Search results for: ""Shabbat""
Brit Mila: Delays: Caesarean Birth
Do not delay a Shabbat brit mila until Sunday in order to prevent Jews who do not keep Shabbat from driving or otherwise desecrating Shabbat to attend the brit.
How Long between Sunset and Dark
Some communities end Shabbat 42 minutes after sunset, which is when some rabbis in New York observed that it gets dark. At other latitudes, the interval may vary considerably, from shorter toward the equator or much longer toward the poles.
Note In New York, dark is at 45 minutes after sunset in the winter and 50 minutes in the summer, according to Rav Moshe Feinstein. Some people wait 72 minutes after sunset before doing any melacha.
Adding a Candle
If you missed lighting candles one Shabbat, the custom is to light an additional candle with your normal candles every subsequent Shabbat during your lifetime.
Note If you eat at someone else's home for Shabbat and they light candles for you, you do not (even as a custom) then add a candle to those your normally light on subsequent Shabbats.
Order of Prayers with Hallel
To say hallel on Shabbat and Jewish festivals:
- You do not need to say full hallel immediately after shacharit.
- You may say musaf and/or hallel after mincha.
- Once it is time for mincha, you must say mincha before saying musaf or hallel (if you have not said musaf or hallel yet).
Jewish Festivals: Opening Refrigerator Door with LEDs
As on Shabbat, do not open a refrigerator door that has LEDs that illuminate when the door is opened on Jewish festivals.
Jewish Festivals: Ending: Before Havdala: Ata Chonantanu
As on Shabbat, if you forgot to say ata chonantanu after Jewish festivals, you do not need to repeat the amida. But, if you then ate food before saying havdala, you must repeat the amida including ata chonantanu.
Shomer for Several Days
When a person dies on Shabbat or a Jewish festival, a watcher (shomer) should still be present until burial, even if there will be a delay of several days.
Jewish Festivals: Stretching
You may stretch on Jewish festivals (and Shabbat) to make yourself more comfortable but not if it appears that you are doing it as exercise for health.
Women: Making Kiddush
HaMotzi: Bagels
You may use two bagels for the two Shabbat loaves (lechem mishneh) even though they are already sliced most of the way through.
Chanuka: Candles: Lighting on Friday
On Friday of Chanuka, light Shabbat candles after Chanuka candles; at least one Chanuka candle must burn until at least 30 minutes after dark.
If a man forgets to light the Chanuka candles, he may still light them until sunset or until he says Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat, whichever comes earlier.
But women start Shabbat when they light the Shabbat candles and so they may not light Chanuka candles after lighting Shabbat candles.
If a man forgets to light the Chanuka candles, he may still light them until sunset or until he says Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat, whichever comes earlier.
But women start Shabbat when they light the Shabbat candles and so they may not light Chanuka candles after lighting Shabbat candles.
Jewish Festivals: Candles: How Long Candles Must Burn
As on Shabbat, Jewish festivals candles must burn at least until you have eaten the bread of ha'motzi.
Jewish Festivals: Candles: How Many Required To Light
As on Shabbat, wives should light two candles for Jewish festivals, even though we say the blessing over “ner” (“candle” in the singular). Lighting any more than two candles is a universal custom.
Jewish Festivals: Candles: Lighting with Delay until Sunset
As on Shabbat, you may say “I am lighting Jewish festival candles but not starting the Jewish festival until sunset” to delay observing the Jewish festival until sunset, but this in only b'diavad.
Note As for Shabbat, women should not routinely start Jewish festivals at sunset since the proper time for women to begin Jewish festivals is at candle lighting (typically 18 minutes before sunset).
Charity Daily on Weekdays
You should give charity daily (except Shabbat and Jewish festivals) at the time of prayer.