom hashabbos (Ashkenazit)See Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat
mizonosSee Borei minei mezonot
mizonotSee Borei minei mezonot
Modim ( moh-deem ) — lit., Acknowledging/bowing down; segment in last part of amida prayer; first three words: modim anachnu lach
motsiSee Ha'motzi
motziSee Ha'motzi
Mourner's Kaddish (kah-deesh) —
lit., (Mourner’s) Holy; mostly Aramaic prayer sanctifying God’s name and His Kingship
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Nacheim ( nah-chaym ) —   lit., “Comfort”; prayer inserted into the mincha amida of Tish’a b’Av.  
Notein haToraSee Notein haTorah
Notein haTorah (noh-tayn hah-Toh-rah ) — lit., “Giver of the Torah”; ending blessing in section of morning blessings on learning Torah; also, ending blessing said when being called to the Torah in synagogue. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,

noh-tayn hah-Toh-rah
Blessed are You, HaShem,
Giver of the Torah.
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Ose ma'ase v'reishitSee Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
ose maase breishitSee Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
Ose shalom bi'mromav (oh-seh shah-lohm beem-roh-mahv ) — lit., He Who makes peace in His heights; line at the end of the amida and at kaddish
Oseh ma'aseh breishis (Ashkenazit)See Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit (oh-seh mah-ah-seh ve-ray-sheet ) — lit., Who makes the works of creation; blessing said over certain natural phenomena
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Oh-seh mah-ah-seh vih-ray-sheet.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who does the “doings” of creation.
oseh ma'aseh vreishis (Ashkenazit)See Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh maaseh beraishitSee Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh maaseh bereishitSee Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh maaseh breishis (Ashkenazit)See Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh maaseh breishitSee Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh maaseh vreishis (Ashkenazit)See Oseh ma'aseh v'reishit
oseh shalomSee Ose shalom bi'mromav
Oseh shalom bimromavSee Ose shalom bi'mromav
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PashanuSee Fashanu
Posei'ach (Ashkenazit)See Potei'ach
Poseiach (Ashkenazit)See Potei'ach
Potei'ach (poh-tay-ahch ) — lit., Opens (Opener)….; first word of a verse in ashrei prayer
PoteiachSee Potei'ach
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Rabosai nevarech (Ashkenazit)See Rabotai nivarech
Rabotai nevarechSee Rabotai nivarech
Rabotai nivarech (rah-boh-tai nih-vah-rehch ) — lit., Gentlemen, let’s bless; said before benching
Rabotai nivarechSee Rabotai nivarech
Refa'einu (rih-fah-ay-noo ) — lit., Heal us; prayer in the weekday amida that requests healing from an illness
refaeinuSee Refa'einu
refaenuSee Refa'einu
retseiSee Ritzei
ritsaySee Ritzei
ritzaySee Ritzei
Ritzei (rih-tzay ) — lit., Desire; Shabbat addition to birkat hamazon
ritzeiSee Ritzei
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SelichosSee Selichot
Selichot (s’lee-choht ) — lit., Forgivenesses; piyutim said before Rosh Hashana (for at least 4 days and sometimes more) until Yom Kippur. Also said on certain other days. 
Sh'foch chamatcha (shfohch chah-maht-cha ) — lit., Pour out Your wrath; phrase in Nirtza section of the hagada
sh'foch chamatchaSee Sh'foch chamatcha
Sh'foch chamatchahSee Sh'foch chamatcha
sh'ma koleinuSee Shema koleinu
sh'ma kolenuSee Shema koleinu
sh'mah koleinuSee Shema koleinu
sh'mah kolenuSee Shema koleinu
sh'moneh esraySee Shemoneh esrei
sh'moneh esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
Shalom rav ( shah-lohm rahv ) —   lit., Great peace…; beginning of last paragraph of the amida, especially for mincha and ma’ariv
She'achalnu (sheh-ah-chahl-noo ) — lit., That we ate; part of verse in birkat hamazon
She'asa es ha'yam ha'gadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asa es hayam hagadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol (sheh-ah-sah eht hah-yahm hah-gah-dohl ) — lit., who made the great sea; blessing said over seeing ocean or sea
She'asa et hayam hagadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asa li kol tsarkiSee She'asa li kol tzarki
She'asa li kol tzarki (sheh-ah-sah lee kohl tzahr-kee ) —   Who made me all my needs; one of the morning blessings
She'asa nisim l'avoteinu ba'yamim ha'heim ba'zman ha'zeh (sheh-ah-sah nee-seem lah-voh-tay-noo bah-yah-meem hah-haym bahz-mahn hah-zeh) — lit., Who did miracles for our fathers in those days at this time; second blessing said when lighting Chanuka candles .
