Search results for: ""Shabbat""

Forgetting Ata Chonantanu
If you forgot to say ata chonantanu after Shabbat (or Jewish festivals), you do not need to repeat the amida. But, if you then ate food before saying havdala, you must repeat the amida including ata chonantanu.
Amida with Minyan but with less than Nine Men Answering
On Shabbat, even if there will not be at least nine men answering amen to the reader's repetition of the amida, the reader should say the repetition anyway, without intending that his repetition be counted as a nedava (which can only be offered on weekdays). If less than six men will be answering, the leader must wait before doing the repetition.
Jewish Festivals: When Women Start: Candle-Lighting or Sunset
As for Shabbat, Jewish festivals start for women when they light candles or at sunset, whichever is earlier. 
For more details, see Jewish Festivals: Candles: Lighting with Delay until Sunset.
Wearing Collar Stays with No Eruv
You may wear collar stays on Shabbat even where there is no eruv.
Donation after Aliya
If you receive an aliya to the Torah on Shabbat and Jewish festival mornings, it is customary give a donation to the synagogue, but you are not required to do so by halacha (and you may not give the donation ON Shabbat!).
Note A synagogue may request a donation on Shabbat or Jewish festivals from someone who has received an aliya on Shabbat and may give that person a card to mail in after Shabbat has ended.
Note There is no expectation of giving a donation for aliyot on weekdays or at mincha on Shabbat.
Inviting Friends for Meals
Inviting friends to your house for meals, even on Shabbat and Jewish festivals, is not hachnasat orchim--unless the friends do not have food or a place to sleep. But inviting friends for meals may qualify as other mitzvot.
Reheating in Hot, Turned-Off Oven
Dry food that has been fully cooked before Shabbat may be heated in an oven if the oven is off even if the oven is hot (120° F--49° C--or more).
Note If the oven is on, you may not heat the food.
If You Do Not Use the Eruv
If you do not normally carry on Shabbat even in an area with an eruv, you may not ask another Jew to carry something for you.  But if the other Jew does carry an item, you may use it.
Wearing Watch with No Eruv
You may not wear a non-decorative watch on Shabbat where there is no eruv or if you have the custom of not relying on eruvs. If you would wear your watch as a piece of decorative jewelry even if it did not work, you may wear it on Shabbat even without an eruv.
Why Dip Challa in Salt?
Before eating bread (at any time, not just on Shabbat or Jewish festivals), dip the bread in some salt.
Reason #1 Salt makes the bread taste better and it is more prestigious for blessing.
Reason #2 Salting the bread makes it like a sacrifice (which had salt added to it).
Note You may sprinkle salt on the bread, but kabbala recommends dipping.
If Not Enough Wine
If there is not enough wine or grape juice for Shabbat (or Jewish festival kiddush) and havdala:
  • Set aside the first cup for havdala; then, if there is one more cup,
  • Use it for the morning kiddush.
  • See How To Do Shabbat Daytime Kiddush and How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush .
At least one hot food should be eaten at the midday meal on Shabbat/Saturday.
Jewish Festivals: Permanent Knots
You may not tie permanent knots on Jewish festivals (and Shabbat).
Note A permanent knot is a knot intended to remain tied for at least 24 hours. Any strings you connect on Jewish festivals must be able to easily come undone, such as a bow.
Note Since opinions differ on what constitutes a permanent knot, we do not even tie knots that are intended to be untied, such as a double figure-eight knot.
Why Dip Challa in Salt
Before eating bread (at any time, not just on Shabbat or Jewish festivals), the bread should be dipped in some salt. This makes it taste better and makes it like a sacrifice (which had salt added to it).
Note You may sprinkle salt on the bread instead, but kabbala recommends dipping.
Jewish Festivals: Candles: Earliest Time To Light
You may not light Jewish festival (or Shabbat) candles before plag ha'mincha.  The candles must burn until at least dark (tzeit ha'kochavim) and someone must be there to see the light from the candles after dark.
SITUATION  Mincha minyan begins at plag ha'mincha. You cannot light candles at home and still get to mincha minyan on time.
WHAT TO DO You may light a candle without a blessing, just so you can have a flame for after the festival has begun. You go to synagogue and after ma'ariv you return home and light the candles from the flame which was burning from before sunset. If you will not have a flame burning from before sunset, you must say mincha on your own (anytime from half an hour after mid-day until sunset). You will light candles after plag ha'mincha but before sunset and not join the mincha minyan. Women should skip mincha and light candles either 18 minutes before sunset or have a flame burning from before sunset and light candles from that flame once the festival has begun (but she may not light from a new flame or a match).