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Talit Gadol: Putting on in Morning
To put on a talit in the morning:
  • Say the blessing lehit'ateiph ba'tzitzit.
  • Put the garment over your head and down to your nose.
  • Gather the two tzitziyot from the right side and the front one from the left side and swing them over your left shoulder (you do not need to bunch up the talit before doing so).
  • Wait for at least 2 ½ seconds and say the appropriate verses (see a siddur for the text).
Introduction to Avinu Malkeinu to Psalms
It was not traditional for women or girls to say any of shacharit after the amida, other than saying alenu.
When To Eat Se'uda Shlishit with Bread
The ideal is to wash hands and say ha'motzi for se'uda shlishit before sunset. However, you may still say ha'motzi for se'uda shlishit until 2 minutes before dark (tzeit ha'kochavim) if you have not yet eaten your se'uda shlishit. Once you have begun your meal before sunset, you may continue until long after dark.

Women and Minimum Prayer before Saying Shabbat Kiddush
The minimum prayer that a woman should say on Shabbat (or Jewish festival) morning before saying kiddush and eating some food is birchot ha'shachar.
How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush
To fulfill the two requirements for Shabbat evening kiddush:
  1. Say, or hear, the Shabbat evening kiddush blessings/segments:
    • Borei pri ha'gafen (on wine or grape juice only), OR
      Ha'motzi (on two challot if you have no wine or grape juice, as chamar medina is not permitted for Shabbat evening kiddush. See Challot for Evening Kiddush) AND
    • Mekadeish HaShabbat.
  2. Establish a halachic “meal” (kovei'a se'uda) by either:
    • Drinking 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine (or grape juice) within 30 seconds, OR
    • Eating at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread or mezonot of any type (within 4 minutes) shortly after saying or hearing kiddush.
Note For evening kiddush, the custom is to go straight to the meal without delay (with no mezonot or snacking first). B'di'avad if you snacked, it is still OK.
Saying Hallel with a Minyan
When saying half- and full Hallel:
  • It is preferable to say half-hallel with a minyan.
  • You do not need to say full hallel with a minyan.
Yehi Ratzon of Refa'einu for a Sick Person
To pray for a sick person, say the yehi ratzon inserted into the refa'einu (8th) paragraph of the amida on weekdays (but not on Shabbat or Jewish festivals) either:
Bringing Children to Synagogue
Do not bring children to minyan until they are able to say the prayers and to keep quiet.
HaMapil on Passover
On the first two nights of Passover, before going to sleep, just say shema and the ha'mapil blessing.
Reason The first night (two nights outside of Eretz Yisrael) is considered to have special Divine protection, so we omit the extra paragraphs in the final parts of the prayer.
Halacha and Custom in Counting Omer
The only halacha of “counting the omer” is to say the blessing and then count the omer.  Anything else is custom. 
Fore-Blessing: Bread Sticks
Bread sticks are intended to be eaten as a snack, so say borei minei mezonot and not ha'motzi (after-blessing, al ha'michya).
Women and Minimum Prayer before Jewish Festival Kiddush
The minimum prayer that a woman should say on Jewish festival (or Shabbat) morning before saying kiddush and eating some food is birchot ha'shachar.
SheHecheyanu for Two or More Fruits
If you eat two new fruits at same sitting, say she'hecheyanu only once.
After-Blessings (Bracha Achrona): Satiation Status
After eating or drinking the required amounts, you may say bracha achrona (including birkat ha'mazon) as long as:
  • You are still satiated after having been hungry and eaten, OR
  • You were not satiated after eating and it is less than 72 minutes since you finished eating.
Reason We say the effects of food last for at least 72 minutes and that 72-minute period overrides becoming hungry again even after having been satiated.
Late Shema: L'Olam Yehei Adam by Third Hour
You will not have time to say the morning shema by the end of the third hour of the day, but you will say l'olam yehei adam by then.

What To Do
Instead of saying the first line of shema, say:
•          El melech ne'eman.
•          Entire shema. Then
•          Paragraph that ends in mekadeish et shimcha b'rabim.