Search results for: ""Trafe""

Trafe and Neveila
"Trafe" is generically used to mean any food that is not kosher, but it actually means an animal that was “torn” (for instance, by a predator).
Neveila is an animal that was not slaughtered in accordance with Jewish law.
Changing Your Customs (Minhag) in New Community
When moving to a community with customs different from your own, adopt the customs of your new community but ONLY:
  • If you intend to stay in that new community, and
  • If the entire community follows the same customs.
Note An Ashkenazi who moves to a Sefardi community could eat kitniyot on Passover but would have to wake up extremely early for selichot and say them for the month of Elul, so think carefully about the trade-off!