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,

Sheh-ah-sah nee-seem lah-voh-tay-noo bah-yah-meem hah-haym bahz-mahn hah-zeh.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who did miracles for our fathers in those days at this time.
She'asah es ha'yam ha'gadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asah es hayam hagadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asah et ha'yam ha'gadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asah et hayam hagadolSee She'asa et ha'yam ha'gadol
She'asah li kol tsarkiSee She'asa li kol tzarki
She'asah li kol tzarkiSee She'asa li kol tzarki
She'asah nisim l'avoteinu ba'yamim ha'heim ba'zman ha'zehSee She'asa nisim l'avoteinu ba'yamim ha'heim ba'zman ha'zeh
She'hakol, she'hakol nihiyeh bi'dvaro (sheh-hah-kohl, sheh-hah-kohl nee-hih-yeh beed-vah-roh ) — lit., That all….; That all comes into existence with His word; phrase in blessing over food that is not bread, baked Five Grains, grape juice-based drinks, or identifiable fruits or vegetables
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Sheh-hah-kohl nee-hih-yeh beed-vah-roh.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
That everything exists by His word.
She'hecheyanu (sheh-heh-cheh-yah-noo ) — lit., Who has caused us to be alive; blessing of thanks for having been allowed to stay alive to experience certain events, holidays, or experiences. 
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Sheh-heh-chee-yah-noo, vih-kee-yeh-mah-noo, vih-hee-gee-yah-noo lahz-mahn hah-zeh.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who gave us life, and kept us in existence, and allowed us to reach this (point in) time.
She'kocho u'gvurato malei olam (sheh-koh-choh oog-voo-rah-toh mah-leh oh-lahm ) — lit., Whose strength and dominion fill the world; blessing said over certain powerful natural occurrences
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
Sheh-koh-choh oog-voo-rah-toh mah-leh oh-lahm.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Whose strength and might fill the world.
She'lo chisar ba'olamo davar (sheh-loh chee-sahr bah-oh-lah-moh dah-vahr ) — lit., Who didn’t make the world lack anything; blessing said over seeing fruit trees blooming in spring
Bah-rooch ah-tah ah-doh-nai eh-loh-hay-noo meh-lech hah-oh-lahm,
sheh-loh chee-sahr bah-oh-lah-moh dah-vahr
oo-vah-rah voh bree-oht toh-voht vih-ee-lah-noht toh-veem
lih-hah-noht bah-hehm bih-nay ah-dahm.
Blessed are You, HaShem, King of the universe,
Who didn’t make the world lack anything
And created good creations and good trees in it
For the spiritual enjoyment of people.
