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Pet Food If Forbidden by Torah
You may not feed your pet anything that Torah law says you may not benefit from, such as food containing meat and milk that have been cooked together.
Challot for Evening Kiddush
To use two challot for kiddush instead of wine:
  • Wash hands and say blessing al netilat yadayim.
  • Say kiddush but substitute ha'motzi for borei pri ha'gafen.
  • As soon as you finish saying kiddush, eat the bread as normal.
What Is Challa
Challa refers to the two loaves of bread (or matza) over which we say the ha'motzi blessing at Shabbat and Jewish festival meals.
The loaves must be:
  • Whole, without significant parts missing.
  • Made out of one or more of the Five Grains.
Lulav: Hallel at Home or in Synagogue
Ideally, take your lulav and etrog to synagogue and say hallel with the minyanB'di'avad, it is OK to say hallel and the blessings and wave the lulav at home.
Fore-Blessing: Which Grains: Non-Five Grains: Tortillas
For corn tortillas (most tortillas are corn tortillas), say the fore-blessing she'hakol (after-blessing: borei nefashot).
For wheat tortillas, say the fore-blessing borei minei mezonot (after-blessing: al ha'michya).
Jewish Festivals: Evening Kiddush
To fulfill the two requirements for Jewish festival evening kiddush:
  1. Make Kiddush
    Say, or hear, the three Jewish festival evening kiddush blessings/segments:
    1. Borei pri ha'gafen (if on wine or grape juice—preferred option), OR
      Ha'motzi (on two challot if you have no wine or grape juice, since no chamar medina is allowed for Jewish festival evening kiddush; see Jewish Festivals: Kiddush: Challot for Kiddush) AND
    2. Asher bachar banu mi kol am.... mekadeish Yisrael v'hazmanim, AND
    3. She'hecheyanu on all Jewish festival nights, except the last two nights of Passover.  So say she'hecheyanu on:
      • Both nights of Rosh Hashana (in or outside of Eretz Yisrael),
      • First two nights of Passover (1 night in Eretz Yisrael),
      • Both nights of Shavuot (1 night in Eretz Yisrael),
      • First two nights of Sukkot (1 night in Eretz Yisrael), and
      • Nights of Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah (same day in Eretz Yisrael).
      Note There is never any requirement on an indvidual to drink kiddush wine (except at the Passover seder), but the kiddush wine must be drunk by one or more persons.
      Note A woman who had said she'hecheyanu when she lit the Jewish festival candles does NOT say she'hecheyanu again if she makes kiddush for herself, even when making kiddush at the Passover seder.
      Note There is no need to eat a new fruit after saying she'hecheyanu on the second night of  Shavuot, Passover, or Sukkot. This is not comparable to Rosh Hashana, since the second festival night was instituted due to uncertainty of the actual date of the holiday, while Rosh Hashana is considered to be one single, long day.
  2. Establish a halachic “meal” (kovei'a se'uda).
    For how to establish a halachic meal, see Introduction to Jewish Festival “Eating a Meal” Requirements.
Note For evening kiddush, the custom is to go straight to the meal without delay (with no mezonot or snacking first).  B'di'avad if you snacked, it is still OK.
Note At night on Jewish festivals (or Shabbat), you may not say kiddush at a place where you will not eat your evening meal (even if you will hear or say kiddush again at the place where you will eat the meal).
Borei Pri Ha'Eitz or SheHecheyanu First
Steps for saying she'hecheyanu on a new fruit:
  • Say borei pri ha'eitz first, then
  • Say she'hecheyanu, then
  • (Cut and) Eat it.
Birkat HaMazon: Standing Up to Honor God
Stand up a little to honor God when you say God's name in the introduction (nevareich eloheinu) if you ate with 10 men. This is a non-binding custom, not a halacha.
SheHakol: Drinks while in Flight
If you intend to continue drinking during a flight, you may say one blessing on beverages (she'hakol) and continue drinking for the entire flight.
Blessings: For Someone Else: Pleasure/Birchot Nehenin and Praise-Thanks/Shevach V'Hoda'a
You may say these blessings for someone else only if you also need to say the blessing for yourself:
  • Blessings for Enjoyment (“birchot nehenin”—such as for food or drink), and
  • Blessings of Praise and Thanks (shevach v'hoda'a--such as on rainbows or seeing large mountains)
Cemetery Blessings

Once inside a cemetery, after not having been in one for at least 30 days, say:


Baruch ata adonai eloheinu melech ha'olam

asher yatzar etchem ba'din, v'zan v'chilkeil etchem ba'din,

v'heimit etchem ba'din, v'yodei'a mispar kulchem ba'din,

v'hu atid l'hachazir u'lhachayot etchem ba'din.

Baruch ata adonai mechayeh ha'meitim.


Then say Ata gibor l'olam adonai (the 2nd paragraph of the amida) to the end of the paragraph. Omit the blessing at the end as well as mashiv ha'ruach and morid ha'tal.

Women: Ya'aleh V'Yavo
If a girl age 12 or up or a woman forgets to say ya'aleh v'yavo for the Jewish festival or Rosh Chodesh amida, she must repeat the prayer.  She does not repeat ya'aleh v'yavo in any birkat ha'mazon except the two seder nights.
Shir HaMa'alot as Torah
Saying shir ha'ma'alot before birkat ha'mazon fulfills the custom to say Torah at the meal.
Jewish Man or Woman Making Kiddush
As on Jewish festivals, any adult Jew, male or female, may say kiddush for him/herself and also include any other Jews of any age or gender.
Reason Any person who may fulfill the mitzva of kiddush may say it for another person.
Note Women are obligated to say (or have said for them) Shabbat morning kiddush.
Announcing Two-Day Rosh Chodesh Starting Shabbat
If Rosh Chodesh will be two days starting next Shabbat, say “Yihiyeh b'yom Shabbat kodesh ul'macharato b'yom rishon.”