Search results for: ""truma""

Tum'a and Hot Water
You may wash your hands with hot water for any ritual purpose except for mayim achronim.
Tum'a and Pouring Backhanded
To wash hands from tum'a, there is no problem with pouring water backhanded.
Tum'a and Which Hand To Wash First
To remove tum'a from hands, it is preferable to wash the right hand first.
Note If you washed the left first, it is OK and you do not need to rewash the left hand.
Tum'a and Drying Hands before Handwashing
To wash hands from tum'a or all other purposes, you do not need to dry your hands first--except before washing for bread, and then ONLY if the person who washed hands before you:
  • Did not use a revi'it of water (per hand) to wash his/her hands, AND
  • Only poured once on each hand.
In sum, you almost never need to dry your hands before washing them!

However, if the person before you had tum'a on his or her hands and poured only once, the tum'a will be transferred from his/her hands to the cup. 
Tum'a and Dirt, Ashes, Sand
“Washing” hands with dirt, ashes, or sand does not remove tum'a.
Tum'a and Moist Towelette
A moist towelette (baby wipe, alcohol wipes, etc.) does not remove tum'a.
Tum'a and Snow
Snow removes tum'a but requires 480 se'ah of snow. This is easily achieved by plunging your hands into a field or yard full of snow!
Tum'a: Water Uncovered Overnight
There is no problem with leaving water uncovered overnight.
Tum'a: Transferring Tum'a to Another Person
After sleeping, a person cannot transfer tum'a from his or her hands to someone who has already washed—whether hands are wet or dry.
Tum'a: Touching Body Parts after Saying HaMotzi
You must wash your hands again (but without a blessing) using the One-Time Method if you touch a normally covered area of your body or scratch your head where you have hair after you have said ha'motzi; but don't say ha'motzi again.
Tum'a: Scratching your Head
You must wash your hands (the One-Time Method) if you scratch your head on a place where you have hair. You do not need to wash your hands if you:
  • Touch your hair
  • Scratch a bald spot.
  • Rub your head instead of scratching it.
Reason Scratching your head (where there is hair) causes tum'a because of any impurities that may be there.
Note Even if you have just shampooed your hair, you must still wash your hands.
Tum'a: Touching with Finger
If you touch something that has transferable spiritual impurity (tum'a) even with just one finger, that entire hand becomes impure.  In some cases, such as if you touch a dead body, your entire body will become impure (tamei).
Tum'a: Toilet
After using the toilet, you only need to wash hands if you touched the normally covered parts of your body or if your hands touched feces or urine. However, the custom is to wash hands anyway.
Tum'a: Food Under Bed When Sleeping
Do not keep food under your bed when you sleep; but if you did, you may eat or use the food
Note Wash the food three times, if possible, pouring with a cup as you would wash your own hands.
Tum'a: Walking before Handwashing
You should not walk 4 amot (6'10”, or 2.1 m) before washing hands after sleeping more than 30 minutes etc., but the entire house may be considered 4 amot (in the sense of being your “domain” or personal space).