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Tzitzit: For What To Check
In checking tzitzit, determine:
There is no problem if tzitzit are tangled. However, to untangle them:
If any tzitziyot are so frizzy that the individual tzitziyot cannot be distinguished, they are invalid (pasul).
Note To prevent frizziness during laundering, wrap the tzitziyot tightly in a rubber band before drying them in a dryer, or hang them to dry.
In checking tzitzit, determine:
- Are any loops torn?
- Are 8 strings visible on each corner?
There is no problem if tzitzit are tangled. However, to untangle them:
- Is a superior way to fulfill the mitzva, and
- Allows you to easily check them to see if there are 8 tzitziyot.
If any tzitziyot are so frizzy that the individual tzitziyot cannot be distinguished, they are invalid (pasul).
Note To prevent frizziness during laundering, wrap the tzitziyot tightly in a rubber band before drying them in a dryer, or hang them to dry.
- If the hanging end of a tzitzit string breaks below the lowest knot, the string is kosher.
- If more than one string breaks, or if one string breaks above the lowest knot, consult a rabbi since the tzitzit may not be kosher.
Introduction to Shabbat: Coloring (Tzovei'a)
Since wool and/or leather was dyed for the Tabernacle in the desert, similar actions are forbidden today on Shabbat. Any action that causes one item or substance to change its color may be forbidden, even if it is not related to dyeing wool and/or leather.
Unintentional Violation; Receive No Benefit (Psik Reisha...)
Psik reisha d'la nicha lei (halacha whose violation you don't intend and from which you receive no benefit) is not permitted.
You open the refrigerator door on Shabbat and the light comes on. This is forbidden on Shabbat and Jewish festivals, even if you don't want or need the light.
However, you may ask a non-Jew to do an action for you that will be psik reisha d'la nicha lei.
You may ask a non-Jew to get your jacket from the car on Shabbat or a Jewish festival, even though a light will go on, but only during the daytime; if it is night and the light would be needed to find the jacket, you may not ask.
You open the refrigerator door on Shabbat and the light comes on. This is forbidden on Shabbat and Jewish festivals, even if you don't want or need the light.
However, you may ask a non-Jew to do an action for you that will be psik reisha d'la nicha lei.
You may ask a non-Jew to get your jacket from the car on Shabbat or a Jewish festival, even though a light will go on, but only during the daytime; if it is night and the light would be needed to find the jacket, you may not ask.
Shabbat and Electric Eyes
You may walk into the path of an electric eye if it only prevents a door from closing but not if it causes the door to open.
Jewish Festivals: Adding Water to Cut Flowers
You may add water to cut flowers in a utensil on Jewish festivals as long as there are no unopened buds that will open on the Jewish festival.
Incomplete After-Blessings (Bracha Achrona)
You must repeat the after-blessing for mezonot, wine/grape juice, or any of the Five Special Fruits if you ate items from more than one of those categories, said the after-blessing for just one of them, and forgot the other.
Situation You ate mezonot and some figs, said al ha'michya, and forgot to add the words for al ha'eitz.
What To Do You must say the after-blessing al ha'eitz.
What To Do You must say the after-blessing al ha'eitz.
Kissing Tzitziyot in Shema
Kiss all four tzitziyot in a talit gadol when saying the shema. Just kiss the front two tzitziyot if you only wear a talit katan. Doing either one is a non-binding custom, not a halacha.
Tefilin: Replacing: Tefilin You Had To Take Off or That Fell Off
If you take off your tefilin because you have to, such as to go to the bathroom, or if one or both of the tefilin fall or slide off your arm or head, say:
- Both blessings again when you replace the head tefila (tefila shel rosh) on your head.
- Only the first blessing when replacing the arm tefila (tefila shel yad) on your arm.
- Each blessing in its correct place if you took off both.
Reason We say the blessing again for tefilin that fell off because there was discontinuity in thought (hesech da'at) when they fell off.
Note If you took the tefilin off between bar'chu and the end of amida and replaced them without saying the blessings:
Note If you took the tefilin off between bar'chu and the end of amida and replaced them without saying the blessings:
- Wait until after you have finished the amida, and then
- Move each of the tefilin slightly, first the arm tefila and then the head tefila, and
- Say the appropriate blessings.
Blessings: Earthquakes: Cycle of Earthquakes
Say she'kocho u'gvurato malei olam or oseh ma'aseh v'reishit (either is correct) once per earthquake. Don't say the blessing on aftershocks.
Note One cycle of quakes and aftershocks is still considered just one earthquake, even if it lasts more than one day.
Car as Eruv Border
You may use a car as a part of an eruv, as long as:
- The bottom of the car is within 10.5 inches of the ground, and
- One side of the car is in line with other parts of the eruv, such as with an actual wall, lechi + mashkof, or steep slope.
If Not Enough Wine
If there is not enough wine or grape juice for Shabbat (or Jewish festival kiddush) and havdala:
- Set aside the first cup for havdala; then, if there is one more cup,
- Use it for the morning kiddush.
- See How To Do Shabbat Daytime Kiddush and How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush .
Forgetting Amida Additions for Ten Days of Repentance
If you forget a change or addition to the amida during the 10 Days of Repentance (between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur), the only one for which you must return or repeat the amida is ha'melech ha'kadosh (third blessing).
Shabbat: Bringing Mail inside House
Do not bring mail inside the house on Shabbat, unless it was delivered:
- From within techum Shabbat, AND
- Within an eruv, AND
- By a non-Jew, AND
- Already open.
Yom Kippur: Ending: Havdala
After Yom Kippur, say the full havdala.
Note You must light a candle from a flame that was burning since before Yom Kippur began. If you do not have one, skip the blessing on the flame.
If Shabbat coincides with Yom Kippur, you should light the candle from a flame that was burning from before Shabbat began. If you do not have one, you may light a new flame after Shabbat and Yom Kippur are over. Don't say the blessing on spices.
Matza Brei Blessing
The blessing on matza brei is mezonot, as long as the pieces of matza are smaller than 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) each. If even one of the pieces is larger than 1.3 fl. oz., wash your hands and say ha'motzi before eating it.