sheachalnuSee She'achalnu
Shehakol nih'yeh bidvaroSee She'hakol, she'hakol nihiyeh bi'dvaro
Shehakol nihiyeh bidvaroSee She'hakol, she'hakol nihiyeh bi'dvaro
ShehecheyanuSee She'hecheyanu
shehechiyanuSee She'hecheyanu
Shekocho u'gvurato malei olamSee She'kocho u'gvurato malei olam
Shekocho ugvurato malei olamSee She'kocho u'gvurato malei olam
Shelo chisar ba'olamo davarSee She'lo chisar ba'olamo davar
Shelo chisar baolamo davarSee She'lo chisar ba'olamo davar
Shema (shih-mah ) — lit., Hear; title word of prayer proclaiming God’s unity; consists of the verse “Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad” plus three paragraphs from the Five Books of Moses 
Shema koleinu (shmah koh-lay-noo ) — lit., Hear our voice…; 16th paragraph of the weekday amida
shema kolenuSee Shema koleinu
ShemahSee Shema
Shemah koleinuSee Shema koleinu
shemah kolenuSee Shema koleinu
Shemone esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
Shemoneh esraySee Shemoneh esrei
shemoneh esraySee Shemoneh esrei
Shemoneh esrei (shmoh-neh ehs-ray ) — lit., 18; nowadays, 19-blessing weekday prayer; main prayer, said three times a day, standing
shemoneh esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
Sheva brachosSee Sheva brachot
Sheva brachot (sheh-vah brah-chot ) —   lit., Seven Blessings; festive meal honoring a newly wed couple for the first six days after the wedding and ending in the same seven blessings as at the wedding ceremony
Shevah brachosSee Sheva brachot
Shevah brachotSee Sheva brachot
Shfoch chamatchaSee Sh'foch chamatcha
Shfoch chamatchahSee Sh'foch chamatcha
shimoneh esraySee Shemoneh esrei
shimoneh esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
Shir ha'ma'alot (sheer hah-mah-ah-loht ) — lit., Song of Ascents (or Steps); Psalm 127, said before benching on Shabbat and Jewish festivals
Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu (sheer hah-mah-ah-loht hee-nay bahr-choo ) — lit., Song of Ascents: Come bless…; Psalm 134
shir hama'alos (Ashkenazit)See Shir ha'ma'alot
Shir hama'alos hinei borchu (Ashkenazit)See Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu
shir hama'alotSee Shir ha'ma'alot
Shir hama'alot hinei borchuSee Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu
shir hamaalos (Ashkeanzit)See Shir ha'ma'alot
Shir hamaalos hinei borchu (Ashkenazit)See Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu
shir hamaalotSee Shir ha'ma'alot
shir hamaalot hinei borchuSee Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu
shir hamalos (Ashkenazit)See Shir ha'ma'alot
Shir hamalos hinei borchu (Ashkenazit)See Shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu
shir hamalotSee Shir ha'ma'alot
ShmaSee Shema
shma koleinuSee Shema koleinu
shma kolenuSee Shema koleinu
ShmahSee Shema
shmah koleinuSee Shema koleinu
shmah kolenuSee Shema koleinu
shmone esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
shmoneh esraySee Shemoneh esrei
shmoneh esreiSee Shemoneh esrei
Shomei'a tefila (shoh-may-ah tih-fee-lah ) — lit., Who hears prayer; blessing in amida prayer
Shomei'a tefilahSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomei'ah tefilaSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomei'ah tefilahSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomeia tefilaSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomeia tefilahSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomeiah tefilahSee Shomei'a tefila
Shomer amo yisrael la'ad (sho-mer ah-moh yees-rah-ehl lah-ahd ) — lit., Guardian of His people Israel forever; last phrase of introductory paragraph to the ma’ariv amida
Shomer amo yisrael laadSee Shomer amo yisrael la'ad
Shomer amo yisroel la'adSee Shomer amo yisrael la'ad
Shomer amo yisroel laadSee Shomer amo yisrael la'ad
Shomer yisrael (sho-mehr yees-rah-ehl ) — lit., Guardian of Israel; later paragraph in tachanun
Shomer yisrloelSee Shomer yisrael
Sim shalom ( seem shah-lohm ) — lit., Give peace; last paragraph of amida
Slach lanu ( slahch lah-noo ) — lit., Forgive us; beginning of fifth paragraph of amida
SlichosSee Selichot
SlichotSee Selichot
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Tachanun ( tah-chah-noon ) — lit., Supplication; set of supplicatory prayers after the amida
Techum ShabbasSee Techum Shabbat
Techum Shabbat (tih-choom shah-baht ) — lit., Area of Shabbat; area within which you may walk on Shabbat without violating laws of Shabbat domain
Techum ShabbosSee Techum Shabbat
Tefilas ha'derechSee Tefilat ha'derech
Tefilas haderech (Ashkenazit)See Tefilat ha'derech
tefilas nedavaSee Tefilat nedava
tefilas nedavahSee Tefilat nedava
Tefilat ha'derech (tih-fee-laht hah-deh-rehch ) — lit., Prayer of the road; traveler’s prayer
Tefilat nedava (tih-fee-laht nih-dah-vah ) — lit., Voluntary prayer
Tefilat nedavahSee Tefilat nedava
tefillat haderechSee Tefilat ha'derech
Tehilim (tih-hee-leem ) — lit., Praises; selections from (or entire) Book of Psalms, frequently recited as petitions for health, children, marriage partner, etc.
