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Bracha Rishon: Olives
There is no separate blessing on eating olives with a meal. If you eat olives by themselves (without other food), say borei pri ha'eitz.
HaMotzi: Forgot To Wash
Situation You said ha'motzi without having washed your hands first.
What To Do Up until the time you say birkat ha'mazon, you must interrupt your meal and wash your hands. 
Note Say al netilat yadayim ONLY if you will still eat at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread afterward; if you will eat less than 1.9 fl. oz., wash without a blessing.
Retracting a Blessing after Third or Fourth Word
If you start an incorrect blessing:
  • If you have said the third word (God's name), say
    lamdeini chukecha.
  • If you have already said the third syllable of the fourth word (elohei…), say
    Yisrael avinu mei'olam v'ad olam.
  • If you said more than the third syllable of the fourth word, say
    Baruch shem kevod malchuto l'olam va'ed.
Tzitzit: At Which Age To Wear
Boys begin to wear tzitzit as follows:
     Custom: When the boy is toilet trained and knows how to say the blessing.
     Halacha: When the boy knows that two tzitzit go in front and two in back.
Beginning Shabbat Early When Friday Is Rosh Chodesh
Situation You begin Shabbat early when Rosh Chodesh falls on Friday.
What To Do Do not say ya'aleh v'yavo in ma'ariv (along with the normal Shabbat prayers).
Birkat HaMazon: Women's Mezuman and Minyan
Women (even if 10 or more) do not make a minyan, only a mezumanSo do not say the birkat ha'mazon's minyan introduction but simply say the mezuman introduction if:
  • 10 or more women ate together, without men present;
  • At least two women washed, said ha'motzi, and ate bread; AND
  • At least one more woman ate some type of food.
Note Women are never required to make a mezuman. So when three women are eating together and no men are present, they may say birkat ha'mazon as a mezuman but they are not required to do so.
Burial: Kaddish: Having Minyan
It is important, but not critical, to have a minyan at the gravesite so the mourner will be able to say kaddish.
Birkat HaMazon: Until When To Join Mezuman
You may join a mezuman by eating any food (except water and salt) up until the leader says “rabotai nevareich.” 
Shacharit: Shema: El Melech Ne'eman


You are not with a minyan. You begin saying the shema and you realize you had forgotten to say El melech ne'eman before beginning the shema.

What To Do

Finish the shema; do not go back to say El melech ne'eman (and your saying the shema is still valid).

Sheva Brachot: When to Bless
At any meal with bread that was made to honor the bride and groom during the first week of marriage, say the introductory lines each time (dvei haser...; the leader says the leader's lines and everyone else says their lines), even if you have two or more such meals in one day.
Tum'a and Where To Wash
You may wash your hands inside a bathroom for any purpose, even before eating bread.
Note You may not say any blessings while inside the bathroom.
Uncovered Wine Bottles/Cups
You do not need to close the wine bottle or cover the other wine cups while the first of several people says kiddush, whether on Shabbat or Jewish festivals.
Varieties of Fruit for SheHecheyanu
If one type of fruit has many varieties--such as navel oranges, Valencia oranges, kumquats, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits-- say she'hecheyanu on each type if the:
  • Trees have different leaves, OR
  • Taste differs from one another (taste must be noticeable to an average person). 
Note Since many fruits are often available year round, it may not be possible to ever say she'hecheyanu on those fruits.
What To Wear for Shema in Shacharit
Men should wear a talit katan (for married men, also wear a talit gadol) and tefilin in order to say shema in shacharit. However, if none are available, say the shema without them.
Who Must Hear or Make Havdala
Men and boys older than 13 years old and women and girls older than 12 years must each hear or say havdala for themselves.