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Borei Pri HaGafen: Mixed Drinks: Wine/Grape Juice Mixed with Water
Say borei pri ha'gafen on drinks of wine or grape juice mixed with water if at least 1/7th of the total volume is wine (or grape juice) but the mixture but also still be considered to be wine or grape juice.
Fore-Blessing: Raw or Cooked Grains: Granola Bars
On granola bars, say borei minei mezonot (after-blessing, al ha'michya).
Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Making New Kiddush after Drinking Kiddush Wine
To say borei pri ha'gafen as a new kiddush on the same wine, you must add at least one drop of new wine to the cup, if you have drunk any of the wine directly from that cup.
Kaddish for Relatives Other than Parents
If you wish, you may say mourner's kaddish for family members other than parents, especially during shloshim (the first 30 days after burial), since the first 30 days after death are the most difficult for the dead person's soul. 
However, you may say kaddish for anyone even after shloshim ends, if you wish, until the end of 11 months (for a shomer-mitzvot person) or 12 months (for a non-shomer mitzvot person. But in a place where only one person says kaddish, you may not supplant another person who is halachically required to say kaddish.
VaYehi Noam, L'Shem Yichud, Yehi Ratzon
You do not need to say Va'yehi noamL'Shem yichud, or Yehi ratzon before doing commandments.
Shalom Doormat
You should not own nor step on a doormat that says “Shalom.”
Reason This is one of God's names.
Women: Torah or Tehillim
 If a woman can either study Torah or say Tehilim (Psalms; recited as prayers), the priority is for her to study any halachot that she needs to observe before saying Tehilim or other prayers.
Note However, for the purposes of prayer, saying Tehilim is more important than “saying” (or reading) other parts of Tanach.
Saying Ga'al Yisrael with Leader or Amen
The prayer leader should say out loud the blessing preceding the amida (ga'al yisrael for shacharit; ha'melech bi'chvodo for ma'ariv). If you:
  • Are up to where he is in the prayers, say the last blessing with him (and don't say amen but do say amen in ma'ariv).
  • Pray slowly and will not be able to join the minyan for saying the amida, you should start earlier than the minyan and catch up at ga'al yisrael.
Shacharit: Earliest Time for Blessings over Tefilin and Tzitzit
Earliest time to say blessings over tefilin and tzitzit/talit is mi'sheyakir (in New York, 36-40 minutes before sunrise).
Attire for Amida
The minimum attire required for men and women to say the amida is to be dressed appropriately to meet an important and respectable person.
On a fast day, if you are not fasting:
Do not say aneinu.
Do say Sim shalom.
Fore-Blessing: Raw or Cooked Grains: Porridge/Oatmeal
If oatmeal is porridge, say borei minei mezonot (after-blessing, al ha'michya).
Fore-Blessing: Cooked Dough/Pasta
Bread must be baked in order to say ha'motzi on it ; dough that was cooked by any method other than baking (such as pasta) gets the fore-blessing of borei minei mezonot
Note Even if you eat enough to constitute a meal, you still say al ha'michya afterward.
Fore-Blessing: Which Grains: Non-Five Grains: In Whole or In Part
Say the fore-blessing borei pri ha'adama (not borei minei mezonot) on cooked or baked foods:
  • If the Five Grains make up less than 20\% of the food's flour volume, OR
  • If made of non-Five Grains, such as corn, millet, or quinoa.
Note Rice is an exception; see next entry.
Jewish Festivals: Borei Pri HaGafen after Not Drinking Kiddush Wine
You must say borei pri ha'gafen if you want to drink wine (or grape juice) after you heard kiddush and then:
  • Spoke without drinking any amount of kiddush beverage, and/or  
  • Spoke before the kiddush leader drank at least 2 fl. oz. (59 ml) of wine (or grape juice) from his cup, and/or
  • Heard someone make kiddush over a she'hakol, even if you drank from that cup.