TehillimSee Tehilim
Tein bracha (tayn brah-chah ) —   lit., Give a blessing; phrase said in ninth paragraph of amida during dry season in Israel
Tein brachahSee Tein bracha
Tein tal u'matar l'vracha (tayn tahl oo-mah-tahr leev-rah-chah ) — lit., Give dew and rain for a blessing; phrase said in ninth paragraph of amida during rainy season in Israel
Tein tal u'matar l'vrachahSee Tein tal u'matar l'vracha
Tein tal u'matar livrachaSee Tein tal u'matar l'vracha
Tein tal u'matar livrachahSee Tein tal u'matar l'vracha
Ten brachaSee Tein bracha
Ten brachahSee Tein bracha
Tora tziva lanu MosheSee Torah tziva lanu Moshe
Tora tziva lanu MoshehSee Torah tziva lanu Moshe
Torah tziva lanu Moshe (toh-rah- tzee-vah lah-noo moh-sheh ) — lit., Moses commanded us the Torah…; among the first Hebrew words taught to a Jewish child
Torah tziva lanu MoshehSee Torah tziva lanu Moshe
Torah tzivah lanu MosheSee Torah tziva lanu Moshe
Torah tzivah lanu MoshehSee Torah tziva lanu Moshe
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U'mishtachavim (oo-meesh-tah-chah-veem ) — lit., And bow down; section of alenu prayer
U'modim (oo-moh-deem ) — lit., And touch our heads to the ground; section of alenu prayer
U'va l'tzion (oo-vah lih-tzee-yohn ) — lit., And [the Redeemer] will come to Zion; prayer said on weekdays after second ashrei; on Shabbat, in mincha after ashrei
U'vah l'tzionSee U'va l'tzion
U'varech sh'nateinuSee U'vareich shnateinu
U'vareich shnateinu (oo-vah-rehch shih-nah-tay-nu ) — lit., And bless our years; insertion point for private prayers for livelihood
Ul'chaparat pasha (ool-chah-pah-raht pah-shah ) — lit., And for atonement of sin; phrase said in Rosh Chodesh musaf amida on leap years
Ul'chaparat pashahSee Ul'chaparat pasha
Ulchaparat pashaSee Ul'chaparat pasha
Ulchaparat pashahSee Ul'chaparat pasha
UmishtachavimSee U'mishtachavim
UmodimSee U'modim
uva l'tzionSee U'va l'tzion
Uva letzionSee U'va l'tzion
uvah l'tzionSee U'va l'tzion
Uvah letzionSee U'va l'tzion
uvarech sh'nateinuSee U'vareich shnateinu
uvarech shnateinuSee U'vareich shnateinu
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V'al chataim ( vih-ahl chah-tah-eem ) —   lit., And for the sins;  Phrase in the al cheit prayer for Yom Kippur
V'al cheit (vih-ahl chayt ) — lit., And for the sins  Phrase in the al cheit prayer for Yom Kippur
V'al chetSee V'al cheit
V'eilohei avoseinuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
V'eilohei avoteinu (vay-loh-hay ah-voh-tay-noo ) — lit., and the God of our fathers; phrase in 1st paragraph of amida
V'eirastich li (vih-ay-rahs-tihch lee ) — lit., I will betroth you to Me; verse said while wrapping the arm tefilin around the finger
V'hi she'amda (vih-hee sheh-ahm-dah ) —   lit., “This is what stands (stood); phrase in the Magid section of the hagada
V'hi she'amdahSee V'hi she'amda
V'shamru bnei Yisrael (vih-sham-roo bih-nay yees-rah-ehl ) — lit., and the Children of Israel shall guard; beginning of paragraph for Shabbat morning kiddush::vshamru bnei Yisrael, veshamru b’nai Yisrael
V'shamru bnei YisroelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
V'ya'akov halach l'darko (veh-yah-ah-kohv hah-lahch, leh-dahr-ko ) — lit., And Yaakov went on his way; verse said in as part of tefilat ha’derech
V'yaakov halach l'darkoSee V'ya'akov halach l'darko
V'zachreinuSee Zachreinu
V'zachreinu l'tova (vih-zahch-ray-noo leh-toh-vah ) — lit., And remember us for good; phrase in al ha’michya blessing
V'zachreinu l'tovahSee V'zachreinu l'tova
Va'anachnu (lo neida) (vah-ah-nahch-noo (lo nay-dah) ) — lit., And we (do not know); last paragraph of tachanun
Va'yanuchu (vah-yah-noo-choo ) — lit., And they rested; segment in the Shabbat* amida*
Va'yanuchu vahSee Va'yanuchu
Va'yechulu (vah-yih-choo-loo ) — lit., And they were completed; excerpt from Genesis in Friday night ma’ariv and in Friday night Kiddush
