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When To Say Havdala
B'di'avad, havdala after Shabbat may be said day or night until Tuesday at sunset.
Note From Sunday at daybreak on, use only the wine, not the candle or spices, and don't say the first paragraph (hinei El yeshu'ati...).
When To Say HaMapil
Ha'mapil may only be said at night, even if you normally stay awake all night (such as if you work a night shift).
Note The latest time you may say the ha'mapil prayer is daybreak (alot ha'shachar).
When To Say Alenu
There is no time limit on when alenu may be said. Alenu should be said after each prayer service.
Who Should Say Alenu
Any Jew who happens to be in a synagogue should say alenu with the minyan, even if he is not joining the minyan for that prayer service.
When To Say Avinu Malkeinu
Say avinu malkeinu, even if you are praying by yourself, after amida of shacharit and mincha on:
  • Public fast days, and
  • Between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
When To Say Mincha To Allow Early Ma'ariv
To be permitted to say ma'ariv early, before sunset, say mincha no later than 1 ¼ halachic hours before sunset.
When To Say Ma'ariv
Ma'ariv may be said from sunset (or even from plag ha'mincha if mincha was said early enough).
Note If you say ma'ariv before dark, you must repeat the three paragraphs of the shema once it is actually halachic night.
Reason Shema must be said after dark.
When To Say Morning Amida
Say the morning amida by the first third of the day (by the 4th hour), but you may still say it until halachic midday, b'di'avad, except if you delay intentionally.
You are running out of time to say the morning amida. You have said the shema without saying yishtabach or anything following yishtabach (except for the shema).

What To Do

Just say the amida.


You wake up too late to say the amida before halachic noon:
What To Do
  • Wait until a half-hour after halachic noon and then say mincha, and then
  • Repeat the mincha amida as tashlumin.
Note Men who intentionally delayed saying shacharit past the fourth halachic hour of the day may not say that amida at all and may not say the mincha amida as tashlumin.
See Minyan: Keeping Pace: Shacharit Minyan.
When To Say Shema Blessings
Neither men nor women may say the blessings that precede and follow the shema after the fourth halachic hour of the day. In extreme circumstances (if compelled or forced), men (but not women) may still say the shema blessings until halachic midday.
When To Say Baruch She'Amar
After the fourth halachic hour, unless in extreme circumstances, neither men nor women may say any of the prayers from baruch she'amar through the line before the amida.
When To Say Mekadeish et Shimcha BaRabim
You may only include God's name in Baruch ata Adonai, mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim if:
  • You have not yet said the full morning shema, and
  • It is still before the third halachic hour of the day.
Note If you already said the morning shema, whether on time or not, you may still return to fill in the morning blessings.  When you get to l'olam yihei adam, don't include God's name in the concluding blessingRather, say, “Baruch ata, mekadeish et shimcha ba'rabim.”

Where To Say Blessings of Daybreak (Birchot HaShachar)
You may say birchot ha'shachar at home, in the synagogue, or along the way. 
Note You should say birchot ha'shachar for yourself and not have the prayer leader fulfill your requirement.
When To Say Blessings of Daybreak (Birchot HaShachar)
Both men and women may say birchot ha'shachar all day, until sunset (beginning from alot ha'shachar—72 minutes before sunrise).
When To Say Borei Pri HaGafen
Say borei pri ha'gafen on wine or grape juice, whether at a meal with bread or not.
When You Must Say the Kiddush Blessing after Hearing Kiddush
You must say the blessing on wine if you:
  • Heard kiddush, then
  • Spoke, and
  • Now want to drink some wine, even from the cup over which kiddush was made.
Note If you heard someone make kiddush over a she'hakol beverage and you drank from that cup, you must say borei pri ha'gafen before drinking wine or grape juice later in the meal.