Food of one gender spatters onto the outside of a pareve utensil.
Either the food and/or the utensil are hot.
Note If the pot is not hot, a small spatter will not be hot. If the spatter is large (more than one drop), the spatter may be hot. Ask a rabbi what to do. Status The utensil assumes the spatter's gender UNLESS the spatter was less than 1/60th of the volume of the metal in the pareve utensil (not 1/60th of the volume the container usually holds). Consult a rabbi.
Shiv'a in Several Locations
There may be more than one shiv'ahouse for one dead person. There is no requirement for people to all join for one shiv'a house, especially if the mourners live in different cities.
An adult male is wrapped in a talit but one of the tzitziyot is made invalid/pasul.
HaMotzi on Bread Made of the Five Grains
Wash the One-Time Method and say ha'motzi on bread made of the Five Grains (wheat, rye, oats, barley, or spelt), even if you will not eat at least 1.3 fl. oz. (39 ml, or 1/6 cup) within four minutes.
Note Say the blessing al netilat yadayim on washing hands ONLY if you will eat at least 1.9. fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread within four minutes. Note If you eat less than 1.3 fl. oz. of bread of the Five Grains, do not say birkat ha'mazon or any other after-blessing.
Introduction to Yashan
Only yashan grain should be used. Yashan means one of the Five Grains that was planted at least three days before Passover and has now passed the first day of chol ha'moed of Passover. Grain planted after one Passover that has not passed the first day of chol ha'moed of the following Passover is known as “chadash.”
Cemetery Blessings
Once inside a cemetery, after not having been in one for at least 30 days, say:
Then say Ata gibor l'olam adonai (the 2nd paragraph of the amida) to the end of the paragraph. Omit the blessing at the end as well as mashiv ha'ruach and morid ha'tal.
After-Blessings (Bracha Achrona): Changing Location: Food within View
SituationYou eat one item outdoors, then eat food from another category inside your car, which is within view of where you ate the first food.
What To DoYou may say the after-blessings for both foods while in your car (or both outside of your car), even if it is a food that normally would require you to return to the place at which you ate it.
Saying the Blessings
The next set of blessings is said by one or more people. The couple must intend to fulfill their requirements by hearing the blessing on the wine. The groom and bride drink some of the wine.
Tum'a: Scratching your Head
You must wash your hands (the One-Time Method) if you scratch your head on a place where you have hair. You do not need to wash your hands if you:
Touch your hair
Scratch a bald spot.
Rub your head instead of scratching it.
Reason Scratching your head (where there is hair) causes tum'a because of any impurities that may be there. Note Even if you have just shampooed your hair, you must still wash your hands.
Tum'a: Nail Clipping: Washing Afterward
Wash your hands using the One-Time Methodafter cutting (or having someone cut) your nails (or hair).
Tum'a: Hair Cutting: Washing Afterward
Wash your hands using the One-Time Method after cutting (or having someone cut) your hair (or nails).
Tum'a: Animals
Wash your hands with a cup, using the One-Time Method, after touching any animal. Reason Due to the dirt (which may carry tum'a due to feces and other impure substances) assumed to be on the animal.
Shabbat: Opening Refrigerator with Light or LED
On Shabbat, do not open a refrigerator door that has LEDs that illuminate when the door is opened. If you forgot to turn off the refrigerator light or if LEDs light up when you open the refrigerator door, consult a rabbi about what to do.
Jewish Festivals: Ending: Havdala: Who Drinks the Beverage
For men: No one should drinkthe havdalabeverage except the person saying havdala. This is a non-binding custom, not a halacha. For women: This custom does NOT apply to women. Women who say havdala for themselves may give their havdala beverage to someone else to drink.