Va'yehi noam (vah-yih-hee noh-ahm ) — lit., And may the pleasantness…; phrase sometimes said before doing a mitzva
Vah-yih-hee noh-ahm ah-doh-nai ah-lay-noo,
oo-mah-ah-say yah-day-noo koh-nih-nah ah-lay-noo,
oo-mah-ah-say yah-day-noo koh-nih-nay-hoo.
And may the pleasantness of Adonai be upon us
And the works of our hands be established upon us
And the works of our hands establish it.
Va'yidaber Moshe eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisrael —   And Moshe told the festivals of God to the Children of Israel (Leviticus/Vayikra 23:44)
Va'yidaber Moshe eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisroelSee Va'yidaber Moshe eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisrael
Va'yidaber Mosheh eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisraelSee Va'yidaber Moshe eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisrael
Va'yidaber Mosheh eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisroelSee Va'yidaber Moshe eht mo'adei Adonai el bnei yisrael
Va'yomer David ( vah-yoh-mehr dah-veed ) — lit., And David said; beginning phrase of the short version of the tachanun prayer
vaanachnuSee Va'anachnu (lo neida)
vayanuchu vahSee Va'yanuchu
Vayechal ( vah-yeh-chahl ) —
VayechuluSee Va'yechulu
Vayehi noamSee Va'yehi noam
vaylohay avosaynuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
vaylohay avotaynuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
Vaylohei avoseinuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
vaylohei avotaynuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
Vaylohei avoteinuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
Ve'al shulchan ze she'achalnu alavSee Ve'al shulchan zeh she'achalnu alav
Ve'al shulchan zeh she'achalnu alav (veh-ahl shool-chahn zeh sheh-ah-chahl-noo ah-lahv ) — lit., And on this table on which we ate; part of birkat ha’mazon
veilohei avosaynuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
veilohei avotaynuSee V'eilohei avoteinu
Verastich liSee V'eirastich li
veshamru bnei YisraelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
veshamru bnei YisroelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
Veyaakov halach ledarkoSee V'ya'akov halach l'darko
vishamru b'nei YisraelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
vishamru b'nei YisroelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
Vishamru bnei YisraelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
Vishamru bnei YisroelSee V'shamru bnei Yisrael
Vizachreinu letovahSee V'zachreinu l'tova
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Y'hi ratsonSee Yehi ratzon
Y'hi ratzonSee Yehi ratzon
y'varechechaSee Yivarechicha
y'varechechahSee Yivarechicha
ya'ale v'yavoSee Ya'aleh v'yavo
Ya'aleh v'yavo (yah-ah-leh vih-yah-voh ) — lit., May (our remembrance) go up and come; addition to prayers on Jewish festivals
yaaleh viyavoSee Ya'aleh v'yavo
Yehi ratsonSee Yehi ratzon
Yehi ratzon (yih-hee rah-tzohn ) — lit., May it be Your will; petitions-meditations after concluding various prayers
Yih-hee rah-tzohn mee-lih-fah-neh-chah
Ah-doh-nai Eh-loh-hai Vay-loh-hay ah-voh-tai
Sheh-teesh-lahch mih-hay-rah rih-foo-ah shih-lay-mah
Meen hah-shah-mah-yeem
Rih-foo-aht hah-neh-fehsh oo-rih-foo-aht hah-goof
Lah-choh-leh (for a male patient; Lah-choh-lah for a female patient)
_______(patient’s name, preferably in Hebrew; no family name)
behn (for a male patient; baht for a female patient)
 ______(mother’s name, preferably in Hebrew)
b’h-tohch shih-ahr choh-lay Yees-rah-ehl
May it be Your Will
Lord My God and the God of my fathers
That you send quickly
From the heavens
Healing of the spirit and healing of the body
To the sick person
_______(patient’s name, preferably in Hebrew; no family name)
Son (or daughter) of
______(mother’s name, preferably in Hebrew)
Among the rest of the sick of Israel.
