Search results for: ""Kabbalistic""

Tum'a: Burning Nail Clippings
Burning nail clippings is OK (but it has kabbalistic complications and is bad for the person from whom the nails were clipped).
Friday Night: Cut Lower Challa
On Friday night, hold the two challot together, one on top of the other, but cut the lower one (for kabbalistic reasons).
Holding Hands Up to the Light
Holding fingers toward the havdala candle flame is a non-binding custom. 
Note We hold up our hands to the light because the minimum amount of light needed to fulfill the mitzva of the candle is to be able to see the difference between the skin of one's hand and one's fingernail. Doing so also creates shadows of our fingers on the palm of our hands, illustrating the bein or l'choshech (between light and darkness) segment of the havdala prayer.  There are also kabbalistic reasons.
Belt/gartel with Robes
You only need to wear a belt/gartel (for saying blessings, prayer services and for studying holy texts) if:
  • You are wearing an open and loose garment such as a robe (or other toga-like garments) and
  • You are not wearing any undergarments.
Note The belt separates upper from lower parts of your body and this requirement is not normally relevant for Western attire. If it is your family tradition, you should follow that. There may also a kabalistic reason to wear one.