YevarechechaSee Yivarechicha
YevarechechahSee Yivarechicha
yevarechichaSee Yivarechicha
yevarechichaSee Yivarechicha
Yih'ye beyom Shabbat kodesh u'l'macharato beyom rishonSee Yihiyeh b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishon
Yih'yeh beyom Shabbat kodesh u'l'macharato beyom rishonSee Yihiyeh b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishon
Yih'yuSee Yihiyu l'ratzon
Yihiye b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishonSee Yihiyeh b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishon
Yihiyeh b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishon (yih-hih-yeh bih-yohm shah-baht koh-dehsh oo-lih-mahch-rah-toh bih-yhom rih-shohn ) — lit., Will be on the holy Shabbat day and on the next day on Sunday; phrase added when blessing a new month with a double Rosh Chodesh on Saturday and Sunday days
Yihiyu l'ratsonSee Yihiyu l'ratzon
yihiyu l'ratsonSee Yihiyu l'ratzon
Yihiyu l'ratzon (yih-hih-yoo lih-rah-tzon ) — lit., May they be Your will; petitions-meditations after the final blessing of the amida prayer
yihiyu l'ratzonSee Yihiyu l'ratzon
Yimloch ( yeem-loch ) — lit., May He be king; verse at end of kedusha of the amida
Yishtabach ( yeesh-tah-bahch ) —   lit., May He be praised; prayer among those preceding the morning sh’ma
Yisrael avinu mei'olam v'ad olam (yees-rah-ehl ah-vee-noo may-oh-lahm vih-ahd oh-lahm ) — lit., Israel our father forever and ever; phrase said when you have already said the third syllable of the fourth word in a vain blessing
Yisrael avinu mei'olam ve'ad olamSee Yisrael avinu mei'olam v'ad olam
Yisroel avinu mei'olam v'ad olamSee Yisrael avinu mei'olam v'ad olam
Yisroel avinu mei'olam ve'ad olamSee Yisrael avinu mei'olam v'ad olam
yivarech'chaSee Yivarechicha
yivarech'chahSee Yivarechicha
yivarechechaSee Yivarechicha
yivarechechaSee Yivarechicha
yivarechechahSee Yivarechicha
yivarechechahSee Yivarechicha
Yivarechicha (yih-vah-reh-chih-chah ) — lit., May He bless you; first word in Priestly Blessing
YivarechichahSee Yivarechicha
Yizkor (yeez-kohr ) — lit., He will remember; prayers for the deceased, said at funerals and on Jewish festivals
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z'mirosSee Zmirot
z'mirotSee Zmirot
ZachraynuSee Zachreinu
Zachreinu (zahch-ray-noo ) — lit., And remember us; line in Avinu Malkeinu prayer
zemirosSee Zmirot
zemirotSee Zmirot
Zmiros (Ashkenazit)See Zmirot
Zmirot (zmee-roht ) — lit., Songs; Shabbat songs referencing God and Shabbat
Zocheir ha'brit v'ne'eman bi'vrito, v'kayam b'ma'amaro (zoh-chayr hah-breet vih-neh-eh-mahn beev-ree-toh vih-kah-yahm bih-mah-ah-mah-roh ) — lit., Who remembers the covenant and is faithful to his covenant and establishes His word; blessing on seeing a rainbow
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